Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Nemo congratulations on your teeny baby :) Awww!!

How is everyone?! I'm making the most of my 4 week break from clinic :p hehe! Had our gender scan on Saturday and we are having a girl <3 so happy and over the moon!!!
Got my 20 week scan on the 9th June to look forward to aswell.

When do you get your first growth scan?! It's 6 years since I had my son so can't really remember lol...He was 8lb 2oz born at 38+4 so I'll be interested to see what my baby girl will be! X

congratulations on your pink bump!!

I have my first growth scan at 24 week and they will prob be every 2 weeks after that x
Oh ok thanks hun I will ask when I go for my 20 week scan when I will start having them!
Up to now she's always measured small(up to 2 weeks behind at one point) but know that will all change very soon! X
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining you. I've been type 1 for 15 years and I am on the pump. My HBA1c is currently 6.2 so consultant is v.happy, although, I am suffering hypo's every day.

I am just over 23 weeks and have found today that my sugars have been running high. Couldn't get them below 14 mmol this morning! Anyway, by 4.00pm I had my usual hypo! so now I am around 10 again!

Wish I could get better control, well I suppose they aren't too bad, normally average around 7 ish with the odd high but plenty of hypo's!!

I have read through all the posts so it's nice to read about (and now talk to) people who are going through the same thing.

This is my second pregnancy but so different as last time I wasn't on the pump. In fact, jaybear, I have sortt of the same timescales as you. I had my daughter in October 05 so we're not far off different.

I'm just undecided what to plan for the delivery of this one as I was induced with Keeley just after 38 weeks and ended up with an emergency c-section. I would like to try naturally again but scared it will result in a section at the end of it so I don't know whether to go for an elective and just hope that I go naturally myself before the time comes.

Lesley x
Im worried next time of delivery to. Im hoping for normal but worried if I get induced it wont work again and will be in hospital then its a c-section and dont really want to be away from caleb.
Errr I have been trying my hardest to get levels ok and was ok for the last 2 weeks nearly perfect but today was 16 then 19 so had to change my tube and finally it started coming down xx
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining you. I've been type 1 for 15 years and I am on the pump. My HBA1c is currently 6.2 so consultant is v.happy, although, I am suffering hypo's every day.

I am just over 23 weeks and have found today that my sugars have been running high. Couldn't get them below 14 mmol this morning! Anyway, by 4.00pm I had my usual hypo! so now I am around 10 again!

Wish I could get better control, well I suppose they aren't too bad, normally average around 7 ish with the odd high but plenty of hypo's!!

I have read through all the posts so it's nice to read about (and now talk to) people who are going through the same thing.

This is my second pregnancy but so different as last time I wasn't on the pump. In fact, jaybear, I have sortt of the same timescales as you. I had my daughter in October 05 so we're not far off different.

I'm just undecided what to plan for the delivery of this one as I was induced with Keeley just after 38 weeks and ended up with an emergency c-section. I would like to try naturally again but scared it will result in a section at the end of it so I don't know whether to go for an elective and just hope that I go naturally myself before the time comes.

Lesley x

Welcome to the group lesley :flower: I wish my diabetic team would give me a pump but wont due to funding :(
Hi Lesley sounds like you are doing well with the Hba1c! I also wish I could have a pump but no one will fund it. Hope the hypos calm down soon.

How is everyone else doing?

We were hijacked recently (last Friday) for the second time in a year so now with onky one car I am mostly at home with no transport. On Friday I needed the car so had to fetch DH from work in the evening - it should have taken 30 mins but landed up taking two hours to get there and another 40 mins back - luckily Kirima had drunk before I left, but I went low on the way back - so frustrating and I was driving badly so DH had to take over. I am so angry about the hijacking as that car was not insured.
HI ALL!!!!!!!!!! Finally managed to come on here. My laptop hasn't been working.

Glad everyone is doing well. Tanikit thats horrid story. I hope you're all ok.

