Anyone else expecting a November sparkler? *Updated with due dates!*

i wont get a scan until after 16wks, it feels like forever away, i wish they did 12wk scans here. x
I have been tired the last couple of days too. Up until now I've not felt too bad, but today and yesterday it really hit me. I have also felt quite light headed the last couple of days too, and I just want to lie down....not good when I am at work! Working from home this afternoon though so not as bad. Might sneak in a nap in an hour or so!

3boys, that seems like a long time to wait. Poor you hun.

Can't believe some of you are feeling bubs already. I really can't wait, but this is my first so think it will be a long time before I start to realise what is bubs and what is just gas! I assume its a lot more noticable 2nd time around as you know what it feels like.

Hugs to anyone who needs one x
Wow 3boys, 16 weeks? Thats an awful long wait :( I'd be pulling my hair out.

So Im off out tonight and realised i have nothing nice that fits me :wacko: I dont have time or the money to go and buy something new, can see me going my me jammies at this rate.

Been gutting the house, because my Mums coming up to watch the kids, and of course, even though Im 30 I cant let her see my house messy :dohh: Have to pretend it looks this tidy ALL the time, lol. So im shattered now. Been up since 6, got 4 kids up ready and to school, done 2 loads washing and hung 1 lot out, put all clothes away, cleaned the bedrooms, scrubbed kitchen and bathroom, picked Amy up from Nursery, came home, did lunch for the little 2, cleaned all floors, got William down for his afternoon nap and now sat down having a well deserved rest imo, lol! xx
Good Morning BabyandBump Land Hope everyone is well today. I just wanted to share this, yes I am being silly and it's about me... My OB just called me at 7:45 this morning. Kind of weird right? Well, She just wanted to tell me she was just speaking with my Endocrinologist on the phone and they are both very impressed and proud of me thus far. I started seeing the Endocrinologist March 19, 2013 To get established and to get a referral for the OB department since I was 7 weeks pregnant and Diabetic. I saw OB for the first time on April 03, 2013. I have been back for follow ups to both doctors and I have drastically lowered my blood sugars and they are almost right where the doctors wanted them to be. I was not told I would need a hospital stay on Wednesday when I went for my follow ups as previously discussed to get my Diabetes in better control. I mean I have not had insurance to properly care for myself in at least 10 years. So, we all thought I was going to be off the charts out of control with blood tests.
Well, other than minor tweaking of insulin at certain times of the day, I now have a handle on things and they don't have too much concern of early demise of the pregnancy. It was a really nice chat I had with the OB and she can't wait to see me next Friday for our 12 week scan and genetics testing. I am uber excited too since we get to bring a CD-R and they will record the entire ultra sound with audio.
okay I am done with putting myself on a pedastool thanks for reading my news. Love you all have a wonderful day
So I'm beyond annoyed...
I called to make an appt. with the genetic councilors and I asked, " so there is def. something off with this pregnancy" and she replied by saying, "they will go over everything when you come in."
The annoying thing is, if I haven't have gone to the er I wouldn't know about any
I this until 20wks!!!
I wish I could just drink juice and eat saltines, but not when you are an insulin dependant diabetic. I have to eat proper meals three times per day at the bare minimum. If I vomit them up its ok but I have to eat. If I vomit every meal up in a 24 hour period I have to go to the ER and be admitted. I don't have a working pancrease so once my insulin injection has been given I can't just sit back I have to have food or it could send me into a coma! But, when my B called today I told her about the Migraines getting worse and such. She said if they are too bad and I vonit more than 3 times total in a 24 hour period no matter if its dry heaving I have to be admitted and that Diabetic mommas are admitted all the time for this through out first and second trimesters because of this. I have not vomitted anymore just the one time where I almost didn't make it and dry heaving another time. But, DH took awesome care of me he turned off all the lights on the fish tanks and put heavy thick covers on both bedroom windows and let me take the 45 minutes it took to slowly eat green beans and a small pork chop for dinner. I had to eat a small meal at midnight, but i am feeling a little better today so far. I still have a bit of a headache, but I don't feel like my brain is trying to come out of the front of my skull any longer. I had string cheese and an apple for breakfast. It's better than nothing at least and anything else I thought I would try made me wanna get nauseous.

So, all in all things are looking up today at least! My cousin told me yesteerday that she had bouts of 1 day sickness then okay for a week or so then back all through all three of her pregnancies. I hope I don't go through that.
The other thing that my Doc said on the phone was that since I can't find a way to sleep longer than an hour or so at one time to take naps through out the day. The normal sleep pattern for humans is actually not sleeping 6-8 hours straight. It is actually better to sleep 2-3 then be up for at least 45 minutes to an hour then 2-3 hours of sleep again. I will try to take a nap in the afternoons and see if I start to feel better rested.

