Anyone else expecting a November sparkler? *Updated with due dates!*

Hi cat!

I think this one would be great on dd but I've never been allowed to go to dd because my babies were 18 months and then 20 months apart and at 35+5 and 36 weeks the second two were born over 8lbs. So I thought my ODD of oct 31 would be awesome or even oct 26 (dh's bday) but I have a feeling it may happen sooner. We will just watch baby's size :)
Angel we are the exact same dd I keep forgetting that! So neat!

Scan is tomorrow morning at 10:30 so 25 hours away!!! Yay!!
and what about you ladies on your first? do you think you will be on time, early or go over. Peanutmomma will you be induced early because of diabetes?

They will check baby's size at 34 weeks like they do for most in the US and if baby is over 9lbs. and a certain number of centimeters long, I don't remember the exact number, then we will be induced at 35 or 36 weeks. They like to see diabtetics make it to 39 weeks if at all possible. At the rate we are going thus far we will be having an early November baby. :hugs:
I think I will be over. I have a feeling LO is gonna come a few days late. Idk why! lol It's my first but I think it would be really awesome if she/he was born on due date or 10/31 because I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!! but would be VERY fitting for her/him to be born on All Saints Day since she/he is my miracle baby! :)

my nephew was due on Halloween Day too and they told my sister he would probably be late. NOPE!!! 2 in the morning and only 7 hours labor from first contraction to last push on Halloween so you may have your wish
welcome cat! nice to have another lady here with us!!

All I know on due dates is that when my mom had us, 6.5 years apart, my sister was 3 weeks early I was 3 weeks late. When my sister had hers the first was 8 days late the second on time and the third early. So I guess whenever baby says okay time to come out and see this place you call the world then baby will be here!!
Oh, another thing on my baby, if baby is still behind in growth on friday. Like every scan we have been 5 days behind LMP date. Then, Nov. 03 is still our goal because that would put us at 39+2. Oh, I pray peanut baby has caught up I really do. I am the only one that seems upset that baby was a little smaller than LMP date. Doctor was not worried in the slightest. She said she would have only been worried if baby was getting to big to quick as that is what usually happens with a diabetic momma is larger than gestation baby. Okay, I just wanted to share that.
I am feeling better now no more yuck feeling. I swear I get this once per week the past couple weeks only in the morning. Then I get sick once and I am fine for another week. This is still strange to me, but I guess I am making up for not being sick earlier on, right? LOL
I guess I feel comfortable joining in here now!

I've had 2 previous mc's, one in August at 5+2 (EDD was April 15th), one mmc in December at 11+6 (EDD would be June 16th). I'm currently 9+5 today.

It's been a little rough so far! I tested for the first time and got my BFP at 3+4 (10dpo, I believe). The next week I had a progesterone test done because of the previous mc's, it came back perfectly fine. I had a feeling of twins for some reason, from the beginning. On Easter, 6+3, I spotted some bright red blood and freaked out. It didn't last long, so my midwife said if it comes back to let her know, but otherwise, not to worry. I didn't worry too much, because I still felt good about the pg.

A few days later, at 7 weeks, I went in for an early u/s and because of an infection. I wasn't able to see my regular midwife, but the other one did the scan. She saw one healthy baby and stared at the screen for a good 10-15 minutes trying to figure out if she was seeing a second sac (I had that feeling, remember?!). She didn't think she was seeing one, but she also didn't seem completely sure.

Later that night, I started bleeding, bright red, fairly heavy. I FREAKED out. There was some cramping, which made it more scary. I was in tears texting my midwife. She called in progesterone shots, just in case, and OH and I ran to the pharmacy to pick them up. The bleeding stopped that night - there was some spotting the next morning, but that was it. Scared me to death, but I still felt positive about the pg after (except for the twin feeling being gone), so I didn't go in for a scan like I considered.

