So I'm beyond annoyed...
I called to make an appt. with the genetic councilors and I asked, " so there is def. something off with this pregnancy" and she replied by saying, "they will go over everything when you come in."
The annoying thing is, if I haven't have gone to the er I wouldn't know about any
I this until 20wks!!!
Okay, here is a question... I have noticed that I am already having troubles bending over to pick things up. I wouldn't think that at 11w5d I should be having any difficulty yet?Did or does anyone else have to pretty much squat to get things up off the floor?
If I bend straight over I get sever pressure in my head and my entire tummy feels like I am going to get sick. I have the same issue when I try to take laundry out of the washer too because they guys have the washer up on some wood off the ground to make it easier to get to the bottom for them. They are all over 6 feet tall in this house and I am only 5 feet tall so I have to get up onto my tip toes anyways to reach in to the bottom, but now it pushes and I wanna get sick.
Next question, what does the LO FEEL like when you first feel the movement? I have heard it feels like weird gas bubbles to flutters. How do all of you that have felt this wonderful thing describe it?
I too doubt I wilol know what it is til much later on since this is baby number one
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenderslol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice
We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.
KdkI dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx
Wow 3boys, 16 weeks? Thats an awful long waitI'd be pulling my hair out.
So Im off out tonight and realised i have nothing nice that fits meI dont have time or the money to go and buy something new, can see me going my me jammies at this rate.
Been gutting the house, because my Mums coming up to watch the kids, and of course, even though Im 30 I cant let her see my house messyHave to pretend it looks this tidy ALL the time, lol. So im shattered now. Been up since 6, got 4 kids up ready and to school, done 2 loads washing and hung 1 lot out, put all clothes away, cleaned the bedrooms, scrubbed kitchen and bathroom, picked Amy up from Nursery, came home, did lunch for the little 2, cleaned all floors, got William down for his afternoon nap and now sat down having a well deserved rest imo, lol! xx
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenderslol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice
We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.
KdkI dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx
Thanks so much're making well-up again lol! I'm just a freaking emotional wreck today! I watched a video on FB of soldiers coming home from tours of duty and surprising their kids and properly bawled my eyes out (snot, red face, the lot...).
I'm gutted about the nursery place. Really. The nursery is meant to be great, but it's not in the nicest area. Apparently that's why it's such a good nursery/primary school though: they pumped loads of money into it to get the best teachers for the kids who needed it most. I don't know though... I still wish he'd got into the one that closer by, and in a nicer area. God, I sound like a right snob don't I?!
Wow 3boys, 16 weeks? Thats an awful long waitI'd be pulling my hair out.
So Im off out tonight and realised i have nothing nice that fits meI dont have time or the money to go and buy something new, can see me going my me jammies at this rate.
Been gutting the house, because my Mums coming up to watch the kids, and of course, even though Im 30 I cant let her see my house messyHave to pretend it looks this tidy ALL the time, lol. So im shattered now. Been up since 6, got 4 kids up ready and to school, done 2 loads washing and hung 1 lot out, put all clothes away, cleaned the bedrooms, scrubbed kitchen and bathroom, picked Amy up from Nursery, came home, did lunch for the little 2, cleaned all floors, got William down for his afternoon nap and now sat down having a well deserved rest imo, lol! xx
you are indeed wonderwoman! I wish I had the energy to half of that lol I've got up and bathed poppy and felt very proud of myself for doing just that
Buddy let those tears out, better out than in! I had a night last week where i just cried all night, I dont know what at, everything set me off from DH to Eastenderslol Shame your little boy didnt get in the Nursery of your choice
We find out school places on the 30th and i will be gutted if Amy hasnt got a place. She should do but theres always that chance she might not! Glad you enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine, its lovely today but still a bit nippy.
KdkI dont know what to say hun. Hopefully everything is fine but they just want to see you face to face to go through everything xxx
Thanks so much're making well-up again lol! I'm just a freaking emotional wreck today! I watched a video on FB of soldiers coming home from tours of duty and surprising their kids and properly bawled my eyes out (snot, red face, the lot...).
I'm gutted about the nursery place. Really. The nursery is meant to be great, but it's not in the nicest area. Apparently that's why it's such a good nursery/primary school though: they pumped loads of money into it to get the best teachers for the kids who needed it most. I don't know though... I still wish he'd got into the one that closer by, and in a nicer area. God, I sound like a right snob don't I?!
Oh its not good to watch or read anything remotely sad when pregnant! I made a huge mistake of reading the book about baby P my sister gave me. I only read about 5 pages and I had to put it in the bin, by far the most distressing and heartbreaking thing i have ever read. Oh God Im welling up now just thinking about it againBad move.....
You dont sound like a snob id be gutted if Amy didnt get a place in our chosen school, its a shame its such a walk for you too. The closer the better (so long as the closest is a good Nursery!) I'd be really stuck too as my Mum doesnt drive and she'd not be able to walk to the next School if i ever needed her picking up. Maybe you could go and put his name down for the 1st choice Nursery in case anyone drops out? xx
I can't wait to actually feel baby I am sure in a short few weeks or so I may get to. I hear it's pretty amazing feeling