Anyone BFP naturally after being told IVF is the only way to go?


TTC #1 with Long Cycles
Jan 3, 2012
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OH and I have been TTC for 3 years. He has a low count, and I have a bicornuate uterus and PCOS.

When we saw the RE, he told us IUI would be useless and IVF is the only option for us to get pregnant. We definitely don't have $15,000 laying around for IVF... So we're still trying naturally until we have the money.

Does anyone know of any success stories of natural conception with someone who's been told it's almost impossible? I need the confidence boost :(

LTTC and more or less gave up after 18 months. I have endo, low progesterone (no cd21 ovulation to speak of) and hubby has low morphology (but good numbers).

We saw 2 doctors who both said long protocol, IVF-ICSI (due to morphology) and we were saving up for it. One month I had a funny period and almost 4 years later, I'm pregnant.

I have no idea what changed, I stopped posting on bnb and just generally got on with my life.
We had a natural BFP a couple cycles ago. It was a chemical, but even that was a miracle. They told us that we would never conceive on our own with all the issues we have.
I was told that I not only needed IVF but it has to be PGS also, now that is costly! I had 3 IUIs, one was BFN and the other two ended in MC. I did my fourth IUI and added aspirin and it worked! I believe I tried natural with aspirin and it didn't work.
I have PCOS and had a tubal reversal and DH has low sperm count, we were told after his first SA that IVF was our only hope but we conceived naturally twice ,both ended in very early miscarriage and now its been 6 years of TTC will be 7 in september , were trying IUI now and if that fails were going to have our IVF at reprofit next year.
This thread is insipiring.
I pray for a miracle positive every day
My first born was an IVF baby and I can't go through IvF again it's too costly and such an emotional journey...
Hubby has low morphology, motility and low count :(
It's been two years of trying now and nothing yet, hearing that people can get miracle positives is so relieving
My story is in my signature. The impossible happened. Just when we had come to terms with our infertility I became one of those stories I used to roll my eyes at. I wish you all the absolute very best of luck as you walk this cruel path :hugs: xxxxx
Hey quick post I'm meant to be working! After 18months we were told we only had a 5% chance without IVF not to bother with iui problems with myself and himself but to try 3-6 months of Tamoxifen & Trigger shots just incase- 2nd month worked DS is now 9 months old!

My sister was told the same and got BFP on her 6th IUI - last one before IVF.

Another lady in here was nearly 2 years trying with the most irregular periods could be up to 3 months long, pocs and everythign else under the sun and she had twins last year too without IVF. She was on medication like clomid and something else I honestly can't remember now but again no IVF!

Only piece of advice I give to anyone is actually the opposite of the stupid relax word I was so sick of hearing and that was to Get angry with it don't be afraid be pissed of and put up a good fight. If I "relaxed" - DS wouldn't be here. I powered through like a tidal wave and pushed past any doctor who told me I'm young and relax and 18months is not that long and you had a baby before nonsense.
Just to say thus thread gives me hope. We have been told ICSI is our only option. But have just started seeing new doctors (in a new country) and am hoping we can at least get more answers.
I'm praying they tell us we have more options than just IVF, as its been a long heartbreaking process for us.

Has anyone else found they've had a completely different story depending on the doctor you see??

I know it's a 2 month old post, but I'm not a regular of LTTC anymore. But I happened to be browsing this part of the forum tonight and saw your thread.

That happened to me. We'd been TTC since Jan. 2013 and had not had one BFP for more than a year, when we started seeing an RE in March 2014. DH's sperm was ok, but I was diagnosed with endometriosis plus poor ovarian reserve (my FSH reading was good, however my AMH was horrible at just 0.96 and my antral follicle count that month was just 10 follicles, all this at the age of 29). I was told IVF was the only way to go and that my chances of falling pregnant naturally were as low as 1-3%. On top of that, I was frequently reminded that I didn't have all the time in the world and to start treatments sooner rather than later. Pretty devastating. I also had laparoscopy to remove an endometrioma cyst from my right ovary in May 2014. Aside from the fact that we didn't have the money lying around for that sort of treatment, I found the approach to be quite aggressive (the RE's suggested protocol was egg freezing, then 6 months of Lupron to control the endometriosis and then IVF using my frozen eggs). I decided to try some more natural ways first. With the help of an acupuncturist, I made diet changes (cutting down on sugar, dairy and gluten - all of which promote inflammation and can cause sluggish hormones, and added more protein, more good fats and more vegetables to my daily diet), got on the right supplements, took custom herbs and did weekly acupuncture while TTC. I also went into a great effort to forget about my supposedly aging ovaries and to focus on the fact that I still had plenty of good, fertilizable eggs. This shift of mindset didn't happen overnight, but it was a gradual, conscious process.

