SORRY IF POSTED IN WRONG PLACE! HELP! OK! Maybe someone can give a little insight... My last normal cycle was Aug. 3, 2011, my boyfriend and I were TTC immediatly after (like the 9th). Since August 3rd I have not had another cycle...but Ive experienced tons of symptoms since. i.e. slightly sore boobs, sharp shooting pain in vagina, itching alot, very dry and peeling skin, hard to bend over, cramps (similar to AF), TOSSING & TURNING at night, always hungry, GASSY, bad headaches, stomach pain after eating (then hungry again a little later) and the LIST GOES ON! Im wondering could I be pregnant, if so im almost 11 weeks now, I do have an appointment set up, but until then my mind is full of wonder.. SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?!