Anyone else expecting a November sparkler? *Updated with due dates!*

manda I think it was with the picture? I am thinking girl.
So, I know since this is our first pregnancy I won't feel movements or kicks, etc. for some time still. But, I have had this almost like twinge I guess you can call it right where baby was in the scan last Friday. I noticed it was there at the middle of week 11, but it has now stayed there almost all the time. Maybe just more stretching out? My belly is warm there all the time too. And it is worse when I am getting up and down. Maybe more round ligament pains? Even though it is closer to the center and not the sides or anything? When it is really really annoying to me both DH and myself can feel the area and it is harder. I am not stressed over it just kind of curious about it as I have never felt anything like this in the area before. Another reference would be like if you were running and got a twinge in your side muscles, but down below my belly button. Any thoughts?

Also, we are so finding out peanuts gender
Yes, we are finding out! I am wayyyy too excited to wait!!!

Maybe if I end up with a boy and a girl, I will wait next time.

The boob thing... hmmm... my boobs are pretty much the same as last time. DH is in love with them. He can't stop describing them to me... lol... like I can't tell they are fuller and heavier than they usually are.

As far as the heart rate thing... my son's HB was VERY fast. Everyone thought he was a girl cuz it was so fast! This baby's sounds much more mellow, but he/she is very active according to the doppler and the u/s... sounds like my kids are just tricky little boogers!
And it is worse when I am getting up and down. Maybe more round ligament pains? Even though it is closer to the center and not the sides or anything? When it is really really annoying to me both DH and myself can feel the area and it is harder. I am not stressed over it just kind of curious about it as I have never felt anything like this in the area before. Another reference would be like if you were running and got a twinge in your side muscles, but down below my belly button. Any thoughts?

This sounds exactly like RLP... Mine always feels like a stitch in my side like when I am running. RLP can also just feel sore and uncomfortable, and I generally think growing pains are uncomfy and sore, too. Sometimes it even feels sore close to your crotch...
Very clever Laura! I never would have thought of that :dohh: thanks!

Zowiey I hate paying full price for things that will only be used for a minimum amount of time and like you said these may be your only babies so its not like you are gonna keep them and then you can sell them for about the same price as you brought them for as they keep there prices xx

I personally wouldn't even buy brand new car seats but that's me as long as I can check the car seat before I buy it then I buy secondhand I have done with this one like I have with the other 2 but some people like new I'm defo not one of those people lol xxx
Very clever Laura! I never would have thought of that :dohh: thanks!

Zowiey I hate paying full price for things that will only be used for a minimum amount of time and like you said these may be your only babies so its not like you are gonna keep them and then you can sell them for about the same price as you brought them for as they keep there prices xx

I personally wouldn't even buy brand new car seats but that's me as long as I can check the car seat before I buy it then I buy secondhand I have done with this one like I have with the other 2 but some people like new I'm defo not one of those people lol xxx

I wish here in the US we could buy used car seats. It is actually illegal to sell a used car seat in the US. you can be given one or pay for shipping and the such. But, we can't buy and ell used car seats. :(
I wish here in the US we could buy used car seats. It is actually illegal to sell a used car seat in the US. you can be given one or pay for shipping and the such. But, we can't buy and ell used car seats. :(

Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. We were really lucky to have been given THREE by friends of my mom and MIL. They were in great shape and only a year old, never in an accident, etc. They are the toddler forward facing ones, and they go up to 40 pounds so they will be good for a while, too! The infant one we have is still good for baby #2. We have two bases and it makes things much more convenient.
I wouldn't use a used car seat unless it came from family/ friends who I trust and know haven't been in an accident.
It's not worth the risk IMO. Too many bits inside a car seat you can't 'check' x
Good morning girls!

For those of you who have babies and have already felt movement... I have been using the little movements as my reassurance when I do feel them an when not I worry but know that there are MANY I can't even feel yet so i LOVE when I do. Anyway as of yesterday, I can now see my stomach move and get harder. Not like kicks an elbows obviously, but (sorry tmi) you know how after an Orgasm with prior babies you can see the actual uterus shape and it gets totally hard? I hope someone knows what I'm talking about lol anyway mine did that last night and it was actually extremely prominent even this morning laying down which is the first time with this baby :) yay!! Anyway the tip of my uterus is maybe an inch below my belly button (which the lady did say during the scan) and when it got hard the whole shape went oblong and up in the top side was the totally hard little baby all in a little peach sized area. Oh it was so cute!! With everything going on it is so reassuring!! I can remember waking up one day at about 4 months pregnant with my first and really seeing this same thing happening for the first time so when it happened this time it made me super excited.

