Anyone C2 today? Want to be Cycle Buddies?


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Apr 28, 2013
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Anyone C2 today and want to be cycle buddies?

After four years and 2 m/c to conceive #1, DH and I are hopping on the roller coaster again in the hopes of #2. I've had one AF since DS was born and was due for AF again April 26. After getting my hopes up and POAS waayyy too many times a blood test showed BFN. The test also showed (via progesterone levels) that I either didn't ovulate last cycle or if I did, the 5 days of spotting I had on CD 24-28 were actually my AF. Sigh :dohh:

Wold be great to have someone to go through the next cycle with! Sending lots of baby dust everyone's way and fx crossed there are lots of February babies coming our way!

Hi there I'm on cycle day 1 but would be more then happy to go on the journey with u :) I was a week late starting to think I was preg cause no systems at all that af was coming and then low and behold she arrived this morning ! Very devastated
I am CD2 as well!! I am starting Clomid on CD4 in hopes of this being my month. I would be more than happy to be cycle buddies as I will need some support as well since the last time we were actively trying I had a mc...
Hi Ladies. this will be cycle 4 for DH and I. Im CD 8 today. But I dont O until CD 23 usually./ I take Progesterne once I O for a LPD. Last month was my first month on the prog. This month I am not temping until CD 15 to give me some breathing room....temping for 23 days is exhausting waiting to O. Hope this is a great month for everyone!
Hi everyone! So great to hear from you all- Fx for lots of BFPs coming our way in late May.

TTC...HMandTS- sorry to hear about AF. At least now we know where we are and we can concentrate on getting Pg this month. At least, that is what I am telling myself!

CapeMaylover- sorry to hear about your m/c. It is such a hard thing to go through. :hugs: How many weeks were you? I am also taking Clomid this month.

Kitcat42- how long is your cycle? My cycle used to be 60 days and it was so frustrating waiting so much longer between Os.
Sure! I'm also CD 2 and have horrendous AF cramps! They are so bad that I'm taking narcotics. We've been TTC, off and on, for about three years. I'm not doing anything special other than OPK's and Preseed. I've been on Clomid before, but made me feel too yucky. My cycles are about 36-38 days long, and I've started Weight Watchers to lose 15 pounds. I've been eating way healthier this last week, so I'm hoping it will help my get my BFP! It doesn't seem like I'm starving, so hoping it won't affect ovulation. Good luck everybody!!!
Hi everyone! So great to hear from you all- Fx for lots of BFPs coming our way in late May.

TTC...HMandTS- sorry to hear about AF. At least now we know where we are and we can concentrate on getting Pg this month. At least, that is what I am telling myself!

CapeMaylover- sorry to hear about your m/c. It is such a hard thing to go through. :hugs: How many weeks were you? I am also taking Clomid this month.

Kitcat42- how long is your cycle? My cycle used to be 60 days and it was so frustrating waiting so much longer between Os.

I was 8 weeks...It was really hard, but at the same time I was able to look at it in a positive way by telling myself at least I can get pregnant, which I was beginning to doubt. Now I have to focus on sustaining the pregnancy in the future. I have an appointment with my fs coming up for bloodwork and u/s as I am starting clomid again this cycle, so I will ask him what we can do about my low progesterone levels from the previous pregnancy, which I think was too low to sustain the pregnancy and thus the reason for the m/c. I could be completely off, but it's worth a conversation with him about it. I am taking 150mg of clomid CD 4,5 and 100mg CD 6,7,8, which is an increase from the 100, 100, 50, 50, 50 from the last cycle since I only got one follicle the last time we tried clomid. I am more educated this round, which I thought would ease my mind a little, but it is actually doing the opposite. I am trying not to overthink this round, but I can't help it. I really want a little rainbow baby.

Another positive it that prior to the m/c my cycles were crazy and long like anywhere from 50 days to 100 days, but since the m/c I have consistently had 33 day cycles. It's almost like my body just needed a reset and now we are ready to go. I am also on Metformin since I was diagnosed with PCOS back in September 2012.

Ok, enough about me...How is everyone on here doing?
Anyone C2 today and want to be cycle buddies?

After four years and 2 m/c to conceive #1, DH and I are hopping on the roller coaster again in the hopes of #2. I've had one AF since DS was born and was due for AF again April 26. After getting my hopes up and POAS waayyy too many times a blood test showed BFN. The test also showed (via progesterone levels) that I either didn't ovulate last cycle or if I did, the 5 days of spotting I had on CD 24-28 were actually my AF. Sigh :dohh:

Wold be great to have someone to go through the next cycle with! Sending lots of baby dust everyone's way and fx crossed there are lots of February babies coming our way!