Me and baby are good. He was born on a Thursday (19th) and we were supposed to come home on the Sunday but a) I had a MASSIVE hypo at hosp that night (they admitted me back to labour ward from maternity ward) and b) my little bubba had jaundice :-(

I know jaundice is common for new borns etc and no big deal but I cried so much in hosp. They moved me to a private room and stripped him, put a horrid mask on him and put him under light. I couldn't sleep at all. He kept pulling the mask down to his nose and I was scared he would suffocate. And he was so cold he kept shivering all night.

Anyway his jaundice got better and we were out on the Tuesday. I was getting quite depressed in the hospital. He is today 17 days old.

My induction went well. On the Weds at 11:30 they shoved a tablet up me. It was one of the worst experiences ever - worse than losing virginity!!! I was 1cm then. Six hours later they gave me another prostin. This experience was equally bad!

They didn't give me anymore that night incase I went into labour overnight and didn't want night staff to do a c section on a diabetic (this is what they told me!).

At about 11pm on the Weds I was feeling some pain. I was in a ward with 4 others and we were all induced. The pain started to get worse and they sent my hubby home. By 1am I was in tears as the pains were REALLY bad and the night staff were so rude and unsympathetic. They hooked me onto the CTG to monitor my contractions but the contractions weren't recording so I think they thought I was faking the pains and told me to go to sleep. At 2am I was in bed turning from left to right when all of a suddenly I thought I had pee'd myself. Then I thought, oh my waters may have gone naturally. I was going to call the nurse but the night nurse was a HUGGGEEEE lady (I am not being rude or anything, I am huge myself) but I was scared if I told her I think my waters broke, she might shove her hands up me to check and I really didn't want to go through that torture so I didn't tell anyone!! Then I lay there worried so struggled to go to loo. On way there I saw a nice petite nurse and told her. She gave me sanitary towel and told me she'd come and check in 10 mins. She checked and said yep waters have broken and told me that was good news and that I should try to sleep (yea rright!).

Couldn't sleep at all. 5am called hubby and told him to get his butt into the hosp. He managed to stroll in at 9am - I was VERY annoyed with him. The pains were SOO bad at this stage but yet again the CTG wasn't recording any of this which was frustrating. Oh yes and I had been vomitting a lot all night which messed up my sugars.

At 10am (Thurs 19th) the Obs consultant came. I told her my waters broke last night (no one told her this). She then said she'd move me to labour ward to put me on sliding scale as I was vomitting etc.

I was moved there at 11:30. I was taken to the room with mum and hubby, sat on a chair. Felt weird so I stood up and psssssstttttttttttttttttt my waters fully broke. Had a lovely warm shower, didn't want to leave the shower room.

Went back to my suite, I was told to take pants off (felt awkward with mum AND hubby). MW checked cervix (wasn't too bad this time) and I was STILL 1cm. I was quite annoyed. They put that contraction drip on me as well as sliding scale at about 1pm. I really needed a wee but they wouldn't let me get up and said I needed to wee in the bed. The wee sensation went but then I needed to do a number 2 badly and begged them to let me go to the loo but they wouldn't allow it as I had to be on CTG ALL THE TIME!! There was no way I was going to poo in a bed and have someone else clean my bum!! MW said that it could be that really I didn't need to poo but the baby was pushing down. Oh yes. at this stage baby wasn't engaged yet.

With the contraction drip, the pains became unbarebale. I asked for epidural at about 3pm but they were doing c section so anethetist wasn't around to do it for me. They gave me gas and air. Took one puff and felt so sick. Because I dont smoke or drink alcohol they said first few puffs would make me nauseous. I tried my best on it but instead of making pains easier it made me feel worse so I gave up on that (instead my hubby took a few puffs!). The consultant came round at about 4pm and I was 4cms which was good news. She said baby wouldn't be out till midnight or even next day. I really couldn't take it anymore and was demanding a c section at this point. They said they'd only do c section if baby was distressed so I was actually wishing for baby to be distressed - that's how bad I was.

Finally at 4:30pm the anesthetist came. By this time the pain was so bad they had hard time getting the epidural inside as I kept moving. Still the pain wasn't being recorded so now they were worried as I was clearly in a lot of pain and no longer "faking it". At 5:30 they were STILL trying and were unsuccessful. They had to get someone else from trauma unit to try as they had messed up a couple of times and had one more chance so wanted a senior person to do it.

