Any summer 2016 babies?

Hi everyone!

Lawson - that's great that you got your harmony test done, fingers crossed for a good result in a few days! With my dd I dreamt and felt she was a boy all the way through but my mothers instinct was way off, she was girl!

Megan - glad you are feeling better, second tri is so much nicer than first tri which is so hard isn't it.

Miss B - enjoy your swimming, I really need to start doing some exercise, I've done nothing so far and feeling really gross at the moment.

Dimmu - sorry it sounds like you are having a rough time at the moment. I hope it eases soon.

Glad I'm not the only one who's feeling huge! I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and it's definitely obvious that I'm pregnant with a bump. Really looking forward to my 20w scan now, just over 2 weeks to go!!
Evening ladies,

Hope everyone is well.

Not a lot of news here. All seems to be going well, bump is getting stupidly big now! Boobs also growing at a rate of knots, I need to go and get fitted for yet more new bras! This is getting quite expensive!

Got my mat 1 form so will be putting in for my maternity leave soon. Thinking will probably go off in June. Cant believe how quickly its come round.

eva - Gad your exercise went well. I do love the swimming, gives me some me time and is very relaxing. Hope your gt test is ok.

LLawson - How lovely to be able to get extra scans. Will be exciting to see which is right , the website or the dreams! When are you going to find out the gender?

Are things like cheese any good for low carb high protein?

Mrs W11 - Not long till your scan how exciting! Does your area offer anything like free swimming ?
Mrs. W Im curious if thats whats going on with me. My husband is like, you havent once dreamed of a baby girl? (He really wants a girl). I cant wait for the results, the suspense is killing me!
Miss Bellum, I will find out the gender any day now when I get the Harmony test back. They can also check the gender with that test.
Cheese is high protein. She said especially Mozzarella. So I have been eating cheese sticks. Its a little higher in cholesterol I believe though.
Hope everyone is having a great day! Its 76 here today but going to be turning back cold for a few days. :( Im so ready for the warmth to get here and stay!
Miss b - I'm not sure about the swimming, maybe I'll have a Google. How did you find out about it? I've not heard of it before. I've found a bump and splash class at the leisure centre so I'm going to try that and there's a preg yoga class too but it's at 8pm yawn!!!

Lawson - I can't wait to find out our gender either! Can't wait to hear your harmony results. I think you're right and it's a boy!
LLawson - Not long to go then, how exciting!

Mrs W11 - My midwife told me about them, its offered by our local council. Maybe worth trying your local council website for information?
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around much lately, hope you are all doing well.

Things have been better for me this week, no more migraines and feeling less achey in general, long may it last!!

Miss B that's great about swimming, I will have to take a look at my council's website. I also have my Mat B1 form now, will hand it in next week or right after easter. I think I will start my maternity leave officially on July 1st, but I still have 21 days of unused annual leave so would take those at the end. This way I'd be off pretty much the whole June as well but still get full pay. :) Really can't wait to have some time off before the baby arrives. Will be nice to be able to pick DD up straight from school and spend some time with her, and still have plenty of time for myself whilst she's at school.
My bump is getting huge now too, I can only wear one old winter coat now, nothing else fits!! I keep buying cheap bras from primark every few weeks as I grow out from the old ones. They have quite a few that are not wired. I am also growing out of my underwear so think DH is right when he says my arse is getting bigger, not just the bump and boobs. :haha: Well hopefully it will all come off again pretty quickly as it did with DD.

Eva - well done for managing to do some exercise, I still haven't. I keep coming up with excuses which is not good. My new plan is to get off the train one stop earlier on my way home and walk the distance, guess that's better than nothing. I have my glucose test on April 11th which I'm not looking forward to.
I also found out I have to go on one more work trip when I'm 28 weeks pregnant, boo. :growlmad: Luckily it's only a short flight to Europe and one night stay, hopefully there won't be any more travel after that.

LLawson - how exciting, please update us when you find out what you're having. Do you like eggs, they are high in protein aren't they? And some nuts are a good source too.

Mrs W - So exciting about your scan, not long to go now! I'm not sure if I could manage a yoga class at 8 pm, I need to be in bed soon after 9 pm lol! But I'm sure it would be good for you if you can manage it!

Megan - pleased to hear that you are starting to feel better now! My second trimester has been a lot easier than the first one, really not missing any of that constant nausea and vomiting.

