It seems like the norm is that laparoscopy procedures aren't too bad. I am happy to see that other ladies on this thread didn't have too much pain afterwards! Unfortunately, I guess I was not one of those women. My OB/GYN told me to take one-two weeks off from work, because I worked in a fast-paced environment. I only took one week off, and really wish I would have taken more. I had a polyp removed from cervix and had endometriosis removed from one of my ovaries, my bladder, and the outside of my uterus. I ended up getting a bladder infection from having a catheter during the surgery, and it was incredibly painful. It probably didn't help that I was stir-crazy and had trouble resting after my surgery, so I overexerted myself. My best advice would be to not do what I did

Take it easy and rest as much as possible for a few days. Let yourself heal, and I am sure it will go great!!!
I should also add that after recovering from my laparoscopy, I have never felt better. I had A LOT of pain during AF and intercourse prior to my surgery, and it helped so much with everything! I have no regrets about it at all!
As for fertility after a laparoscopy, I have heard from my doctor (and friends) that your fertility increases after the procedure. This is probably more likely if things are actually removed etc. I have heard that this can be up to a year after the surgery. In my first cycle "trying" about a year after my surgery, I fell pregnant! I was incredibly surprised, because our timing wasn't even that good around O! Unfortunately I miscarried, but that is likely due to other factors.
I guess what I am trying to say is: I hope the clomid helps, and you get pregnant before having to do a laparoscopy. However, if you do find that you need to get the procedure done, I think it will be very successful! I know it can be scary to have surgery of any sort, but even with my infection and everything, it wasn't unbearable. I wish you the best of luck, and tons of sticky baby dust!!!