While we were waiting for him, all of a suddenly I needed to push. I kept pushing and pushing with every contraction. The MWs were telling me not to as I wasn't ready but I couldn't help it. I tried do my pelvic floors with every contraction to stop the urge to push but it didn't work!! They said pushing would tire baby and that I HAD to stop but I just couldn't.

Finally they managed to get epi inside at 6:20pm (yep it took that long). The anesthetist hung around to see if it worked as apparently it takes 10 mins to kick in. At 6:35pm I was still feeling contractions and still pushing. So he gave me an extra dose of something to stop that sensation. I wish he hadn't. Soon after, they called in someone to check me as baby's heartbeat was accelerating. She checked me. Guess what. I was 10cms and baby's head was nearly there!! But by this time coz the anesthetist had given me the extra top up thing, I had lost all urge to push. It was quite hard but eventually at 6:55pm my little bubba was born.

It was amazing. I will never forget that day. While I was suffering from contractions with no epidural and no gas and air I told hubby that a lot of women say they could do all this again and again but I would NEVER EVER be able to do it again and that I didn't want anymore kids. But now, I soo can do it all over again.

I thank God everything went well. Even his sugar level after birth was good (4.1). My sugar levels however were terrible. I hate sliding scale!! I worked SOOO hard for 9 months to have good control and then on D Day it all messed up!! My sugars wouldn't go below 16!! I told MW to take sliding scale off and that I could control it better!!

Anyway delivery went well but after birth there is one thing I couldn't do and to this date still can't do and every time I think about it I want to curl up and cry. It's breastfeeding. As he was a tiny bubba (5lb 7oz) he couldn't latch on so they fed him aptimal in a cup. I waited and waited for milk to come. I had expressed some colostrum on day 3. This was the Sunday he had jaundice. Then that night (when he was under light therapy) my breasts felt SOO heavy and painful. What I should have done is hand express but didn't as I was too sad seeing him naked and shivering. I think I lost my milk then. I had so many visitors I had no chance to hand express to get the flow established.

When I came home I bought a pump but I sit on it for hours and get an ounce. It's horrid. I feel like a failure :-(
I googled and found there is this anti sickness tablet that helps establish milk so went ot GP but they wouldn't give it to me. I am on fenugreek herbal tablets and I THINK it's helping as when I squeeze nipple drops come out. He still won't latch on. Will try the pump now. Wish me luck ladies as I really want him to have my milk. I don't mind if he has it from bottle but as long as he gets a bit of the goodness.

Well that's my story. Sorry if it's long and boring!!

I know a couple of you want normal birth and worried about induction - I really hope it goes well for you guys. Maybe as it's your 2nd child, it might be eaiser!!
OMG my post is well long! Sorry.

How do I get rid of the ticker? Also bubba (named him Aariz) is due tomorrow!
OMG Tanikit!! I hope your okay xx

Huge congratulations Nemo!!! Bless you it sounded hard work but so worth it in the end. And please dont beat yourself up over breast feeding. You are trying your best. x
Sorry to hear about the car. I would have gone crazy.

Nemo, happy everything wnet well. I was induced with my first and I NEVER again. I hope this baby will come before the 38 weeks. But I have a c-section planned. Even the doctor agreed that in my case it is better than induction. And the pain is horrible and the urge to push when you are not ready is the worst. I had an epidural just because of this...
I am type 1 diabetic and I am 11weeks pregnant. There is a lot of information on GD, normal diabetes but not much on tyoe 1 diabetes and pregnancy. My DSN is brilliant but I am think she is getting tired of my paranoia :)

Is anyone here pregnant and diabetic from conception?