Here's a bump pic from this morning. Anyone else care to share a recent pic? :)
Cute bump pic dimmu! :)
I dropped my mobile in the toilet today :wacko: and though it doesn't seem broken it's acting strange... so it's semi-taken apart now sitting on some rice. Sigh... long story short: no camera to take a bump pic at the mo!

That's great that you have some unused annual leave to tack on to the maternity leave - comes in handy! I think avoiding work-related stress becomes important as you get close to the due date. I hope the 28 week work trip goes OK!! Will you see a doc or midwife the week before? I travelled within Europe by plane when I was 30 weeks before, and everything was fine - except that I had major preggo brain and forgot to pack some important things!

Mrs W - not long now until the mid-way point! :) Curious to know about how the yoga class goes if you give it a go. 8 pm is a bit late though!

LLawson, I'm looking fw to your harmony results too! Do they also give you a probability of the result being correct?

Miss B I also feel like I'm getting large. I'm not sure if I felt this large at this point with my last two pregnancies (23 weeks). Also been feeling quite bloated the last couple of days... ugh!

About that job interview I had in Canada - I think they offered the job to someone else. Oh well... it means still no job security for next year or so but I'm not really worried, since with the baby coming I wasn't planning on working a tonne anyway.

Good luck to those of you filling out your mat leave forms! I need to get on that, too. Still not completely sure what to put down!
Dimmu - Glad you are feeling better. Your ML plans sound great. I’m thinking of taking my holiday before starting ML which should see me finishing about mid/end June. Looking forward to having some time to myself! I wish I could go for cheap bras from Primark, it gets expensive having to buy new ones. I have to get mine fitted though as I find whenever I try to pick up bras from Primark or supermarkets, I can never find a good fit.

Hope the trip goes OK - what a time to have it!

Love the bump pic.

Eva - Whoops! if it makes you feel better, I’ve done that once too. Sorry about the job but hope you can get a more suitable job when you’re ready.

Do you have particularly complicated forms in Australia? Over here, the forms are pre-printed with the mid-wife details and they sign to confirm your due date. All you need to fill in is your name, address and NI number.
Eva that's a bummer about your phone!!
I'm really not looking forward to my work trip, even though short it will be very full on with back to back meetings. :( I have lots of appointments the week leading to the trip as I have my glucose test a week before, and I have to see an OB after that. Then I also have a scheduled midwife appointment (wonder if she will now start measuring the bump!) and even a GP appointment the day before I fly as I need a "fit to fly" letter.
I had to travel during the first trimester when I was pregnant and it was horrendous as I was really nauseous yet couldn't tell anyone I was pregnant. At least now there's no hiding it so hopefully the client won't mind or think it unprofessional if I keep having snacks and toilet breaks mid-meeting!! :)

Sorry to hear you didn't get the job in Canada, but at least you can just focus on your pregnancy now and think of your options after the baby is born.

Miss B I just keep buying bras from primark and if they don't fit I bring them back or exchange them. I think I will need to get some proper fitted maternity bras soon though. Where are you getting yours from? I got mine from M&S last time but they were rather frumpy.

My bump is getting very big too, the bump in the pic is my morning bump, it gets a lot bigger as the day goes by as I get really bloated.
Hi Ladies!

My phone is ok, but no bump pic yet. Will try to post one soon!

Thanks re: the support for the non-job offer, lol. I heard officially now that I was ranked #2. Good to know but also a tad frustrating. You're both right though... kind of nice not to "worry" about moving overseas next year etc. and I can focus (and relax) more about the coming new baby.

Dimmu sounds like a bit of a stressful time coming up with the travel :( Indeed it's tougher seeing as you'll be working. When I travelled @ 30 weeks I was on vacation, so totally different. Don't be shy about eating snacks! :)

Miss B re: ML forms here, I don't think they're too complicated. I have yet to look at one actually, haha :-o but DH looked them up (also for paternity leave, which isn't much) and he said it seemed like it would be straightforward.
Do your partners get to (and/or will they) take parental leave too?

Any news on baby genders? :) Hope everyone is doing well!
It's been a rough week here with the kids being sick (taking turns, or both at the same time). Fall is really upon us down under! It's quite nice though this time of year... sunny and crisp. Enjoy the spring flowers up North!
And today I discover why you should always check documents! Had an email from HR to check my due date as the certificate signed by the midwife informed them I was due in February! Cant believe I missed that. So have to take it back and get a new one. Finally decided that I’d like my last day in the office to be the 15th June, will use a combination of leave/ml to have some time off. Hopefully work should agree to it.