Fast forward to today, I've had two natural pregnancies - the first one on the very first month I started with my new regimen. Sadly, that first pregnancy ended up being a blighted ovum, which was devastating. But it did show us that it was possible to get pregnant naturally and that the RE was wrong. I had to have a D&C and decided to allow 3 cycles to pass without TTC to give my body and soul time to heal. Then we started TTC again with an enforced regimen, since we now knew that I could do it. My acupuncturist kept saying 'when you get pregnant', never 'if you get pregnant'. I on the other hand was doubtful at times - sometimes I wondered if what happened was just a glitch. Yet I kept with the regimen and eliminated any negative thinking as much as possible. We also got ourselves pretty busy between taking vacation and house hunting for a place to buy and TTCed without too much expectation. The second month after we started TTC again was our lucky one. I got my BFP a few days before New Year's 2015 and I'm currently due with a baby boy in just over 6 weeks - still hard to believe sometimes.

Now I won't say that my pregnancy has been all roses and rainbows. I've had some issues and have been terrified at times (especially in the first trimester and up until half way through the second tri) that I might lose the pregnancy, but that comes with the territory of having dealt with infertility and a miscarriage. But I wanted to give you hope that it is possible and it can be done, even when doctors tell you otherwise. Doctors aren't gods and they certainly can't predict the future. There have been many times where they've been completely wrong, and I'm one of those (many) cases.

Good luck on your journey and remember to listen to your heart and your inner voice. Lots of times they can guide you better than any 'expert' on what is the right path to follow :flower:
I have been told only IVF will work, im young at 26, healthy weight, dont smoke or anything and have NTNP for 10 years and ATTC for 5 with unexplained infertility (been poked and proded so much I dont know which ways up but still no answers) but in 10 years ive had 2 miracle pregnancies

my first is now a healthy 6 year old boy but we nearly lost him, he was still born prematurely and need his heart restarting

my second ended in MMC at 10 weeks :'(

I cant wait another 5 years hoping it'll happen again so we are starting IVF next year with our life savings (which is not very much) so we only going to get 1 go at IVF and possibly a FET if we are lucky enough to have some to freeze
I did, but only after Id had a cycle of IVF and had my baby, then got pregnant naturally
If I had a penny for every time this happened I'd be a rich woman. At my antenatal group 6 of the 13 women used Ivf ( older group) and now 3 of those have gone on to have oops pregnancies
We were told we would have a 2.5% chance at conceiving a healthy baby naturally. We were actually waiting for a donor embryo cycle when we had our BFP. DH has a balanced translocation, and we had been trying for three years.
Hi, you might want to consider undergoing IVF in clinics abroad. My IVF with meds at the top clinic cost only EUR2,500. Myself I know a few ladies who conceived naturally without IVF or after failed IVF-s.
We TTC for 6 years before we did our round of IVF, it was successful but our little boy was born sleeping. We were saving for another round of IVF when 6 months later and our rainbow arrived at 31 weeks, there was just 13 months between my boys!. 19 months I got another surprise BFP and was pregnant with twin boys!. They were also born sleeping January 2017, I then went on to have another BFP 8 months later but that pregnancy was an ectopic.

DH was told he would not have children naturally as he had less than 3% motility and I was borderline PCOS, we have had several early miscarriages as well so after our 6 years of trying it hasn't really been a problem really. But we are currently TTC and its been 6 months with no luck.
I'll try to make this as short as I can but my story is a lot. I had the workups for IVF done and had complete tubal infertility on top of PCOS. My tubes looked like bloated spaghetti noodles. They were super bad, full of fluid and blocked at opposite ends on both tubes. We were told we have no further options but IVF since I didn't ovulate and there were so many blockages in the tubes surgery wasn't an option to fix them.

I can't afford IVF, so I went on YouTube and watched a woman who mentioned that she took serrapeptaste to remove adhesion and blockages in her tubes. I decided to give it a try and took it for about 6 months. My next ultrasound showed fluid in my tubes still, and the doctors wanted to remove them in order to prevent any washback of toxic fluids into my uterus, or before we could start IVF.

I took the serrapeptaste for another few months and decided to stop TTC for a while. The next year at my well woman visit the fluid was brought up and I went ahead and told the doctor to repeat the HSG. This time it showed my tubes dilated but open. It was painful as I think the test removed a small amount of mucus or material in the tubes that was left.

WE found a doctor about 4 months later who did IUIs and ovulation induction but not IVF, so we went to see him but he wouldn't see me without having concrete answers about my tubes, so I went and had a pelvic laparoscopy done with a hysteroscopy due to suspected endometriosis.

Long story short we got into surgery and my tubes were wide open and in perfect condition. They were slightly dilated, but the fimbriae were in tact and my uterus was also without any adhesions and everything was perfect.

Two months later we did our first injectable cycle and I ended up getting pregnant but having a chemical pregnancy that ended by 13dpo.

My second cycle I overstimmed and it was cancelled. We waited a few months to get all the excess hormones out of my system and I decided to try the natural route.

I took vitex, black cohosh and vitamin C to bring on my period as I don't ovluate on my own. When it did I started taking licorice and tribulus. For the first time in almost a decade I ovulated ON MY OWN, on day 16. I'm 100% sure it was the licorice and tribulus. Please look them up. Today I am 14dpo.

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