Sorry that was a lot of repeating and rambling lol I was jut trying to explain it well enough for those who can remember it too :) I am pretty sure this baby will be big like the others even the scan pic it was super large and clear compared to friends that I've seen at came gestational age.

Have a great day girls I'll be checking back in lots lol

Love u peanut!! ❤
This wasn't true for me-- when I was pregnant with DS my boobs were insanely out of control! I was buying new bras monthly! Not any bigger at all with this one yet, but likely because I'm still nursing (which HURTS by the way!!)

For sure! Omg, nursing my 9 month old is super painful, especially when she is distracted and pops on and off! I've found it least painful and least distracting for her if we side nurse lying down together. She also has her first two teeth and feels the need to test them out on me quite frequently, omg! Please no more teeth until she understands no biting!

So I just called and asked if my blood work was in and they called back and gave me tons of numbers I don't think I even understood most but there is a negative result for Edwards syndrome which is GREAT! My odds for that were 1:7,400 and that was great but there was a rusk still for downs and with my age the odds cut off for high risk is 1:220 and my risk after the scan and blood is 1:75 :( so still a risk for downs.... I am on the way now to get the materniT21 test done which will give us a 99.1% accuracy of chromosomal problems. This test is just as good as the CVS they say except that there is no risk of miscarriage or infection like the cvs. It does take 2 weeks for results :( so that is going to be very hard but I headed there now sp that I will know ASAP.

Sorry to hear you still have a risk of DS, fingers crossed for you.

I have my 20 week scan appt already- thank god thats 10.30am, lol! We were going to stay team yellow but im dying to find out now!

Whos finding out and who is staying team yellow? x

Definitely finding out! Kaiser won't schedule until 20 weeks though, ugh. Ours is scheduled for June 28 in the morning. We are going to have the tech keep it a secret and do a gender reveal party with the family the next day though. We will give the gender results to the baker and when we cut the cake the inside will either be blue or pink :-)

my baby had 151 bpm on 12 week scan :D means boy?

Girl :flower: Below 140 boy, above 140 girl. Or so the theory goes, lol x

With dd, heart rate was always 155-170, this time it's 135-155. Even if it's not as accurate until later, there is definitely a difference this time!

I have a question! It's massively premature, so I apologise...... Car seats! We've been advised to get the isofix bases as apparently they are easier to use, but we are looking at the best part of £400 just for 2 isofix bases & 2 car seats :shock:

So, what do you have, do you like it and how much was it?!!

Thanks in advance!

I've heard on bnb some uk ladies talking about renting the infant seats/bases so you might want to look into that. The seats that clip in and out of the base are truly invaluable, but they are in them such a short time. Abigail outgrew hers at about 7 months. Technically she is stil within the weight/height limits even now at 9 months but she find it really uncomfortable and she's too heavy to carry around in her seat anyway so we switched to a convertible seat.

I wish here in the US we could buy used car seats. It is actually illegal to sell a used car seat in the US. you can be given one or pay for shipping and the such. But, we can't buy and ell used car seats. :(

They are on craigslist and at garage sales all the time peanut, I had no idea it was actually illegal, just highly discouraged. I wish there was an option to rent them like in the uk though! :-)
So her is our November sparkler :) measuring 6 days ahead, now due 4th November. Im feeling its a boy!


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garden, yeah you do see them all the time on craigslist and such. But, it isn't a felony or anything. The only true way someone can sell it to you is to tell you , you can use it as a trade in at Babies r us or something like that. What you actually do with it is up to you. But, say you are in a car accident and the car seat breaks. the person whom sold it to you can be held reliable. And, if you get some cheap one on Craigslist or garage sale and want to use it as a trade in babies r us and I believe Walmart online will give you $50 credit towards a new one. I wish I knoew someone who would let use use one or give us one. We know one gal we went to culinary school with that said if her LO has outgrown his by the time we come visit in June then we can have it. If not I suppose we will be trying to sell stuff to a pawn shop to get the money and buy one. DH parents begged us to not get a used one, but they are not offering to help us get a new one so who knows.
garden, yeah you do see them all the time on craigslist and such. But, it isn't a felony or anything. The only true way someone can sell it to you is to tell you , you can use it as a trade in at Babies r us or something like that. What you actually do with it is up to you. But, say you are in a car accident and the car seat breaks. the person whom sold it to you can be held reliable. And, if you get some cheap one on Craigslist or garage sale and want to use it as a trade in babies r us and I believe Walmart online will give you $50 credit towards a new one. I wish I knoew someone who would let use use one or give us one. We know one gal we went to culinary school with that said if her LO has outgrown his by the time we come visit in June then we can have it. If not I suppose we will be trying to sell stuff to a pawn shop to get the money and buy one. DH parents begged us to not get a used one, but they are not offering to help us get a new one so who knows.