Im type 1 Diabetic 15+ weeks pregnant I only got diagonosed in December so iv basically had Diabetes when im pregnant longer than what I had diabetes not been pregnant im having such a tough time! finally people I can talk to! Loads of people think im attension seeking using the diabetic card but im always having hypos or going hyper and noone actually really seems to understand I had to quit my job things got that bad! :( x x x x
Im type 1 Diabetic 15+ weeks pregnant I only got diagonosed in December so iv basically had Diabetes when im pregnant longer than what I had diabetes not been pregnant im having such a tough time! finally people I can talk to! Loads of people think im attension seeking using the diabetic card but im always having hypos or going hyper and noone actually really seems to understand I had to quit my job things got that bad! :( x x x x

I know how you feel. I was off sick from work from week6 to week 17. All because sudden severe hypos. BIL all the time saying that I look fine, he could not see the problem. I think my husband was more annoyed than I was. I wish I could give a hypo to some people, just once, a bad one. Then they will understand that even I am braving through one, it is not easy, speacially having multiples one the same day. At work though they were very understanding, but maybe because I am a teacher and there is a diabetic child in school, and because she has to have steroids ALL the time, her control is very poor, her hypos can be even worse than mine and she had DKA a few times.
everyone is assuming im furter than i am!! I didnt think i was that big yet!!! :( got a growth scan on thursday so we will see if she is growing big at all x
I have the opposite, at work some people did not even notice I was pregnant untill I told them I was going in maternity leave. People have no idea of sizes...
Hello :)
I'm a T1 (been since March '09) & 14 weeks tomorrow, we suffered a misscarriage In November and my Diabetic Consultant blame my 'bad control' of sugars for the misscarriage!
I go to the Midwife every week making my pregnancy seem longer, I've been put on the Insulin Pump for about a month now; I think it's the best thing ever happened for me! My consultant still is a 'bitch' and refused to see her again.
I feel that my DSN and DS Midwife is amazing and cant do a better job, just so nervous for the birth and I don't want to even think about it, It scares me so much.

I just want more information and support for Type Ones or present Diabetes before they are pregnant and not just information for 'GD!!!'

Any new advice welcome and hope your pregnancies are all going okay :) xox
I'm type 1, for 14 years now! This is my 8th pregnancy. I have 5 living daughters. I've been blessed to have no diabetic complications. I've had preterm labor each time, but my endocrinologist assures me that it is not related to my diabetes. I've never found a very active group of pre pg diabetics. First trimester is very hard in my opinion as I try to get my sugars lower without going too low. I am on fast acting insulin (Novolog) with meals and night time insulin (NPH). All of my babies have been big at birth, but all became tiny girls as their genetics would have them be. They have each had jaundice and 3 have stayed in the NICU. All were born between 35 and 37 wks gestation.

Nice to meet you all :)
Im on Novarapid and my long acting Insulin is Lantus! My sugars are sitting at normal levels at the moment which is good but over the last week had about 20 hypos. I got told hypos dont effect your baby from the Diabetic team. But I can help but thinking it does cause it makes you feel so bad like your gunna keel over and what not. but apparently its only high sugars that can effect the baby is this true? xxxx
Hey everyone just thought id update real quick...
Had 20 week scan on Thursday and baby measuring spot on so far, so am pleased with that tho her leg length is measuring gutted I never got her gender confirmed tho, but my growth scans will be starting in 4 weeks so hope to be reasured then...
Also to my shock my HBA1C is now down to 6.5(11.5 at 6 weeks preg)....So am chuffed to bits and hope I can continue to do well.... YAY! x

Hope everyone is doing well? xx
Jaybear, good news. Brilliant hba1c. Just realised your son is only three months older than my DD. And your baby will be three months younger than the one I am having now. Like we agreed on dates :)

GlitterStar that is what I was told as well. The only way a hypo can harm the baby is if it makes you have an accident, like falling in the stairs. Apparently the highest rate of deaths caused by a hypo are drunk teenagers (because of emergency services not realising they were hypo, not drunk) and pergnant women. Scary. But the pregnant woment deaths were things like hit by a car because crossed the road when condused by a hypo. But apart from the accidents it doesn't harm the baby at all. It may harm you, but not the baby.

Now I am having problems with my GP that wants to know why I am getting so much insulin on my reapeat prescription. Because I am pregnant you moron. Had to book an appointment just to get extra insulin because the receptionist said the GP wants to speak to me before giving me more insulin...

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