Anyone else in TTC limbo right now? I have PCOS and the only time I've ovulated in two years was on a high dose of Femara, so I probably won't conceive on a non-medicated cycle, but I am just so frustrated with my current cycle! I don't temp/use OPKs/check cervical position... honestly, it always felt the same to be even throughout my ovulatory cycle! But from symptoms I would have sworn up and down that I o'ed. However I'm on CD35 with cramping similar to AF cramping the last few days, no bleeding in sight, and a negative HPT on day 30. I don't see a new specialist until Jan. 15, but on previous anovulatory cycles, I never got bloating, huge boobs or weird dreams until after I started taking progesterone to induce a period, so I just want to know what's going on! I even had what I thought could be IB for a few days starting on CD19, but I figure a test would definitely have shown up + on day 30 if that were the case :-/.