Did you have any medication help with your first? Are you getting any help with trying for your second?
Did you have any medication help with your first? Are you getting any help with trying for your second?

Hugs :hugs: You are doing really well to take such a positive approach. And you are right, at least you know that you and your DH/DP can conceive.

I didn't take any medication for conception with my first two PGs. And I bled with all three PG from week 5/6 to week 9. I was 26 when I first started TTC and the doctors kept telling me that I was young and healthy and so I just needed to be patient. So frustrating, as now I am almost 32 and given my sub-par fertility I think I will have severe difficulty conceiving after 35. So no large family for me :growlmad: During the second PG I was given Progesterone at 7 weeks but still m/c.

Then finally I found a great OB and GP and the OB put me on Clomid. We conceived on the third Clomid cycle. My GP liased with my OB and ordered lots of bloods along the way. And the minute I started bleeding he spoke to my OB and I went on Progesterone. I spent 3 weeks thinking I was going to lose the PG but then finally at 10 weeks we saw a squirmy little bub, who was the right size for dates and who had a great hb! To this day my DH credits our GP with saving our DS's life. In fact we named DS (middle name) after our GP!!!

So that is a very long-winded way of saying that I would definitely, definitely talk to your FS about Prog. It can't save a PG that is doomed (like my second), but it can save a healthy pregnancy.

I'm wishing you, and everyone else in this thread, all the luck in the world. Hopefully this is our month.
Did you have any medication help with your first? Are you getting any help with trying for your second?

Hugs :hugs: You are doing really well to take such a positive approach. And you are right, at least you know that you and your DH/DP can conceive.

I didn't take any medication for conception with my first two PGs. And I bled with all three PG from week 5/6 to week 9. I was 26 when I first started TTC and the doctors kept telling me that I was young and healthy and so I just needed to be patient. So frustrating, as now I am almost 32 and given my sub-par fertility I think I will have severe difficulty conceiving after 35. So no large family for me :growlmad: During the second PG I was given Progesterone at 7 weeks but still m/c.

Then finally I found a great OB and GP and the OB put me on Clomid. We conceived on the third Clomid cycle. My GP liased with my OB and ordered lots of bloods along the way. And the minute I started bleeding he spoke to my OB and I went on Progesterone. I spent 3 weeks thinking I was going to lose the PG but then finally at 10 weeks we saw a squirmy little bub, who was the right size for dates and who had a great hb! To this day my DH credits our GP with saving our DS's life. In fact we named DS (middle name) after our GP!!!

So that is a very long-winded way of saying that I would definitely, definitely talk to your FS about Prog. It can't save a PG that is doomed (like my second), but it can save a healthy pregnancy.

I'm wishing you, and everyone else in this thread, all the luck in the world. Hopefully this is our month.

You just gave me the chills and a few tears in my eyes (of happiness for you to have a DS).

I got a call today from my FS. I have a hysteroscopy scheduled for Monday the 6th then post coital, ultrasound and blood work on Friday the 10th. I was freaked out at first about the hysteroscopy, but after asking A LOT of questions I think I am ok with it if it helps in the long run.

How are things going for you??
Wow, you have a massive week coming up! I had a quick google of Hysteroscopy. Is it investigative? Do you know what they are hoping to find/not find? And does it take you out of the baby making game for this month?