I wouldn't feel comfortable with a used one unless it was from someone I knew. Carseats certainly aren't cheap (just spent $200 on dd's convertible seat! Thank goodness it lasts until 70 pounds!) but they are to keep babies safe so it's money well spent. :-)
Gorgeous pic Gem, so pleased all ok n that u been put forward!

Will catch up on rest of posts in a min!

Awful, my Consultant appt was just awful. I'm so upset. I know its part my fault for not being pushy enough and part hormones but it couldnt have gone worse.

Consultant said it was my 4th baby i said no 6th + 1 m/c she said no, you have 3 children and 3 mc. How the hell did she get that when my notes were in front of her saying Para 5+1?! I corrected her again and said no, this is my 7th pregnancy but we had a mc at 18 weeks last year and lost a baby girl neonatally at 5 days old. So she went 'Oh ok, so you have 4 children' I was so upset i snapped than no i had 5 but if she wanted to say 4 then fine! :cry: She then asked 'were your other 4 pregnancies normal'? Obviously Eves doesnt count!

I asked if there were any results from Alfies placenta and she didnt even look she just said my Dr would have to phone path lab- bear in mind this was Sept so 8 months ago and still not heard a thing. I havent been offered no scan and dont go back until 28 weeks.

She then said i needed Clexane injections (never had them before) so sent me through A+E, past the room they put us with Eve :nope:, to pharmacy, 30 mins wait down there, to labour ward where i sat next to a woman who asked how many children i had. Id got myself to worked up by that point i blurted out 4, and she asked how far i was, when i said 13 weeks she said 'oh thats ok nothing bad happens once you are past 7 weeks' :dohh: I couldnt say anything.

Ive nealised that nearly ever dept in that hospital holds bad memories for me- The antenatal dept, the labour ward, a+e, childrens ward....Im having a mighty 'Im feeling sorry for myself day' and have just come home and cried. Head pounding now. Just needed to let us out :cry:
Aww lovely pic Gem :)

I have no idea how you ladies get any clue on gender, but it fascinates me!

I don't think I'd buy a second hand car seat, we were offered one by my bil, and I no it hasn't been in an accident, but they just don't look after things, & I'd be paranoid about bumps & scrapes, but each to their own, no judgement just my opinion :) but surely with the isofix base, as long as its fitted correctly & is secure once fitted, and seat locks in they should be ok? Oh I don't know, it's such a bloody mine field!

It's like we're being tricked into paying stupid amounts of money for the "safety" of our babies, but is a £130 car seat any safer than a £50? I've been getting so angry today looking at baby stuff! Expensive doesn't nesesarily mean better! Rant over! Ha!
Oh Lora, big big :hugs:

Why are consultants so bloody insensitive? I don't suppose you can change hospital can you? Bless you, I don't know what to say, but to send love & hugs
Zowiey a base would be fine as long as its fitted fine!

Don't worry I know I'm not being judged but I do know that when a car set is in accident then the polystyrene breaks up that's the only thing that is actually protecting the baby from the actual plastic casing as its a shock absorber!
You basically pay for the name zowiey you can get car seats from kiddicare for £15 that do exactly the same job as a car seat £120 just that it prob won't fit on a pushchair!!

Well today as been weird for me my little man as gone to his nannies for a sleep over while I gloss my stairs I dropped him off then had a little cry on the way home while gertie slept it was very strange being child free while Gertie was at school too and now Gertie keeps asking for Grayson she's told me I need to go and pick him up cause she wants him home bless!!
Loraloo_ I am sorry the hospital was so mean to you. :hugs::hugs::kiss:

Gem- I just read on FB you have a gender scan in 3 weeks time? How awesome for you dear. i only wish I could say that I would know in 3 weeks what baby peanut is. Maybe at 18-20 weeks it all depends on what the Doctor says on May 14th. I have another return visit with both doctors and return visits are 10-15 minutes long. Just a simple, how are you feeling? What is your BP and weight and lets look at your blood sugar levels. Ii will be seeing a different doctor yet again. I thought I would have the same doctor all the way through, but not the case with the high risk team There are over 20 people that work on the team and like 12 are doctors!!! I will hope this next guy is as great as the last one we saw on Friday and is on our side about getting a gender scan done. the last doctor said," we are all for helping parents find out the sex of there babies when they want to know". He is the one that even pulled out the Doppler in the office and let us hear the HB there for the first time. It was reassuring to know what we are hearing at home is for sure no doubt the baby. I know I am just stressing that this next guy will not be on our side and will say, "Oh well there is no point in doing so, we will be seeing you for the Cardiologist at closer to 20 weeks and maybe they can tell you then" DH says that is only like 5 more weeks after the May14th appointment , but I think I will feel closer to my baby if I can know sooner

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