good morning ladies- I am jealous you all have dates for the 20 weeks scan. I am going to beg them next Tuesday to let me come in before we leave to go to St. Louis, MO (It's where I am from and unfortunately we have a meeting there on June 11th that I can't miss. It is not a vacation by any means) If I can get in just before we leaver I will be 18 weeks along. I am praying I can get the scan then. Or at least the Fetal Cardiography scan. then the 20 week and gender the week after we return I will be 20 weeks then.
Is it bad of me to hope that my belly really pops before we go to ST. Louis? I want everyone we know to see I am pretty and pregnant. Not just lumpy and bloated looking LOL. At least when we go, we will be making a detour to my sister's house and she is giving us a 4-in-1 crib, mattress, lots of crib sheets and anything else she or her friends can come up with. So, that will help loads. I would absolutely love to have more scan pictures and a gender to share with her. She swears I am having a boy
Okay, sorry for rambling on and on about the same subject!! I am freezing this morning. See DH and I played outside in the yard all afternoon yesterday. And well, I got a little burnt on my shoulders. DH burnt his entire back as he was shirtless. We planted our garden, trimmed some of the rose bushes, had a small fire to burn some of the yard waste. I tried to trim some of the raspberries we have back and the thorns got me. OUCH!!! I have become very accident prone now that I am pregnant and every single little scrape or cut bleeds like I am a stuck pig!! I suppose it is the extra blood.
Oh, I had a very "Different" type feeling yesterday, after we showered we were laying in bed and I had this random little feeling about 2 inches below my belly button. It was like a little like poke followed by two quick ones. Then, nothing. I am wondering if it may possibly be, and I hope so, the very very first of baby peanut swooshing by inside?
I could have just had a weird muscle move too, but I have never ever felt this. Yeah, the best way I could describe it was like a little kid lightly poking you, or when a kitty cat will lightly paw at you.
Okay, I am off of my little soap box I hope everyone is doing well today. I am debating if I want to go out into the yard again and find something to do Hmmm...