Any summer 2016 babies?

Eva - I've not seen the baby move from outside since, think she has turned around and keeps kicking inwards now, at least my bladder and cervix have been having it the last few days!! :)
I don't have a doppler but the midwifes have had trouble finding the heartbeat whenever I have had an appoinment. At 16 weeks the midwife couldn't find it all and ended up sending me to the hospital to be checked which of course was very scary! On Monday when I was almost 21 weeks the midiwfe again took ages to find it, in the end she could only hear the baby when she put the sensor in a funny angle really low down near my right hip, the baby is curled up down there behind the placenta. So guess it's very much possible your bladder was just pushing the baby to the side or something!!
Mrs W11 - It is worrying when they give you the downs risk. With my first, I was told it was 1 in 41 which got me so freaked out. This time round, I decided I’d rather not know so didn’t have the nt testing. My lg turned out absolutely fine and I do hope its the same for you. Not long till your 20 week scan which will hopefully put your mind at ease

JJay - Great news on your scan, what a lovely picture! I’m rubbish at guessing genders from scan pics. Do you get three scans in your area? Here we usually only get them at 12 and 20 weeks although I am getting an extra one at 30 weeks, to check my placenta isn’t covering as well.

I’m too impatient to be team yellow so I admire your will power! Although last time at 20 weeks, we were told we were having a boy and out popped a girl, so I suppose I should’t get too set on a girl this time!

dimmu - Definitely with you on the bump growing! It must be tough having children and no nearby family but at least if your lg is pretty independent, it makes it a bit easier for you. I think as far as finances go there’s never a good time for a new baby really.

Eva - Wow thats a really long wait for a response! Must have been worrying to not find the hb. Thats the main reason I don’t have a doppler, it would freak me out! Glad it turned out ok though.
Miss B we usually get 2 scans here too but I was already booked for extra to determine best delivery method as I have a lot of adhesions from my previous sections. Now I have the low lying placenta too they will check that and if not moved I will definitely have to have a section - so at least the decision is made. I've been reading up on it and it seems it's less likely to move up if it's posterior- last time mine was anterior and had moved well out of the way by my next scan. Did they say where your placenta is? Did they give you any restrictions? They told me no sex (not too difficult that one at 20 weeks pregnant with a 3 and 4 year old!) and also to be careful not to strain going to the loo. They didn't mention lifting but I have been wondering about lifting DD and DS into their car seats - did they mention anything to you?

Dimmu, I am finding it really hard to stay team yellow this time but it is a lovely and exciting feeling on the day so I am trying to stick to it. My bump is growing by the day too - I will have to take another bumpie soon. I have days where I feel fine and days where I get quite a bit of ligament and back pain. It can be tender if I cough or move suddenly. I am also out of breath easily and get dizzy if I stand up too fast. I think my blood pressure might be a little low as this happened last two times. Overall I have more energy than first trimester but the odd day of exhaustion- I guess when baby is having a growth spurt. I've gained around a stone so far and feel very big. I'm finding second trimester is zooming by compared to first tri. I can't believe in a few weeks I'll be in third!!!

Eva, I have this with the Doppler too! It seems if I need a wee I can't find the heartbeat so I think a big bladder must get in the way somehow. I find I'm using it less and less these days though as I'm getting quite a bit more movement now. DD will be 5 at the end of May so I'm hoping she will be my little helper. I think it will make it easier going to softplay etc when the baby is that awkward 1-2 age and needs you to crawl around after them. I figure she will be 6-7 by then and able to do it for me!
Jjay - I wasn’t given any restrictions but then I’ve just been asked to come for a scan just in case. At first she thought the placenta was covering the exit slightly then she thought it was OK, but would still prefer me to be scanned to check that’s still the case.

it must be difficult to deal with toddlers if you’ve been told not to lift things!

It will be nice if your elder daughter is able to help with the running round!
Miss B - you're so right there never being a good time to have a baby financially. DD was unplanned and I'm so glad things happened that way, otherwise who knows how long we would have waited before trying to get pregnant. So in a way the big age gap is definitely a blessing as well, she's pretty independent and probably more than willing to help with the baby as well. I have had a few funny reactions when I've told people I'm pregnant, usually something like you waited a while didn't you, or thought you were only gonna have one as you've left it so long, and even one midwife I met asked me if I've been trying to get pregnant ever since having DD. Guess a 5-6 year gap isn't the standard!!

JJay - I took another bump picture but it's awful, might try again later, can't believe how much bigger I've grown in just a few weeks. I think I'll be enormous by the time I finish work! I've still not weighed myself, I'm too scared!! I also have some days I'm ok, and others when I'm in agony. The ligament pain can be bad some days, and I have a desk job and towards the end of the day I usually start getting really uncomfortable. Yesterday I got really hungry and ended up eating too much too quickly at lunch time and I got so bloated that the rest of the day was pure agony, should really know better by now. :( I plan to start doing some more walking, just waiting for the weather to get better, it's still too cold for me at the moment. I walked loads towards the end of my last pregnancy and I think it made a difference with the labour, at least the second stage was very quick.
The time does seem to be going quicker now, can't believe xmas was over two months ago and just three more months and I'll be finishing work, can't wait!!:happydance:
Hi, I have a question. Those that have had the Harmony Testing. Is it very expensive? Will insurance cover anything at all?
Thanks in advance. :)
dimmu - its amazing how fast the time goes!

