I guess I feel comfortable joining in here now!
I've had 2 previous mc's, one in August at 5+2 (EDD was April 15th), one mmc in December at 11+6 (EDD would be June 16th). I'm currently 9+5 today.
It's been a little rough so far! I tested for the first time and got my BFP at 3+4 (10dpo, I believe). The next week I had a progesterone test done because of the previous mc's, it came back perfectly fine. I had a feeling of twins for some reason, from the beginning. On Easter, 6+3, I spotted some bright red blood and freaked out. It didn't last long, so my midwife said if it comes back to let her know, but otherwise, not to worry. I didn't worry too much, because I still felt good about the pg.
A few days later, at 7 weeks, I went in for an early u/s and because of an infection. I wasn't able to see my regular midwife, but the other one did the scan. She saw one healthy baby and stared at the screen for a good 10-15 minutes trying to figure out if she was seeing a second sac (I had that feeling, remember?!). She didn't think she was seeing one, but she also didn't seem completely sure.
Later that night, I started bleeding, bright red, fairly heavy. I FREAKED out. There was some cramping, which made it more scary. I was in tears texting my midwife. She called in progesterone shots, just in case, and OH and I ran to the pharmacy to pick them up. The bleeding stopped that night - there was some spotting the next morning, but that was it. Scared me to death, but I still felt positive about the pg after (except for the twin feeling being gone), so I didn't go in for a scan like I considered.
Fast forward to 9 weeks - having all the symptoms I should be - nauseous pretty much ALL the time, crazy food aversions, sore boobs, bloating, headaches, skin breaking out, etc. Went in for another appt at 9+1 and had an u/s. Everything looks great! At 9+1, baby measured 9+2 (1 day ahead based on LMP, 2 days ahead based on suspected o), HB 147, baby was wiggling so much my midwife had a hard time measuring the HB.
That scan, though, pretty much confirmed my twin suspicion. We saw what appeared to be another sac with no baby. She said it could be a subchorionic hemorrhage, but that it didn't really look like that, and to expect some more bleeding. That night and the next morning I had some brown bleeding, then it stopped, and all seems well!
So there's that. I haven't told anyone yet, OH has blabbed to his co-workers, a couple neighbors, and one friend. We are waiting until mother's day (I'll be 12+3) to tell and give family copies of an ultrasound we'll be getting right before then.
So excited!
Oh yeah, EDD - November 21st.