Fast forward to 9 weeks - having all the symptoms I should be - nauseous pretty much ALL the time, crazy food aversions, sore boobs, bloating, headaches, skin breaking out, etc. Went in for another appt at 9+1 and had an u/s. Everything looks great! At 9+1, baby measured 9+2 (1 day ahead based on LMP, 2 days ahead based on suspected o), HB 147, baby was wiggling so much my midwife had a hard time measuring the HB.

That scan, though, pretty much confirmed my twin suspicion. We saw what appeared to be another sac with no baby. She said it could be a subchorionic hemorrhage, but that it didn't really look like that, and to expect some more bleeding. That night and the next morning I had some brown bleeding, then it stopped, and all seems well!

So there's that. I haven't told anyone yet, OH has blabbed to his co-workers, a couple neighbors, and one friend. We are waiting until mother's day (I'll be 12+3) to tell and give family copies of an ultrasound we'll be getting right before then.

So excited!

Oh yeah, EDD - November 21st.
welcome cat! nice to have another lady here with us!!

All I know on due dates is that when my mom had us, 6.5 years apart, my sister was 3 weeks early I was 3 weeks late. When my sister had hers the first was 8 days late the second on time and the third early. So I guess whenever baby says okay time to come out and see this place you call the world then baby will be here!!
Oh, another thing on my baby, if baby is still behind in growth on friday. Like every scan we have been 5 days behind LMP date. Then, Nov. 03 is still our goal because that would put us at 39+2. Oh, I pray peanut baby has caught up I really do. I am the only one that seems upset that baby was a little smaller than LMP date. Doctor was not worried in the slightest. She said she would have only been worried if baby was getting to big to quick as that is what usually happens with a diabetic momma is larger than gestation baby. Okay, I just wanted to share that.
I am feeling better now no more yuck feeling. I swear I get this once per week the past couple weeks only in the morning. Then I get sick once and I am fine for another week. This is still strange to me, but I guess I am making up for not being sick earlier on, right? LOL

You really shouldn't worry about baby measuring small. The doctors go by lmp because most women don't know when they ovulate so they use the medical average of cd14. If I went by lmp, I'd be due 11/4 but by ovulation I'm due 11/17. It's a huge difference. I purposely didn't tell my dr my lmp date because I didn't want to be given the wrong due date and possibly be forced to be induced before baby is fully cooked. With my first it was only a three day difference. Lmp gave me a due date of 8/23, ovulation gave me due date of 8/26. The dr wouldn't correct the sure date on my chart even though she measured perfectly by ov, my bbt charts clearly showed when I ovulated, etc. Anyway, don't stress about it. Hardly anyone actually ovulates on cd14. :-)
Hi ladies! I just heard about this thread and would love to join!

My EDD is November 1st, but November 4th per O date. My doc said I am measuring right for LMP, so I don't pay much attention to the dates really.

As far as due dates, my son was my first, and he was born at 38.5 weeks. They were afraid he would be 5 pounds or less from my measurements, but he was 6 pounds and perfect! A little small, but if he had made it to 40 weeks, he would have been over 7 pounds.
I guess I feel comfortable joining in here now!

I've had 2 previous mc's, one in August at 5+2 (EDD was April 15th), one mmc in December at 11+6 (EDD would be June 16th). I'm currently 9+5 today.

It's been a little rough so far! I tested for the first time and got my BFP at 3+4 (10dpo, I believe). The next week I had a progesterone test done because of the previous mc's, it came back perfectly fine. I had a feeling of twins for some reason, from the beginning. On Easter, 6+3, I spotted some bright red blood and freaked out. It didn't last long, so my midwife said if it comes back to let her know, but otherwise, not to worry. I didn't worry too much, because I still felt good about the pg.

A few days later, at 7 weeks, I went in for an early u/s and because of an infection. I wasn't able to see my regular midwife, but the other one did the scan. She saw one healthy baby and stared at the screen for a good 10-15 minutes trying to figure out if she was seeing a second sac (I had that feeling, remember?!). She didn't think she was seeing one, but she also didn't seem completely sure.

