Anyone else expecting a November sparkler? *Updated with due dates!*

Hope everyone is well today. Our fluke snowfall last Thursday has FINALLY melted and the sun is out, windows are open again. :) I am still not in a very uplifted mood, but what do you do? I have had the weirdest dreams all night long ones where I think I am waking up and I am actually in another dream. Then, I woke up for real at like 5 am and had a massive headache. I thought it was going to be a migraine day :(. But, took something and went back to sleep only to have even worse dreams. Then, I started to have better dreams and I woke up with a low blood sugar.
I am fine now, it was just a weird night I guess.
Gemie- congrats on the new fruit today.
Hey Ladies,
Glad everyone is doing well today. :hugs: to Nanaki (sp?) Sorry going off memory on the spelling but Hope you are coping ok!

As for the friend stuff - I just had the most angering situation with one of my friends. A lil background he is crazy but has also supported me through a LOT of difficult times as I have for him. But he is a manimpulator and I know this about him and I have looked past it. Well he screwed me out of money and with no remorse said he wasn't going to give me it back because and I quote "everyone else screws you out of money why should I be the one person to repay you?" Best friend NIce right?? So I got mad and didn't call him for over a month. He called me the other day and I thought of not answering but as usual when we fight I swallow whatever bothers me and let it go so I answered. He kept questioning why we hadn't spoken in so long and I said because I was mad at you. He badgered to find out why I kept saying LET IT GO well finally he guessed it was about the money. He claimed he was joking that he planned to give it to me. I was like well at no point after you said the screwed up stuff did you say you were joking. Well we left it off casually no fighting etc.

Yesterday he leaves me a voicemail stating he is VERY upset thinking about the money and he can't belive I would give up a friendship over $200 (at no point did I ever say I was giving up our friendship because of the money) and then he said something that I find disgusting "I question your maturity and your ability to be a parent!" OMG my Pregnancy rage went into full effect. Then he started attacking me about things that had NOTHING to do with the money well needless to say I called him and went off. Then hung up and he proceeded to call me 28x and I hung up on every single call. He left 6 Voicemails (i deleted them) and sent over 50 texts also deleted. I did catch a text or two that said I should be lucky he isn't going after me for $10,000 (I'm assuming because he (a non-lawyer) helped me with an estate matter when my father passed away and helped me legally. Idk how a friend with no legal degree can charge you the same as a full time lawyer but in his mind he can. Also said "the reason you are so upset about the Parenting comment is because you know it's true!" NO i'm upset because how dare you bring my unborn child into a fight about $200. Just hurtful stuff. I am not answering or contacting him again. And I don't care that he is saying I threw away this friendship over $200 when I know in my heart he threw it away for being a spiteful manipulative A**hole (excuse my language). To even stress me out while pregnant is very "unfriend like". I am done having to swallow my feelings and I don't need friends like him if every "good" thing he does for me is documented and used to to bring up if I'm ever upset!
Sorry for the rant. Just really hurt me. :cry:
Tara - Oh my god... I can't believe that happened to you!!! He sounds like a nutcase to me... He is probable so upset and defensive because he knows he was wrong and doesn't know how to deal with it... he sounds like a narcissist to me. You didn't do ANYTHING wrong. He was out of line and doesn't deserve your friendship.

I know that doesn't take away the hurt... but at least you can sleep well knowing you didn't do anything wrong and he took a very low road and has to live with himself.
Oh Angel, massive hugs, I Am so cross about your friend right now! I just read your post to my OH who said for any man to cause this kind of stress to a pregnant woman is pitiful, and if that was my friend he would go and smack him (my OH is actually the least aggressive man I've ever met but I think he's getting a bit alpha male now I'm pregnant - lol).

Hope you're ok xxx
Tara - Oh my god... I can't believe that happened to you!!! He sounds like a nutcase to me... He is probable so upset and defensive because he knows he was wrong and doesn't know how to deal with it... he sounds like a narcissist to me. You didn't do ANYTHING wrong. He was out of line and doesn't deserve your friendship.

I know that doesn't take away the hurt... but at least you can sleep well knowing you didn't do anything wrong and he took a very low road and has to live with himself.

Oh Angel, massive hugs, I Am so cross about your friend right now! I just read your post to my OH who said for any man to cause this kind of stress to a pregnant woman is pitiful, and if that was my friend he would go and smack him (my OH is actually the least aggressive man I've ever met but I think he's getting a bit alpha male now I'm pregnant - lol).

Hope you're ok xxx

Thank you! I know it was just such a low blow to question my ability to be a mother!!! We used to fight all the time and he did this exact same BS but I learned to choose my battles and like I said I tried to avoid the fight and just casually discussed why I was upset and he escalated it to this! He is a Narcissit and tell your OH Dazed that I appreciate him wanting to defend another prego!! :)
You know the funniest thing is he told me that instead of cutting him off I should cut off the other "toxic" people in my life. Quite frankly he is the only "toxic" person I have in my life currently! lol Because anyone that calls 28x in less than 2 hours with 6 5 min voicemails and 50 texts is TOXIC!
Jeez Angel, he's crazy! Sounds a lot like an ex friend of mine actually. I got so sick of sweeping all her drama under the rug, we 'broke up' about five years ago and haven't spoken since. She still crosses my mind on her birthday but I don't want to open that can of worms again! :hug: to you!