Okay, here is a question... I have noticed that I am already having troubles bending over to pick things up. I wouldn't think that at 11w5d I should be having any difficulty yet?Did or does anyone else have to pretty much squat to get things up off the floor?
If I bend straight over I get sever pressure in my head and my entire tummy feels like I am going to get sick. I have the same issue when I try to take laundry out of the washer too because they guys have the washer up on some wood off the ground to make it easier to get to the bottom for them. They are all over 6 feet tall in this house and I am only 5 feet tall so I have to get up onto my tip toes anyways to reach in to the bottom, but now it pushes and I wanna get sick.
Next question, what does the LO FEEL like when you first feel the movement? I have heard it feels like weird gas bubbles to flutters. How do all of you that have felt this wonderful thing describe it?

I too doubt I wilol know what it is til much later on since this is baby number one
Great news peanut: well done!

Hope you enjoy your night out Loraloo, and I'm sure you'll look gorgeous whatever you wear!

Grinch: We usually get our scan at around 12 weeks here; I hope you get to see LO soon.

Sorry you have to wait so long 3boys, do you get to hear the heartbeat at any MW appointments before then? 16 weeks seems like such a long wait!

AFM: I've had real roller-coaster of a day. I hardly ever cry, really, even when I'm alone I'll try and stop tears from coming, but this morning I was feeling SO bad, and retching really hard over and over, and I just ended up bursting into tears and properly sobbing....poor OH didn't know what was going on! Me and DS went for a big long walk in the sunshine and I felt loads better though. Then I got home to find out that DS has only been accepted into our 3rd choice nursery (which is still an excellent nursery, but it's a good 30-40min walk from our house) and felt a bit gutted at that.

But, on the upside, I got my scan date through, 9th May :happydance: It cannot come quick enough!
So I'm beyond annoyed...
I called to make an appt. with the genetic councilors and I asked, " so there is def. something off with this pregnancy" and she replied by saying, "they will go over everything when you come in."
The annoying thing is, if I haven't have gone to the er I wouldn't know about any
I this until 20wks!!!

That's terrible! How soon is your appointment: really hope everything is fine honey :hugs:
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenders :haha: lol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice :( We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.

Kdk :hugs: I dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx
Okay, here is a question... I have noticed that I am already having troubles bending over to pick things up. I wouldn't think that at 11w5d I should be having any difficulty yet?Did or does anyone else have to pretty much squat to get things up off the floor?
If I bend straight over I get sever pressure in my head and my entire tummy feels like I am going to get sick. I have the same issue when I try to take laundry out of the washer too because they guys have the washer up on some wood off the ground to make it easier to get to the bottom for them. They are all over 6 feet tall in this house and I am only 5 feet tall so I have to get up onto my tip toes anyways to reach in to the bottom, but now it pushes and I wanna get sick.
Next question, what does the LO FEEL like when you first feel the movement? I have heard it feels like weird gas bubbles to flutters. How do all of you that have felt this wonderful thing describe it?

I too doubt I wilol know what it is til much later on since this is baby number one

1. I'm not feeling sick when I bend over, but I'm certainly getting really light headed if I stoop down, and feel this pressure on my belly if I bend over.

2. When I first started feeling movements (I think it was around 16 weeks with DS) it felt like little tiny electrical punches or pops, accompanied by a fluttery feeling like you get when you're super nervous and excited, but just in one specific spot. Later on it just felt like I was getting kicked and elbowed and punched and headbutted from the inside lol!
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenders :haha: lol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice :( We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.

Kdk :hugs: I dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx

Thanks so much're making well-up again lol! I'm just a freaking emotional wreck today! I watched a video on FB of soldiers coming home from tours of duty and surprising their kids and properly bawled my eyes out (snot, red face, the lot...).

I'm gutted about the nursery place. Really. The nursery is meant to be great, but it's not in the nicest area. Apparently that's why it's such a good nursery/primary school though: they pumped loads of money into it to get the best teachers for the kids who needed it most. I don't know though... I still wish he'd got into the one that closer by, and in a nicer area. God, I sound like a right snob don't I?!
Wow 3boys, 16 weeks? Thats an awful long wait :( I'd be pulling my hair out.

So Im off out tonight and realised i have nothing nice that fits me :wacko: I dont have time or the money to go and buy something new, can see me going my me jammies at this rate.

