Anyone due June 2014, really need buddies!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Hi there, my name is Atty I am 47 and I live in rural Ireland, with my 2 youngest children, 14 & 13 and my new DF. I tested BFP over a week ago and feel very lonely. We are not telling anyone until at least 14 weeks, due to my age!

So I would really love to chat and share with other ladies, all the high, lows, fears and milestones!

My EDD is 14th June!
Hi batty would love to be buddies. I'm originally from rural ireland but live in uk. I'm 4 weeks today and due june 22nd. I have 3 kids already, aged 7, nearly 4 and 2. I'm 39 but will be 40 just before bubs is due. Are you having any symptoms? I feel wrecked and thats about it. Looking forward to chatting with you xx
Hi I'm 36 and due baby number 8 �� in June (I think) x
Hi Girls, welcome and H&H 9 months! This is going to be great having some buddies to share this with! Anyone have any symptoms yet?:thumbup:

Hey Nand)! where in Ireland are you from? :flower:
Hi atty only symptoms so far is fatigue snd excess saliva.. ugh. 18 months in the making and im moaning already. have you any symptoms yet? I read your other thread about your hcg I'm glad is doubling, bubs is just nestling in nicely.
I'm from the mayo/sligo border but on the sligo side. what part are you from?
Mum2manie, wow 7 kids, i imagine you are extremely busy. I'm one of 7 and ours was a nut house. are you having any symptoms yet?
Mum2manie Wow I missed that about 8, way to go girl!
Nand I am in west Clare :) I was born in the UK but have lived here now almost 22 years! My mams family are from Dublin, but she lives here in Clare also oh and my sister too! :)

My symptoms are actually lots of trips to the loo and RLP mostly when coughing and sneezing, which I seem to be doing a lot of!!! Oh the BB's are getting tender, but nothing like as bad as my usual Fibroadenomas, which oddly I only get in the summer, has the docs very confused! Like to keep them guessing lol!
I went to college in limerick and unfortunately ennis is about the only town i ever really was in in clare. Its good to have family around, my mum and most of my sisters are still in eire and i really wish they were around sometimes.
does your mum and sis know you are pregnant yet? I haven't told anyone yet.
Like you i'm peeing like a racehorse! my boobs arent sore though they give me a little sharp shooting pain to remind me that they're in it with me. xx
Were you in LIT?
Nope, no one knows, no one even knows we were even trying.....
We decided to wait and see if it was even possible at my age...
Now were waiting till 12 weeks to say anything. Not worried about telling my mum, but his is another story, they don't have any grandchildren yet, so we want to be as sure as possible before saying anything. And to top it all off his sister is getting married, so all his family are so excited and I dont want to take away from her big day! We were thinking originally if I did manage to get pregnant we would wait till after her wedding, but with it happening so fast has my due date 2 weeks after her wedding, so I dont think we can hide it! lol
Good afternoon ladies:hi:,

My DD is June 7th, this is baby number five for us after 12years we are so excited. We had a tr done March 2012 and was ttc and it finally happend. We just starting to see a fertility doctor. Went to the first appointment which was just a consult and two days later found out we were pregnant. :happydance:
Congrats brighteyez and welcome. Xx
mum2manie how are you? are you gonna have an early ultrasound to see how far along you are?
Atty, i went to limerick rtc in moylish. i think it might be lit now but not sure. I have told a few close friends but not telling family til 12 weeks. Its gonna be a shock for some i know but thats their issue to get over! No, you arent gonna be hiding a 38 week bump at the wedding. just dont upstage the bride by going into labour! Xx
Hi Brighteyez and mum2manie and welcome aboard the 'old ladies club'

I know what you mean about other peoples thoughts on 'older ladies having babies' But I want this and it is my life, so they will just have to get used to the idea! lol Are you booked for a early scan?
Thank you battyatty, I understand that as well. I am 36 and alot of people think I am crazy to having another baby at this age and my youngest is 12years old. But I say you dont have to care for them so your opinion doesnt matter to me.
Hi gals, just checking in to see how everyone is? xx
Hey can I join? I'm 35 (going to be 36 tomorrow) and this is my first pregnancy. I just received my bfp so my due date is June 26th.
Hi n1977.Welcome and Congrats, how are you feeling?
Hows everyone else today?
Thanks NAND - it hasn't really sunk in yet! Unfortunately I am already feeling nauseous - was anyone else nauseous as soon as they found out?
Hey can I join? I'm 35 (going to be 36 tomorrow) and this is my first pregnancy. I just received my bfp so my due date is June 26th.

Hi and welcome N1977, The more the merrier!
How is everyone doing, Any symptoms, too many symptoms?

I got myself into a right state on Monday over betas! My first @ 12dpo was only 35.7 and my doc rang to say it was too low and to call in next day! I had more blood taken next day @ 19dpo and had to wait 4 days to get my result. When I rang the receptionist said it was only 475! My doc had said when my bloods were taken that he hoped it would be in 1000's by 19dpo. I was convinced I had lost the baby... Got into a huge state! Didnt want to talk to my doc or anything.... My poor DF was so worried when I told him... he was the one who found some links that calculated my doubling time. My betas showed I was doubling within 48 hrs and I feel fine now, and I will not be going back for anymore beta tests, what will be will be... I will have less stress this way!
Then Tuesday the news we have been waiting for came. My DF got a job! He has been trying for over a year! The only problem is its in another country :cry: It looks like he will be leaving by the end of next week...... This is going to be so hard being apart at this time.... but oh well..... anyhow.....
Hi Ladies, I want to join!

I am in the states - Florida - and just found this site today. I am 39, will be 40 in a couple of months. At 7 weeks 2 days, nausea, fatigue and boob soreness have set in pretty hard. Also, my feet are sore. Never had that early in any of my other pregnancies!

N1997 - I was feeling nauseous and boobs were hurting at 4 weeks 3 days. In all my other pregnancies I had joked that my earliest symptom was that I felt NO symptoms before AF. This pregnancy is completely different. Maybe it being so long since my last one has something to do with it. My kids are dd - 19, ds - 14 and ds - 10.
Welcome BethaniaDawn and congrats. I'm gonna be 40 just before bubs is born, but hey ho. I dont have much in the way of symptoms and its sort of making me panic but then with my other 3 pregnancies I never had symptoms.
N1977 how are you today?
Atty great news about the job but what a pisser that its abroad. Glad your betas doubled, 475 at 19dpo is really good. Your dr. needs his head examined. Seriously though dont they know that where our babies are concerned we hang on every word and sometimes just re-phrasing how things are said can make such a difference.
As for me all ok, still peeing alot, lots of wind, (and i dont have a dog to blame it on!) and my boobs are sore every now and again. xx
Hi Girls! Hope everyone is ok, how are all your symptoms? I am really starting to get my MS, Not full blown, just icky all day with waves now and again! My poor BBs have gone up a cup size and are very painful especially when I take my bra off! Last 3 pregnancies I went from a 36D to a 40F!
Im taking it all as a good sign! I cant believe I am 6 weeks already, only another 34 to go lol! Counting down the days to my 8 week GP appointment :) Thinking of going private maybe next week and getting an early scan, don't think I can wait till 14 weeks!

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