Officially 12 weeks today! (14 by lmp though) Next appointment and ultrasound on Thursday!! :happydance:
Angel, wow what an arsehole. I definitely wouldn't have anything more to do with him. He sounds very immature to get so nasty & take such a low blow. When he really has no reason to be mean. HE owes you $200!!

Ignore him, you're better off without him :hugs:
Yeah I know how he manipulates the situation and if he spoke to you first he would have you convinced that I was 100% in the wrong. But I know i'm not. Oh well. I have no time for that kind of drama. Doesn't he know he shouldn't mess with a prego? lol Garden I'm sorry you lost your close friend too but a wise person once told me that if someone in your life doesn't bring value to it in some way no matter how small then they aren't worth having in your life. His value in my life has been less than zero lately so moving on. :)

I feel like 200lbs have been lifted off my shoulders! lol

Onto baby news... I called to book a private scan but haven't heard back yet. I still have over a week and a half before I can get in for my 16 week mark. But impatient me wants to at least book it so I have a scan to look forward to! lol
:hugs: Angel...what an idiot (to use a polite expression, not the one I'm really thinking!). Even though you KNOW you're in the right, it's really unsettling to fall out with someone. I had an argument with someone close to me a few weeks ago, and despite being 100% confident in my position, I still felt all yucky that we'd had cross-words. You totally did the right thing to just withdraw from the communications: you've got to have boundaries and limits regarding what you're prepared to put up with, otherwise people will just walk all over you. That being said, if you ever chose to forgive and forget he'd still know that you're not going to accept just any behaviour from him.
:hugs: Angel...what an idiot (to use a polite expression, not the one I'm really thinking!). Even though you KNOW you're in the right, it's really unsettling to fall out with someone. I had an argument with someone close to me a few weeks ago, and despite being 100% confident in my position, I still felt all yucky that we'd had cross-words. You totally did the right thing to just withdraw from the communications: you've got to have boundaries and limits regarding what you're prepared to put up with, otherwise people will just walk all over you. That being said, if you ever chose to forgive and forget he'd still know that you're not going to accept just any behaviour from him.

I think i have forgiven and forgotten too many times with this "friend" and my limit is reached. I mean lets say I do forgive and forget and then we get into another disagreement because I don't like something he said or did. If my child is born at that point will he degrade my child? his maturity is the one to be questioned not mine! I took the high road by not speaking to him until I calmed down. He pressed to know why and then started WWIII with me. But i'm immature?? that's pretty laughable. Especially coming from someone who hasn't worked in 6 years and just lives off of settlements he gets from suing everyone he knows!!
It sucks to lose someone who is a dear friend and I am not discrediting the times that he has been there for me when No one else has but those times of good deed do not give him a free pass for EVERY time he steps out of line. Especially because I have been there for him just as much over the years it has not be one sided. I have done my fair share in this friendship and very little things that he can say negatively about me as a friend. The only things he attacks me on are stupid things that are character flaws I may possess. LIKE BEING TOO KIND!! lol
Sorry to change the subject but for those who already have kids, I found this on Pinterest for Fathers Day and thought it was a cute idea so I did it with DD this morning:

(DH loves raccoons so even though this is a "boy" outfit, it's fitting for Fathers Day!)

In a four spot frame:

I might try to get some more later when she's had a nap so I have more to choose from but for now, these are my favorite for Dada :)
sometimes people are mean ! angel :hugs: glad you can make a decision and know where your boundaries are :thumbup:

gender scan booked for june 4th and 830 am !! whoooooooo can't wait
garden the first time the pics didn't load ... but my gosh how cute!

My due date has been modified to NOVEMBER 1st YAY!

I am mostly excited because after my dear baby arrives we get a few weeks together before the rush of the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas time).
We will get to bond and I will get to heal and such. YAY
Sorry to change the subject but for those who already have kids, I found this on Pinterest for Fathers Day and thought it was a cute idea so I did it with DD this morning:

(DH loves raccoons so even though this is a "boy" outfit, it's fitting for Fathers Day!)


1. Soooo cute and
2. Just because it's blue I don't think it's a "boy" outfit-- she looks adorable! ;)

My due date has been modified to NOVEMBER 1st YAY!

I am mostly excited because after my dear baby arrives we get a few weeks together before the rush of the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas time).
We will get to bond and I will get to heal and such. YAY

Hey, we share a due date, along with a few other lovely ladies on this thread, as well! :hugs:
Garden those are super cute!!!

What a great idea and way to go savIng money and doing them yourself!!

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