Definitely agree with the getting out when you can...if the weather is rubbish, we either put waterproofs on and go for it...or if truly horrendous, we've now got a big craft and baking drawer, and we decide on something to do all together...
Clothes out the night before, bag packed the night before, stuff laid out for brekkie
Meal planning
Baby wearing...truly has made everything easier for all of us
If BFing...a box of treats for the toddler. We found stickers, a Cbeebies magazine, little crafty bits, speciAl books all worked. Lizzie could snuggle up With the special box while ally feeds. Now ally speed feeds, Lizzie isn't bothered
If you've got family close by / very good friends, it's nice to have some dedicated toddler / baby time. I will go out for a walk just with ally if Lizzie has had a busy week with me...similarly, I will go for an ice cream with Lizzie if ally has hAd a busy week with me. In general, we do prett much everything together.,,but they both have separate groups / if one hasn't felt too well / teething flare ups etc
I like to keep on top of running the house...makes me feel better!
Try and plan fun activities for the week, makes us all feel sane
Don't worry if days come and go and you don't feel like you've achieved much. Takes a good while to find your feet...take each day as it comes, and go with the flow
Be relaxed about it all...everything does and will fall into place.
Take help where offered! If someone wants to come over and bring tea and cake.,.acceept. Accept, accept
And then, suddenly, the routines kick in...and it becomes second nature, fun and just easy

(well, until there is handbags over who has the last of the strawberries
