gemie im so thick i never realised you had a 17 year old son. Whats it like expecting while you have a near adult? With trusting God with our fertility i guess there is a good chance that i will be in the same position one day as when my eldest is 17 i will be 37and i wonder what it will be like. My eldest is 8 right now and he is such a massive help to me i cant imagine what it will be like when he is 17.
Brittany... Awesome picture!! How far along are you?
Peanut... My appt is at 9:45, we're only 15 mins apart! What are you going to the gentecis for, if you don't mind me asking? I'm going because while in the er last week they compared my us for two weeks prior and felt there were some abnormalities with the baby. I'm terrified!! All I keep thinking is one if the baby has down syndrome or something terrible? OH and I are a nervous wreck! What could these abnormalities be?
gemie im so thick i never realised you had a 17 year old son. Whats it like expecting while you have a near adult? With trusting God with our fertility i guess there is a good chance that i will be in the same position one day as when my eldest is 17 i will be 37and i wonder what it will be like. My eldest is 8 right now and he is such a massive help to me i cant imagine what it will be like when he is 17.
My eldest is 21, i also have a 19 year old and a fourteen year old. I have to say it's a wonderful position to be in. They all muck in and help out.
I might have missed a prior post (sorry if I did) but why do you feel it will be bad news? I hope that's not the case at all
smiley, why do you think it will be bad news? Fingers crossed for you xxxx
I might have missed a prior post (sorry if I did) but why do you feel it will be bad news? I hope that's not the case at all
smiley, why do you think it will be bad news? Fingers crossed for you xxxx
We had an MMC with our first pregnancy and this time has felt very similar to then. I'm hopig I'm wrong (obviously) but am preparing for the worst just in case.
I just can't get that first one out of my head![]()
I can only imagine how lovely it is, my 8 year old always sits and plays with Jacob who is 1 and its such a help when trying to make dinner or clean up etc. so i would guess that they would help so much more when older. Does your 21 and 19 year old still live at home?
had my first ultra sound today! Yay!
We had an MMC with our first pregnancy and this time has felt very similar to then. I'm hopig I'm wrong (obviously) but am preparing for the worst just in case.
I just can't get that first one out of my head![]()