Definitely let me know how it goes and what the doctors say.
May I join you ladies? I'm also on CD 2 and ttc baby #2. I have an almost 9 month old son that is breastfed and nurses A I'm not sure if I'm ovulating yet. On my 5th pp cycle but they are still not regulated and range from 26-37 days. Will start taking ovulation test around CD 11. I hope we all get a BFP this cycle! (Sorry if some of my post don't make sense, I'm sleep deprived and have had a headache for 4 days...I'm guessing hormones!) baby dust to all of us! **Sorry if I'm not welcome here, I didn't have problems conceiving DS, and I wish all you ladies the best, you all deserve and will get your perfect baby**
As far as the hysteroscopy, I freaked out a little when she called me after we scheduled the bloods and ultrasound for next Friday and said "oh, we forgot to schedule a hysteroscopy." What?!?! Huh?!?! What is that? So of course I googled it, she told me what it was, and I was shocked. After I calmed down I was able to call back with some questions. They are using this as just another diagnostic tool/screening tool since the dr hasn't seen me since November when I had the m/c. There is nothing in my charts to indicate that there is a polyp or cyst or anything on my uterine lining, but they want to make sure and this is their way of just ruling everything out. I was diagnosed with PCOS so it is possible to have fibroids or cysts, but they haven't seen any yet on my internal ultrasounds so I am trying not to freak myself out. Also, when I asked them about it effecting my chances this month, she said that we are going to go along as planned and it will not effect TTC (matter of fact my good friend who goes to the same fs got a hysteroscopy the same cycle she got pregnant and she is due any day now so she eased my mind a little. She also said it is not that painful, but they did have to remove a cyst off of her uterine lining which is the reason they think she had two m/c). Ok, that was completely long winded, but long story short I am still in this month and starting clomid tonight!!!! Here's to hoping!
May I join you ladies? I'm also on CD 2 and ttc baby #2. I have an almost 9 month old son that is breastfed and nurses A I'm not sure if I'm ovulating yet. On my 5th pp cycle but they are still not regulated and range from 26-37 days. Will start taking ovulation test around CD 11. I hope we all get a BFP this cycle! (Sorry if some of my post don't make sense, I'm sleep deprived and have had a headache for 4 days...I'm guessing hormones!) baby dust to all of us! **Sorry if I'm not welcome here, I didn't have problems conceiving DS, and I wish all you ladies the best, you all deserve and will get your perfect baby**

Of course you are welcome...good luck to you and keep us posted!!
Ashla- My cycles are about 35-40 days. Now that Im taking the Prog. more like 40. Longer AF also. I had a Lap/Hysteroscopy/ D&C in January this year for endo and polyps. Pain is much better now and AF was only 2 days for the first few with the Prog Im back to 7 days or so. BUT at least I know whats causing the difference!
xxlovexx- you are absolutely welcome. Thanks for joining us! You are also a very brave woman signing up for two under two! I have a friend who has two under two and she says she is going to be constantly tired for the next few years but it will be worth it. It will be great for your DS to have a sibling close in age as they get older.

Capemaylove- it sounds like your FS is really thorough which is a good sign. Hopefully they will figure out what is going on so that you can get your BFP (and even more importantly, your stick rainbow baby). Keep us updated!

kitcat42- a longer AF seems terribly unfair on top of everything else. Can't a girl catch a break??? Glad you have more predictability in your cycle now. Hopefully all the hard work you had to do in Jan will pay off with a BFP really soon (as in this cycle!).

I don't really have anything to report. My temps seem a bit all over the place but as this is the first month charting since my last PG I am trying not to read anything into them. I'm telling myself that they won't really have any useful data for me to analyse until I have a couple of months for comparison.
I am still paranoid about the fact that I didn't really have an AF last months but I'm taking Clomid as if I am cycle day 5 today, as per my doctor's instructions. But what if I am really cycle day 34 today...? Ugh! Time to go and distract myself with some housework!
Sure! I'm also CD 2 and have horrendous AF cramps! They are so bad that I'm taking narcotics. We've been TTC, off and on, for about three years. I'm not doing anything special other than OPK's and Preseed. I've been on Clomid before, but made me feel too yucky. My cycles are about 36-38 days long, and I've started Weight Watchers to lose 15 pounds. I've been eating way healthier this last week, so I'm hoping it will help my get my BFP! It doesn't seem like I'm starving, so hoping it won't affect ovulation. Good luck everybody!!!

Hi momwithbabies! I don't know how I missed your post- I am so sorry. Welcome -it is great to have you along:flower:
Thanks Ashla! The first 2 months tracking everything on FF really helped me understand. I get 2 positive every month on my OPK Clear Blue Digi. So I always go with the second one but BD for both just in case. The Prog I took last cycle lengthened my LP by 3 days so that was good! Every month thrying I just feel like we get a tighter grip of what we have to do to get the BFP! I get a little down when I dont get a pos hpt BUT happy when I realize that at least I O and that is the first step of it all!
Capemaylover- I am not sure what time zone you are in but it is Sunday night where I am. So I thought I would wish you good luck for tomorrow. Hope everything goes well, be sure to keep us updated on how you get on.
Well tomorrow will be C10 for me. What is everyone's plans for BDing this cycle?

DH always works long hours but the next few weeks are especially busy for him so I am thinking I will take it easy this month. I will ask him to get home in time to see me on Thursday (C12) and then Sat and Sun he should be around (C14 and 15). But then maybe I should ask him to try and get home early on Friday (C13) as well...??
I know that if we take it easy, I will regret it as soon as I am in the ttw! But I don't want to stress him out or put too much pressure on either of us in our first month ttc...

What does everyone think?

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