Lawson - I’m in the UK so don’t know much about the Harmony test in the states. Over here its about £500 though.
Dimmu, I know how you feel re: eating too much! Feels like tummy will explode! I don't get too much RLP but have had a couple of heartburn episodes in the last week or so :-/ Hope the kicks in there aren't too painful? Do you feel any pain on your cervix? Funny that some people think a 6 yr gap is a bit strange. This way you will have a little helper which I think is great! My cousin had two kids within less than 2 years... it seems very intense! I personally really needed some "me getting back to normal" time before feeling ready to start trying for the next baby. I agree there is never the perfect time to have a kid!

Thanks for the info about difficulty with finding the heartbeat. I guess those little ones can be sneaky!

Very hard indeed to avoid lifting with toddlers around! :) Sorry for your ligament and back pain, JJay :-/ Do you find your back is worse in the mornings, or after a long day of being on your feet/sitting/standing? Hope your blood pressure doesn't drop too low! Better low than high though probably. I also use my doppler less since I'm feeling movement every day now. Sometimes nothing for several hours, seems more regular in the evenings.

Miss B it must have been a huge shock to be told you were having a boy and then it was a girl! Was the gender scan guess based on one scan only? I think I see a bit of boy-like bits on one of my scan pics that I have on disc, though the technician knew I didn't want to know so I think she was quite careful to try and include no "evidence". DH thinks it may be another body part/the cord... dunno though, I feel 95% confident it's a boy, but we're staying team yellow :)

Now that work has calmed down a bit I've been trying to be slightly more active. Not succeeding too well but trying to walk more frequently. It's actually been super hot here (over 30) and I don't like being outside! I probably shouldn't complain though! Although I guess winter will creep in soon enough.

I think they do the Harmony test now in Australia but I have no experience with it.
LLawson, I did the serenity test in the UK which is similar. It cost around £350. I've seen threads from US ladies who had the harmony done on insurance as they were over 35. I believe if it's not covered you can get it at a discounted price.

It's expensive but has given me great peace of mind.

How is everyone doing? I am much the same, I have decided to go to a pregnancy back clinic tomorrow afternoon. I'm not having too much trouble at the moment but want to try and do what I can to prevent problems later on - I know they will tell me no breaststroke (which I've been enjoying) or sitting cross legged on the settee - which is my position of choice!

I haven't done another bump piccie yet as I'm feeling fat and bleughhh! If I have an OK today I will do one.

I feel like I'm a bit gender obsessed and keep comparing my scan pics to online images! Don't know why I'm having such a hard time staying team yellow this time! I've sent my early scan pics off to the Ramzi Theory website to get their opinion - I know it's just a fun prediction but I am curious as to what they come back with...
Hello everyone, how are you all getting along?

I'm ok, getting bigger and more uncomfortable by the day but otherwise all good. It seems like I have a new complaint every day, one day my hips are aching, then my belly, then I get constipated for a few days, and I had my first ever migraine on Sunday which lasted until Monday afternoon. Spending all day sitting at my desk is getting harder and harder as well, I'm sure with my last pregnancy I was 30+ weeks before I started getting all these little things.

I still haven't got around to doing more exercise, really have to get on with it as it would probably help. Fingers crossed we'll have some warmer spring weather soon.

Is any of you having any more scans, especially if in the UK any private ones? JJay I remember you will be getting more scans anyway, lucky you. I started another thread on this as well in the 2nd trimester forum. A friend of ours had her DD at the UCLH where they offer and extra scan at 34 weeks to everyone, and they found this really serious condition called Vasa Previa and she had to have a cesarean delivery. If it hadn't been for that scan and she had gone to labour naturally her daughter wouldn't be here today, so I'm a bit freaked out. Gutted as well as UCLH was one of the hospitals I was considering but opted for a local one in the end.

LLawson I didn't have the Harmony test done so can't provide any advice on this, think it costs around £400 here if done privately.
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, I've been quietly stalking along but I'm in a really boring stage right now so not much to post about. :haha: Glad everyone is doing well! I'm headed into 2nd tri and starting to feel a bit better. I actually got some house cleaning done today, yay!

Lawson - I had the cell free DNA testing done (Harmony) and my insurance covered it due to my advanced maternal age. Check with your dr and see if they can tell you if it will be covered or call your insurance provider.
eva - It was just the one scan. It was quite a nice surprise as we were both quite keen on a girl anyway!