Dimmu - Sounds like a very busy time!

I got mine in M&S. They are OK not too frumpy. But as I need stupidly large sizes, there isn’t a lot of choice anywhere really. Debenhams do quite a good range too.

Eva - Our maternity certificates are really just to confirm we are pregnant so nothing to fill in really. Partners can take leave and they do have to fill in some complicated forms! I believe they can take up to a year but its unpaid and comes out of the mothers maternity leave. Dads do get the right to the first 2 weeks off but not guaranteed to be paid. My OH would love to be able to share the leave but as he is the bigger earner, sadly it doesn’t make financial sense for us.

Sorry you’ve had a rough time, hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Hope everyone is doing great.
It's my V-day today - yay!! :happydance:
DD was able to feel baby kick this morning which was nice, usually she stops as soon as DH or DD puts their hand on my tummy. Although DD also thinks she can hear the baby slurping when she puts her head on my tummy. :)

Miss B - how annoying about your form!! I just checked mine, fortunately she's put in the right dates. At least it gives you an excuse to have an extra appointment! I feel like the appointments are too far apart, next one at 28 weeks and then nothing until 34 weeks. I always assumed they'd monitor you more when you're older but not in here.
How exciting, three months from now you'll be on maternity leave!! I told HR verbally I'll be starting on July 1st but taking four weeks annual leave prior to that and they're fine with that. :) Will bring in the forms tomorrow or after Easter.

I think I have to give in and go and get measured at M&S for maternity bras, growing out of my cheap primark ones too quickly. I found some old bras from six years ago when I was pregnant with DD but even they're a bit snug. :( One of my apps told me this morning that the baby will double in weight in the next four weeks, and that my weight gain will also accelerate now. I hope it doesn't mean new bras every two weeks!!!

Eva- sorry to hear you have had a rough time. I'm sure the weather there is better than it is in here, expecting it to get rainy and windy in time for the Easter bank holiday. :(
That's amazing you were the 2nd choice when there were so many applicants, I'm sure the right new job will come once you're ready for it. Do you work in academia?
I'm so dreading my work trip now, I'm sure I'll be huge in four weeks. Wondering if you can take something like rescue remedy to help you through a stressful day like that, not sure if it's just for situation when you're feeling nervous though, my day will just be heavy-going with all the travel and meetings. My boss was trying to suggest I should do a couple of client visits on that same trip "just catch another flight or train to germany", easy for him to say! I refused, I'll be on my third trimester then so think just the one visit is enough!

My husband will get to take a couple of weeks off when the baby is born, but not sure if he takes it as holiday or what. He won't get much money if he takes official paternity leave whereas a holiday is paid for.

We still don't have a name for this poor baby, there are a couple of maybes but nothing that really stands out yet. Also haven't bought anything yet, how about you guys?

How are the fetal movements for you now? I can feel the baby daily several times but still don't think there's any pattern to it.

Managed to take a bump pic today! (attached). 24 weeks today!

Whoops due on Feb - good catch Miss B! A bit of a pain to go back and correct it but better now than later. I looked up the paid leave forms in more detail and I think I have to provide several things... income details, tax file number, passport info etc. Nothing majorly annoying though. That's nice you don't have to fill out too many things, though too bad the partners do! I guess the gov't makes them work for it. I think DH's form here is easy, and he gets max 2 weeks of paid leave at the same rate as me (min. wage). Things are a bit backward here (compared to Europe I think) in that he can't really 'share' the leave to get any more, since there can only be one primary caregiver that's entitled. He's allowed to take unpaid leave too but will likely use up a good chunk of holiday pay instead. I think I'll be doing the same once my first few months of paid leave are up (and keep going part-time).

Dimmu that's exciting you told HR your leave start date! Congrats on your V-day! what do you consider V-day... 24 weeks? I find it confusing since some say 23, some 24, some even say 20 (!) That's cute DD could feel the baby! I haven't had the right timing/luck yet to have DS feel any movement. The app you have sounds scary... 'your weight will accelerate now' ?? :-0 hope not! I haven't been watching my sweets-intake as much as I should be! I have the 'glow' app but I don't go on there too much. I also find a lot of the comments/discussions really full of drama.