Been gutting the house, because my Mums coming up to watch the kids, and of course, even though Im 30 I cant let her see my house messy :dohh: Have to pretend it looks this tidy ALL the time, lol. So im shattered now. Been up since 6, got 4 kids up ready and to school, done 2 loads washing and hung 1 lot out, put all clothes away, cleaned the bedrooms, scrubbed kitchen and bathroom, picked Amy up from Nursery, came home, did lunch for the little 2, cleaned all floors, got William down for his afternoon nap and now sat down having a well deserved rest imo, lol!
:shock: you are indeed wonderwoman! I wish I had the energy to half of that lol I've got up and bathed poppy and felt very proud of myself for doing just that :haha:
kdk sorry Hun that really sucks! :hugs:

As for feeling what baby fels like when it moves.... It's so hard to explain I really is like gas bubbles. Have you ever held jumping beans in your hands? If so it kind of feels like that but low down in your tummy. I usually feel it more when I'm laying in bed as I'm still and no other distractions so its quite distinctive then.
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenders :haha: lol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice :( We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.

Kdk :hugs: I dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx

Thanks so much're making well-up again lol! I'm just a freaking emotional wreck today! I watched a video on FB of soldiers coming home from tours of duty and surprising their kids and properly bawled my eyes out (snot, red face, the lot...).

I'm gutted about the nursery place. Really. The nursery is meant to be great, but it's not in the nicest area. Apparently that's why it's such a good nursery/primary school though: they pumped loads of money into it to get the best teachers for the kids who needed it most. I don't know though... I still wish he'd got into the one that closer by, and in a nicer area. God, I sound like a right snob don't I?!

Oh its not good to watch or read anything remotely sad when pregnant! I made a huge mistake of reading the book about baby P my sister gave me. I only read about 5 pages and I had to put it in the bin, by far the most distressing and heartbreaking thing i have ever read. Oh God Im welling up now just thinking about it again :nope: Bad move.....

You dont sound like a snob id be gutted if Amy didnt get a place in our chosen school, its a shame its such a walk for you too. The closer the better (so long as the closest is a good Nursery!) I'd be really stuck too as my Mum doesnt drive and she'd not be able to walk to the next School if i ever needed her picking up. Maybe you could go and put his name down for the 1st choice Nursery in case anyone drops out? xx
Wow 3boys, 16 weeks? Thats an awful long wait :( I'd be pulling my hair out.

So Im off out tonight and realised i have nothing nice that fits me :wacko: I dont have time or the money to go and buy something new, can see me going my me jammies at this rate.

Been gutting the house, because my Mums coming up to watch the kids, and of course, even though Im 30 I cant let her see my house messy :dohh: Have to pretend it looks this tidy ALL the time, lol. So im shattered now. Been up since 6, got 4 kids up ready and to school, done 2 loads washing and hung 1 lot out, put all clothes away, cleaned the bedrooms, scrubbed kitchen and bathroom, picked Amy up from Nursery, came home, did lunch for the little 2, cleaned all floors, got William down for his afternoon nap and now sat down having a well deserved rest imo, lol!
:shock: you are indeed wonderwoman! I wish I had the energy to half of that lol I've got up and bathed poppy and felt very proud of myself for doing just that :haha:

Yeah i was pretty chuffed hence why i listed everything :rofl: the days when i just sit on my backside, I dont mention, haha! x
I can't wait to actually feel baby I am sure in a short few weeks or so I may get to. I hear it's pretty amazing feeling
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenders :haha: lol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice :( We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.

Kdk :hugs: I dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx

Thanks so much're making well-up again lol! I'm just a freaking emotional wreck today! I watched a video on FB of soldiers coming home from tours of duty and surprising their kids and properly bawled my eyes out (snot, red face, the lot...).

I'm gutted about the nursery place. Really. The nursery is meant to be great, but it's not in the nicest area. Apparently that's why it's such a good nursery/primary school though: they pumped loads of money into it to get the best teachers for the kids who needed it most. I don't know though... I still wish he'd got into the one that closer by, and in a nicer area. God, I sound like a right snob don't I?!

Oh its not good to watch or read anything remotely sad when pregnant! I made a huge mistake of reading the book about baby P my sister gave me. I only read about 5 pages and I had to put it in the bin, by far the most distressing and heartbreaking thing i have ever read. Oh God Im welling up now just thinking about it again :nope: Bad move.....

You dont sound like a snob id be gutted if Amy didnt get a place in our chosen school, its a shame its such a walk for you too. The closer the better (so long as the closest is a good Nursery!) I'd be really stuck too as my Mum doesnt drive and she'd not be able to walk to the next School if i ever needed her picking up. Maybe you could go and put his name down for the 1st choice Nursery in case anyone drops out? xx

Oh my goodness, that would be heartbreaking, that poor wee baby. x

We don't have a car (and I don't drive) so it's going to be interesting walking there and back during the Winter :dohh: We're on the waiting list, so just have to keep our fingers crossed really!

And I second what Gemie said: you are wonderwoman getting all that done! You certainly deserve a fabby night out tonight! x
I can't wait to actually feel baby I am sure in a short few weeks or so I may get to. I hear it's pretty amazing feeling

Honestly, it's the best feeling! The kicks and my bump were my favourite things about being pregnant (well, that and having big boobies for the first time in my life :haha:)

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