Later that night, I started bleeding, bright red, fairly heavy. I FREAKED out. There was some cramping, which made it more scary. I was in tears texting my midwife. She called in progesterone shots, just in case, and OH and I ran to the pharmacy to pick them up. The bleeding stopped that night - there was some spotting the next morning, but that was it. Scared me to death, but I still felt positive about the pg after (except for the twin feeling being gone), so I didn't go in for a scan like I considered.

Fast forward to 9 weeks - having all the symptoms I should be - nauseous pretty much ALL the time, crazy food aversions, sore boobs, bloating, headaches, skin breaking out, etc. Went in for another appt at 9+1 and had an u/s. Everything looks great! At 9+1, baby measured 9+2 (1 day ahead based on LMP, 2 days ahead based on suspected o), HB 147, baby was wiggling so much my midwife had a hard time measuring the HB.

That scan, though, pretty much confirmed my twin suspicion. We saw what appeared to be another sac with no baby. She said it could be a subchorionic hemorrhage, but that it didn't really look like that, and to expect some more bleeding. That night and the next morning I had some brown bleeding, then it stopped, and all seems well!

So there's that. I haven't told anyone yet, OH has blabbed to his co-workers, a couple neighbors, and one friend. We are waiting until mother's day (I'll be 12+3) to tell and give family copies of an ultrasound we'll be getting right before then.

So excited!

Oh yeah, EDD - November 21st.

I started out with twins and by 9+3 at u/s confirmed a vanishing twin the other is growing great I am 12+2 now
Hi ladies! I just heard about this thread and would love to join!

My EDD is November 1st, but November 4th per O date. My doc said I am measuring right for LMP, so I don't pay much attention to the dates really.

As far as due dates, my son was my first, and he was born at 38.5 weeks. They were afraid he would be 5 pounds or less from my measurements, but he was 6 pounds and perfect! A little small, but if he had made it to 40 weeks, he would have been over 7 pounds.

BUMP BUDDY!!! :wave: :happydance:
peanutmomma, did you have any bleeding from the vanishing twin?
Hi cat!

I think this one would be great on dd but I've never been allowed to go to dd because my babies were 18 months and then 20 months apart and at 35+5 and 36 weeks the second two were born over 8lbs. So I thought my ODD of oct 31 would be awesome or even oct 26 (dh's bday) but I have a feeling it may happen sooner. We will just watch baby's size :)
Angel we are the exact same dd I keep forgetting that! So neat!

Scan is tomorrow morning at 10:30 so 25 hours away!!! Yay!!

Yup 11/1! woohoo!!! funny how a day sooner and we would have been in the october thread!! So glad to have found all you lovely ladies though!
I guess I feel comfortable joining in here now!

I've had 2 previous mc's, one in August at 5+2 (EDD was April 15th), one mmc in December at 11+6 (EDD would be June 16th). I'm currently 9+5 today.

It's been a little rough so far! I tested for the first time and got my BFP at 3+4 (10dpo, I believe). The next week I had a progesterone test done because of the previous mc's, it came back perfectly fine. I had a feeling of twins for some reason, from the beginning. On Easter, 6+3, I spotted some bright red blood and freaked out. It didn't last long, so my midwife said if it comes back to let her know, but otherwise, not to worry. I didn't worry too much, because I still felt good about the pg.

A few days later, at 7 weeks, I went in for an early u/s and because of an infection. I wasn't able to see my regular midwife, but the other one did the scan. She saw one healthy baby and stared at the screen for a good 10-15 minutes trying to figure out if she was seeing a second sac (I had that feeling, remember?!). She didn't think she was seeing one, but she also didn't seem completely sure.

Later that night, I started bleeding, bright red, fairly heavy. I FREAKED out. There was some cramping, which made it more scary. I was in tears texting my midwife. She called in progesterone shots, just in case, and OH and I ran to the pharmacy to pick them up. The bleeding stopped that night - there was some spotting the next morning, but that was it. Scared me to death, but I still felt positive about the pg after (except for the twin feeling being gone), so I didn't go in for a scan like I considered.

