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Anyone else getting scared?


3 little girls
Aug 31, 2010
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I'm hoping for a homebirth and as it gets closer the more i'm getting nervous. I love the idea of not having to stay in hospital, but i'm starting worry about my girl's or not coping with the pain. I've never had more then pethadine anyway which i'm still aloud but i'm just starting to freak out abit. Anyone else or any advice?
I literally logged on to write the exact same post! I'm not really sure why I'm freaking out, not sure if it's because of the homebirth or just labour in general! My first labour was straight forward and fast so part of me is worrying that I can't have another straight forward labour and the other part Is worrying how quick this one may be (especially after my mw ran through what to do if I deliver before they arrive eek!) I'm freaking out because I know what the pain is going to be like where as before I didn't know even tho I coped on just gas and air. I'm basically just having one big freak out all of a sudden...I'm sorry I probably haven't helped but wanted to let you know you are not alone!!
I'm the same not really sure what it is really, guess it's the unknown again! I'm glad i'm not the only one in a way though. I'm sure we will be fine. I'm hoping it's going to be nice and quick like last time. Only 6 hours from start to finish but went to sleep for the first 3 hours after my first contraction haha! Maybe it'll just pop out in my sleep this time.
We are planning a home birth as well. I have birth affirmations posted on my dresser mirror, and some made up for the big day but one of them says "Its one day of pain compared to a life time of regret" For me this being my last baby and something I have always wanted to do, it helps to see that when I start to worry how its going to go. Im not really worried about the pain, I know thats going to suck :haha: Im more nervous just how long its going to take! What if Im in pain for days! Or what if its too quick and my midwife isnt here yet! Do I know how to deliver a baby myself??

I wanted my sons here for her birth since my oldest was for my now youngest and it was a great experience but Ive now come to the conclusion two toddlers is just too much distraction for me. Especially them and how they have been CRAZY lately. They are both big mommys boys so I can just imagine them standing outside my room while Im trying to relax and they are screaming their heads off or trying to use the birthing pool as a swimming pool. So Im just going to have them here right after shes here!
I am bricking it, Sudden panics and what if's. I am also worried about thing's like what if they have to rush me to hospital, I don't want to be on my own but DH needs to be here for our other children, we don't have anyone to look after them
I am hopeless with pain, but keep having to tell meself, where as the BH's are horrid and just there for being there, labour pains will lead me to the birth of our new child.
Or I hope that will get me through it! I didn't know you could have pethidine at home I was made to believe i can only have gas and air
I am bricking it, Sudden panics and what if's. I am also worried about thing's like what if they have to rush me to hospital, I don't want to be on my own but DH needs to be here for our other children, we don't have anyone to look after them
I am hopeless with pain, but keep having to tell meself, where as the BH's are horrid and just there for being there, labour pains will lead me to the birth of our new child.
Or I hope that will get me through it! I didn't know you could have pethidine at home I was made to believe i can only have gas and air

I didn't realise i could have pethidine either but one of my midwifes told me about it! Tbh i had it with Poppy and i didnt really like it but it did help with pain so atleast i know it's there if i need it.
I'm doing a birth center birth as I live to far from the hospital to do it without some serious worry. But as I am in America and this birthcenter is more like a home set up to give birth in, there are no drs, which means no pain control at all. I admit I am getting very nervous. Tons of what-ifs. What if I tear, what if I have to go to the hospital, what if I cant do it. What if my husband freaks out when he sees me in that much pain.......

I keep trying to tell myself women did this for a millennium before we had pain meds and medical care... I dont know if it is effective :wacko:

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