Yes I'm an academic (research). I'll find out in 6 months if I get funding to stay where I am, but that won't be permanent (3 more years).
Not sure if there's something you can take, while pregnant, to relax you while on the trip... my old doctor would recommend taking extra magnesium when flying. It's supposed to help relax the uterus and is supposedly calming in general. She said to stop taking it though once you reach term. Good on you for refusing the extra trip to see clients! I'm a bit shocked he even asked you!

We also don't have names picked... every month I like one or two and then next month it changes :wacko: I've mostly been focusing on boy's names but we should probably re-visit the girl name ideas!

I also feel movement several times a day, more in the evening, but no specific pattern either. Usually the right side of my tummy sticks out more than the left, which I can notice when lying down... so must be the baby's head or butt sticking out there?!


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That's a lovely bump picture Eva, you're coming along nicely!!

V-day as far as I know is 24 weeks. Not quite sure what the next milestone would be, start of the third trimester I guess? The time seems to be dragging at the moment, I wish I was further along already, although not looking forward to all the discomfort towards the end. I'm already feeling quite uncomfortable!!!
Haha I really hope my weight gain is not gonna increase exponentially now but I think that's what happened to me last time.. Doesn't help I'm currently tackling a serious nutella addiction.. :blush: Although I do try and eat lots of fruit and salad and other healthy stuff to balance it out!!

I thought you might be an academic as you mentioned going from contract to contract before. I seriously considered a career in the academia once but was put off by the uncertainty. Although I did like the relaxed atmosphere and long coffee breaks when I was doing my phd. Anyway that door is well and truly closed for me now as even though I just about got through the post grad degree I never got around to writing the papers I was supposed to about my research...

I might look into magnesium for my trip, although it's only a short flight to central Europe.

I'm the same as you, I mostly feel her on my right when I lie down. Sometimes it actually hurts a bit when she moves and I can see this big bulge appear on the right and it's really hard too. Not quite sure what it is, back, bottom? I even wondered if it could be BH contractions but it's just on my right so must be the little one squirming! She's still very low down as well and has taken to kicking or punching my private parts, it's actually made me yelp a couple of times when she's kicked my cervix or bladder or something really hard, feels very uncomfortable when she does that!! But of course wouldn't change it for anything, still love feeling her so often now!

ETA Just after I posted that I received this email:
Now you are 24 weeks pregnant, both you and your baby are continuing to grow well. Your baby is now about 27-30cm and weighs about 570 grams.
At 24 weeks, you will start putting on a lot of weight.

Guess there's no escape then from the weight gain!!:haha:
Hi ladies!!

dimmu - glad you've been feeling a bit better and congrats on V-day! I'm really dreading weight gain this pregnancy so I know how you feel. So far I haven't put on any weight but I feel like a house already. :haha: I gained 30lbs with DS and would like to try and keep it under that this time. I hope your work trip goes smoothly. I think you made the right call about refusing the additional work on the trip. Cute bump pic!!

eva - Sorry you did not get offered the job in Canada, but as you say it was probably for the best. I can't imagine an overseas move being pregnant or with a newborn. We are going to be selling our house and buying a bigger one in the next few months and I'm not looking forward to that at all and that is in the same city. :haha: Love your bump pic too!!

AFM, had a routine OB appointment this past week. Dr. yelled at me because I hurt myself kicking a full laundry basket around my house instead of picking it up. I was in some major pain for a day or two and had a tiny bit of spotting so was freaked out a bit. Thankfully baby is all good. Next appointment isn't until April 28th which seems forever away but I will get my anomaly scan that day so that is exciting!
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been around much. Work has been busy and I'm feeling very 'nesty' so when I've not been working I've been tidying, sorting and shopping at ikea! I've just been dipping in and out of the forums but not sat down to have a proper catch up and post.

I'll do a full read up tomorrow and update from me but lovely to see everyone's doing well and some fab bumps! Congrats on v day Dimmu and Eva!

Ok, I think I am properly caught up with everyone's news!

Eva, sounds like you've had a tough time with your phone, sickness and the job. They say bad things happen in threes so hopefully that's it now and only good things from here on.

