Anyone already dreading labour? (Question for second / third etc mums)


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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So this is my second baby, and my first labour was horrid with a really bad recovery (won't go into all the details!)

Just wondering if anyone was worried about going into labour again? If so, are you doing anything to combat your worry?

I remained really calm in my first labour, but this one I can just see myself getting really panicky and have a slight freak out! :wacko:

Not to bad for me...
My first delivery was induced at 42 weeks and with the help of vacuum and forceps and we nearly lost our little man...
Second time around I was dreading it and was only 1 year after last, but it went better then could have wanted I went into labour myself at home at 39 weeks, got to the hospital at 9cm dilated and had him 1 hour later on just gas and air so mine was an awful lot better 2nd time around
I just had DD2 last Friday.I was induced again.Labor was 5 hours shorter and pushing was only 10 minutes vs 41 with DD1.It was so much better this time around.I was nervous because I knew what to expect but my expectations were totally wrong.I learned you can't take what happened in previous labors and expect it with your second/third..
I had 2 really good labours, first quite long but nothing bad then second really quick 4 hours from first contraction to her being here. But I am still freaking out about it already it's the pain for me I'm a wuss tho. And I just keep imagining me having this baby at home becauseit will be so quick. Anyway sorry it's probably not any help but I'm sure it's normal to worry xx
I'm quite looking forward to labour.... well if I end up with only one baby I will be. I'm currently pregnant with twins but might be loosing one. If I carry on being pregnant with twins then I'm not quite sure what it will mean for my birth plan as I'm quite sure there would be pretty furious objection to a twin VBAC water birth with a high chance of PPH. Not so keen on having a heavily monitored labour with an epidural but since I don't exactly pop out my babies I think that's what I'd end up going for.
I adore every second of my 30 hour labour, despite my contractions stopping at 10cm and having to have a drip to start them off again. I can't wait to do it again!! Yes, I'm a freak! Ha ha.
I thought my 1st labour was awful- I was scared of tearing so after arriving at hospital at 7cm only taking 2 paracetamol, I demanded an epidural. I wished I hadn't as it didn't work & only numbed my thighs. It slowed down my labour & then I pushed for 2 hours & had to have forceps. The stupid doctor asked the anesthetist to turn up my epidural even though they had switched it off. So I had an episiotomy without pain relief.

This time I'm opting for a very natural water birth (if they have any pools available), or an active birth with gas & air. I figured if I did it all before with only gas & air, I can do it this time.

I am going to ask if I can have my 1st labour explained to me though x
My biggest fear is Leaving the hospital with a memory box rather than my baby. As long as my baby is ok then im ready for anything xxx
I'm personally freaking out about the labour for number 3. My first labor was unmedicated because the anesthesiologist was busy in the OR and couldn't get to me for an epidural. It was back labor as well so excrutiating. With my second, they said I'd likely not hav back labor again so if I could do unmedicated back labour, unmedicated regular labor should be a breeze. Well, I planned a home birth and ended up with unmedicated back labor again! That labor was 1.5hr long and my husband had to catch the baby and the midwives didn't even make it to my house for the birth! So, I'm not terrified that with number 3 I'll a)have back labor again and b) not be able to get to a hospital in time for drugs meaning I'll be forced to go unmedicated again. Long story sorry...but yes...Im scared too!
I'm not sure. I had a very bad experience with my first one, which resulted in my daughter having cerebral palsy. Mild. My second was much better, but still nearly resulted in a c-section. These labors were both over 15 years ago and I know a lot more about the process and my body. I've been considering hiring a doula. I tried to use a birthing center but the only one in my area told me they can't help me because I am a second time VBAC. And finding a midwife that will sign off on me having a home birth is proving difficult as apparently my age and the fact that I had difficult labors before are troublesome and they don't want to take on the responsibility. :dohh:

Whatever happens, I'm much more knowledgeable than I was at 18 and 20 and will be sitting down making a birthing plan letting my midwife/doctor know what my wishes are.
My first labor and the immediate span of time following was horrific. We're going to hypnobirth at home this time around. I'm scared shitless. :)
my first was horrendous, absolutely awful. I had a forceps delivery and had retained product left in me which caused me to clot and haemorrage (bad spelling week) I needed an evacuation and blood transfusion. when the time got nearer to giving birth with my second I had a birth afterthoughts and was referred to a consultant midwife team. These three midwives helped me plan the birth I wanted and were with me all the way. I had a fantastic labour and birth, I was very active and I have to say I actually really enjoyed it. I had little pain relief and I felt like I was in control. my third birth wasn't as great because I was strapped to the monitor again and not able to move about. you should look into a birth afterthoughts. I really hope you get your perfect birth and everything goes well. good luck x
I had a terrible experience with DD, was hospitalised at 37 weeks with severe preeclampsia (protein in my urine was 1500 when should have been 140!). At 38 weeks they decided couldn't leave me any longer so planned a cesarean as thought baby might be breach.
When I got into theatre 7 people tried and failed to give me a spinal due to the curve in my spine (I have scoliosis) they had ignored me every time I had previously tried to mention it and told me I was being silly and they do this all the time. During one of the attempts I was temporarily paralysed down one side and there was blood everywhere urgh!
Eventually they have up and decided I needed to be put to sleep, they then dosed me up with morphine even though I had a red band on stating that I was allergic. So I was in recovery for 2 hours (none of us know what happened as when I requested my notes there is a whole 2 hours missing from their notes)
When I did eventually come round I was incredibly ill and couldn't physically see my daughter, couldn't breath properly and my kidneys weren't working yet they then took it upon themselves to manually milk me with their fingers!
Oh well, I'm going to a different hospital this time and have been promised that I will be under a consultant from early on and kept a close eye on. I really want them to check if I can have a natural birth this time but depends on how wonky my pelvis is lol
I have very fond memories of my labour (doesn´t mean it was easy or pain free becuase it most certainly wasn´t). But in a strange way I am looking forward to the experience again but I know closer to the time I´ll be petrified. xxx
Thanks everyone for the replies. It's good to hear that some have had a horrid labour and have gone on to have a much better experience. I may go and speak to the midwife who deals with talking about birth experiences. Also, I did hypnobirthing last time so will give it a bash again this time.

Thanks once again; it's made me feel a lot better. And congrats platinumvague on the birth of your lil boy!
I had a shocker - I was over induced - so my uterus was over stimulated - I went from 3cm to 10cm in 2 hours, then pushed for 2 hours before they finally did an episiotomy and forceps delivery (on gas and air)... I might request a c section this time - I'm going to talk it through with the midwife.

I'm unlikely to be allowed an epidural due to a problem with my platelets...
i'm hoping that this time around my baby won't be face up so the pain won't be so unbearable and i can go all the way with no meds (I got an epi at 8cm after being in labor for 12+ hours or something). i just read somewhere that sniffing lavender during a contracting will increase contraction intensity but lower the pain so i'm going to try it! I tore last time but it wasn't that big of a deal, what was a huge pain was the hemorrhoids i got from pushing so hard. I hope to avoid that this time around!
I am nervous has hell that is if I make it that far! This will be baby number four but 7th pregnancy 4 angels one is this baby's twin!
Yes! It gives me anxiety just thinking about it! This time i have the option for a c section if wanted, but im getting anxiety over that now! Oy vey!

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