Fast forward to 9 weeks - having all the symptoms I should be - nauseous pretty much ALL the time, crazy food aversions, sore boobs, bloating, headaches, skin breaking out, etc. Went in for another appt at 9+1 and had an u/s. Everything looks great! At 9+1, baby measured 9+2 (1 day ahead based on LMP, 2 days ahead based on suspected o), HB 147, baby was wiggling so much my midwife had a hard time measuring the HB.

That scan, though, pretty much confirmed my twin suspicion. We saw what appeared to be another sac with no baby. She said it could be a subchorionic hemorrhage, but that it didn't really look like that, and to expect some more bleeding. That night and the next morning I had some brown bleeding, then it stopped, and all seems well!

So there's that. I haven't told anyone yet, OH has blabbed to his co-workers, a couple neighbors, and one friend. We are waiting until mother's day (I'll be 12+3) to tell and give family copies of an ultrasound we'll be getting right before then.

So excited!

Oh yeah, EDD - November 21st.

Welcome stef! :hugs: We had an undeveloped twin too. So glad everything is going well now!

hi bubsmom! Welcome!

ASF just got back from my scan :) baby was grabbing toes and stretching and turning and measuring right on track. So releaved! Was measuring a bit behind last time. The doctor said she couldn't tell us much but she would "get used to the idea of pink". It'll be interesting to see for sure cause i've been SURE this whole time it's a boy. We shall see!
Welcome to Cat, Steph and Bubsmom.

Can't remember who posted it (sorry), but lovely scan pic :)

I hope I am on time, but have a sneaky suspicion I will end up overdue as it's my first.
Thanks so much for all the welcomes.
It's so exciting hearing about everyone having scans and getting to see their bubbas. My NHS one isn't until 20th May (13wks) so I caved in and booked a private one for this Saturday. I just need reassurance that there is actually a baby in there and I'm not just going crazy, lol. X
Tower my twin, if you are not on here when I check later then Good Luck with the scan tomorrow!! I can't wait to see the baby's new pictures and soon your 13 week bump!!!
I read a story yesterday and today on the first trimester forum where ladies lost their babies at 11weeks and 4 days and one today i read she was 12weeks and like 1 day. So :dust::dust::dust: to us all here I love you all. I told DH about the stories and he knows me all to well. He asked, "Well can you still find Peanut's HB now?" I had just played with the Doppler 10 minutes before he came home and yes I barely had to put the probe on my tummy and there peanut was just racing away and oh so so so loud! and for those of you that have seen my bump pics I found peanut on the left this time last time was on right, of my cherry tattoo below my belly button. But, this time it was to the left but just above the tattoo. So less than 2-3 inches below my belly button. So exciting. I just laid on the bed listening as baby would move and it would get quieter then louder. Oh! I will NEVER regret having bought the Doppler.
I read a story yesterday and today on the first trimester forum where ladies lost their babies at 11weeks and 4 days and one today i read she was 12weeks and like 1 day. So :dust::dust::dust: to us all here I love you all.

I hate finding out girls on here lose their babies on so many levels... DH says I should just stay off the boards because it makes me sad and causes me anxiety at the same time. Clearly he doesn't get that the boards are a great source of support... I don't own a doppler... I have until Monday till I get a scan then I should feel a bit more relaxed. Once I feel movement I will be on :cloud9:! I had an early scan a 8w3d and everything looked great! I wish I wouldn't worry so much... :dohh:
Welcome newbies (im so sorry i have only just read your names and theyve gone from my head already! ) :dohh:

3boys, that made me chuckle that all of your boys are feb babies! May must be your fertile month, lol :) Do you have a feeling of the sex of this baby?

Peanut- cant believe you find your baby so high already, i still only ever find mine really really low, little monkey likes hiding :)

Its typical, the one night i really wanted to use my doppler- i cant find it. One of the kids must have had it though theyre all denying it! Really wanted to reassurance before the scan Tomorrow, hope is isnt an Omen.

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