Dimmu, I hope your trip goes well. I don't blame you for not wanting to do the extra meetings. I wouldn't fancy a business trip right now as I feel big and uncomfortable. I am scared by the 'At 24 weeks you will start putting on a lot of weight' I put on around 70lb with DD and DS but started off heavier this time so really don't want to end up putting that much on again. I'm up 20lb so far and feeling massive - the baby weighs around a pound so that's 19lb of something else. Oh dear. I need to put down the chocolate but feel like I've got permanent PMT and no willpower.

Miss B, Glad you noticed the date on your form! I have a midwife appointment next Thursday so I will make sure I check mine! I'm going to try and get away with my regular bras if I can. I managed ok with DD and DS - My boobs have grown but as they are big anyway (36G) I think it's not as noticeable. If I'm too uncomfortable at the end I might just wear some of my nursing bras early.

Megan, sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Spotting is scary and I'm glad you're ok. It's hard sometimes remembering we need to take it a bit easier. I feel like I spend so much time running around after DD and DS, work and housework I sometimes forget I'm pregnant. I legged it after DS yesterday when he ran away in a restaurant during a tantrum and had loads of pain in my bump afterwards - I don't think running is good for my ligaments!

Llawson, glad you got your harmony test! Fingers crossed you get the results soon, I remember that the waiting is hard.

MrsW - I think you have your next scan soon? Good luck.

Has anyone heard from Ali? Just wondered how she was getting on.

I've just snapped a quick bumpie so will post it from my phone after I've finished this post. It's an almost V-day bump - roll on Saturday! A lovely milestone to reach. Dimmu and Eva you both have such lovely neat bumps mine is a monster! I keep getting comments like 'not long left now'! I'm going to embrace it though as it's the last time I'll have a baby bump and I know I'll miss it. I'm feeling lots more movement now, not really regular although I notice it particularly when I first lie down in bed each night.

Only other thing I've been suffering with is terrible constipation - I've stopped taking my prenatals and been drinking grape juice mixed with syrup of figs each morning which is seeming to help a little ughhhhh pregnancy is so unglamourous!

Anyway, school breaks up today and I'm looking forward to lots of Easter Egg hunts etc. in the holidays. Happy Easter everyone, I hope you all have a lovely time :)
Bumpety Bump


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Eva and JJay, cute bump pics!
I supposedly had the Harmony (Materni21 here) done a little over 2 weeks ago. After a week of having it done I started calling the doc for results and the first few times they said they were not back yet. I called back at exactly 2 weeks and they said they called the lab the day before and they didnt have an order so they researched and realized the lady never drew blood for it. I was livid! That was the main thing I wanted done that day. They took about 6 tubes of blood so I thought for sure it would have been done.. So I was waiting over 2 weeks for something that was never even done! Anyway, I went back in yesterday, they took 2 more tubes of blood and sent it off. She said it would be 7-14 days. I have another visit and ultrasound on the 31st. I hope its back by then.
Im pretty disappointed, I had planned on telling everyone on Easter but was wanting to confirm everything was ok before letting everyone know. :(
Now Im at a dilemma of whether to tell everyone or wait?
Evening all,
Picked up my new Mat 1 form today, thankfully all correct this time.
Hope everyone has a lovely Easter holiday.
dimmu - Congrats on V day. How lovely that your lg got to feel the baby move. How sweet she can hear the baby too. My lg occasionally tells me she can hear the baby bumping!
I don’t get an extra appointment to see the midwife, I just had to pick up the new form from reception. I think our appointment dates are equally spaced out. I do miss have the extra appointments I had with the first, I liked being able to hear the hb.
We have some names on a short list but can’t really decided on one yet.
Nutella, yummy!
This little bean seems to be something of an acrobat, I seem to feel her moving around loads lately! I don’t remember my first being quite so lively. Nice to have the reassurance though.

eva - lovely bump picture. What a shame you aren’t aloud to share the leave.

Megan - Sorry about your injury hope it heals soon. Spotting always worrying but glad everything appears to be well.
JJay - Probably just as well to make the most of the nesting! I just keep putting it off. Handy that you won’t need to bother with maternity bras, they aren’t the nicest things in the world!

What a lovely bump x

Llawson - Thats unbelievable! Cant believe they messed up something that important and didn’t seem to realise! I’d be fuming. Is Easter the next time you see all your family? I’d probably tell them but I’m rubbish at keeping secrets.

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