I never want to do much when its really hot either. I’ve started trying to go swimming a few times a week as I can go for free now.

It is reassuring when you start feeling lo on a daily basis.

JJay - It is frustrating when you can’t do the things that are usually most comfortable.

Have you had any guesses back yet?

dimmu - I am due to have another scan at 34 weeks mainly so they can check my placenta has moved. How scary fir your friend, glad it worked out ok.

I seem to be getting very bumpy now! Trying to avoid looking in the mirror too much as I am another one who is feeling huge.

Generally feeling ok at the moment though I do get pain in my bum a fair bit.

Megan - glad you are starting to feel better, great that you are finally in second trimester.
Megan, I actually got the test yesterday. They were able to draw the blood in my doctors office so it will be covered under my 15.00 copay which was a big relief! SHe did say even if I had went to a lab it should be covered because of my age as well.
Great the test seems to be mostly covered LLawson! Our so-called "advanced maternal age" does seem to have some benefits :)

How was the back clinic JJay? Any word from the Ramzi website?

You seem to be having a bit of a rough go dimmu :-/ I hope the migraines aren't a new thing! They can certainly be a big pain. What was yours like? The vasa previa story sounds very scary! It seems as though later scans are called for by the doctor when you have a history of something going wrong/odd, at least that's how it seems here. But things can always happen... so would be nice if later scans were a more routine thing. My next scan is end of April (@ 29 weeks).

Glad you are feeling better Megan!

Miss B that's cool about the free swimming!

I managed to do some real exercise today for the first time in a looong while. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting! Just tried to take it easy when my body was telling me "hey - that's enough now!"
Eva, Im 45. The age does have its advantages but lots of worries too. LOL, I did find out because of my age I would be getting lots of ultrasounds, so thats a plus! I go for my next one on the 31st. She said they could do them as often as every 2 weeks, just depending on what they felt needed to be done. She said its just something they do with the older chics cause they have to put them in the high risk category just because of age.
She also said because of my age I need at least 80 grams of Protein a day. Im finding it so hard to hit that goal. I thought I for sure had it yesterday and it was only 65. Is anyone else having to do this? Its hard finding things with low carbs and high Protein. She did suggest Chiobani Greek yogurt which I bought yesterday and will try today. (Ive never been a yogurt fan at all). It has something like 17 grams in one package.
I had the Ramzi website look at my ultrasound pics and they say its a girl. Ill find out if they are right as soon as I get my results back from the Harmony test and Ill let everyone know! :) All the guessing has been fun! I would LOVE a girl but for some reason every dream Ive had is always a boy!
Dreams can be deceiving though, too! :) I used to dream about having a baby girl with one (or both?) of my kids... and they were both boys! It's exciting to find out though! DH and I are determined to keep it a surprise. I did not want a surprise at all the last 2 times, but this time I'm all for it.

The yogurt - I like Chiobani. But I recommend NOT getting the 0% fat! They sometimes have 2% fat... I would get that at a minimum! Yogurt without fat just isn't real yogurt IMO ;-)

So do you need to watch your carb intake? I'm not keeping track of my protein (I'm 37) but I don't think I have a problem reaching it. I do eat a lot of Greek yogurt and we tend to have meat a few times a week, sometimes tofu. Are you taking pre-natals?
Eva, I cant wait to find out! I couldnt find out with my first cause she was hiding her lady bits! LOL I did try but she just didnt cooperate. That seemed like the longest pregnancy! She was overdue as well so it seemed like forever!
I tried the yogurt tonight and did not like it at all. I tried two different flavors and could only get a few bites down...any suggestions on some other high protein stuff?
She didnt tell me to watch carbs she just said to just try and read labels and get stuff high in protein but without the outrageous carbs. She even said I could drink protein shakes if I needed too. She said the older women really need the protein to keep going. She said she sees alot more older women blacking out and passing out and keeping protein in you helps with all that.
Too bad about the Chiobani! It is not the best though ;-) Can you find Danone ultimate Greek? Here it comes in many flavours. Farmer's Union or LYTTOS Greek Style natural yogurt is also good (the full fat one). You can put honey or (real) maple syrup in it to make it sweeter! :) No idea though if the same brands there would even have the same ingredients as here... I think usually they don't :-/ There's also Dairy Dream (I get that from Aldi).
I really used to like Liberte (I think 8% fat? LOL) but can't easily find it here.

If you are not a fan of yogurt that has 'chunks' of stuff in it (like fruit etc.) then stick to the honey or plain flavours.

Ok enough about yogurt :) Do you think you'll find out the sex on the 31st? How many weeks will you be then?

I have my glucose tolerance test on April 1. Slightly dreading it! :)

How is everyone else doing?
Eva, I will look for some of the others. Ive never like dairy very much so that doesnt help.
I should find out the gender in a few days. I had a Harmony test last week and Im waiting for the results. I cant wait cause I had the Ramzi theory done and it said girl. Im curious is its right.

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