anyone else hate their husband?


Feb 19, 2012
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Everything my husband does is pissing me off. Anything. That comes out of his mouth hurts my feelings n I just want to say go away and never come back. Anyone else feel like this or am I going crazy?
Yup everyday. I can't wait til this feeling passes because I need him around! :) Hang in there, I'm sure it's just the hormones making us crazy emotional women. Hugs!
Nope I'm same, mine went on a bike ride today whilst I was having a nap I accused him of going meeting someone like a crazy pregnant woman! Hub of 10 years never done nothing but all of a sudden I've gone weird n he does annoy me and upset me for no reason, he walks away muttering ur hormonal pregnant crazy lady lol. I know it's me it's as if anything he says it not what I wanna hear!!! Oh dear ...... X
Never. He is a saint. He's never done anything wrong, ever.

Just kidding, I totally can't stand his face most of the time! He tries too hard, not hard enough, he doesn't help out enough, he helps so much he's in my way, he said something wrong, he looked at me wrong, he did everything wrong...

I think it's pretty normal. Poor fellas. :)
:rofl: Omg, LMAO!!!! I swear lately I get pissed off for no reason, but at the time, it is completely legit!! Heather you nailed it, and said exactly how I think we all feel right now!! I even got pissed the other night as he was "crunching" to loud next to me eating crackers!! :haha: who does that?!
I am feeling more like DH hates me! (and not hate, more like dislike). He says that I blame him for everything. Well, when in all actuality, he IS doing things the wrong way, so of course I have to let him know because it just can't go on when baby #2 gets here. We usually get along and joke around. But the past few days there is once a day when he gets all huffy at me because I'm being some sort of raging crazy lady. I am more calm about these tiffs than he is. He actually walked home from a store the other day instead of riding home with us because he was so "mad" at me. Ugh!

I am not nagging him uncontrollably either. I will just try to lightly brief an issue if there is one. Maybe I'll try not to even say anything for a while. It's just hard when I want things perfect.
FOB and I are separated and I still have a lot of moments where I don't want to talk to him or be nice to him lol
I dont hate him per say... I see his face an i go awwwwe, wanna head to the bedroom? Then once he opens his mouth i start thinking of ways to murder him lol i hate feeling like i hate him but ughhh, he just doesnt get anything!! I have an ultrasound is in 19 days and his excuse for not going is 'i have to work'... He cant leave work for an hr or so? Ughhh i just feel so useless and our relationship at this time is pointless. Today i told him to go find someone else :( i too am a crazy pregnant lady :( hoping it gets better
I hear you ladies. Were renovating right now and hubby was suppose to have the afternoon off to finish it when no one was home but he stayed at work late, than pissed around for another hour, it was 3pm and he hadn't started anything yet. So were talking and I just wanted to yell and scream and throw a fit. of course I didn't I gracefully told him I wasn't sure why I was as angry as I was and he said me too.. so that annoyed me even more!!! ughh men...
I know how you're all feeling. I am always so mad at my husband and he can't seem to do anything right, but I still love him. It seems he tries to piss me off at every turn.

We've sat and talked quite a bit about it and I have done my best to make sure he knows it's not him, but that he's just on the receiving end of my craziness. Thankfully, according to all the men I work with, this is completely normal. Supposedly all of them had crazy wives as well. lol

DH and I did have a very nice moment this afternoon after work. He was sitting on the swing and I was laying down with my head on his lap while we rocked. It was very sweet. Then he went to the kitchen and dug into MY ice cream! Asshole! LOL!
Hate isn't strong enough a word we are separated and I advised him to stay away until the baby is here! He won't even get email replies his voice his face the thought of him anywhere near me pisses me off! I feel bad sometimes but right now it's my right to be annoyed lol
Hi Shezza84uk,
I am expecting father and your message describe how my wife is feeling,
can you share your experience, did the hate feelings disappeared once you delivered?
mines just been cranky lately. because we've alot going on and are both sick. but this is very common, being annoyed at hubby while preggo. must be frustrating. :(
I could of wrote this myself.

My OH gets right on my t*ts just by breathing (ok maybe a little harsh). He works away a lot so sometimes me and the kids only seem him twice a week (which suits me fine). However, due to xmas etc, his work has slowed down so he is at home a lot more, but OMG he is under my feet all the time. He even annoys me next to me in bed!!

Im on my xmas party tonight from work. Before I left this morning I had to put the kids PJ's out on the bed, sort their tea out and give him bedtime routine instructions. he doesn't have a clue!!

God help him when baby number 3 comes along (our 3rd girl)!!!! x
Never. He is a saint. He's never done anything wrong, ever.

Just kidding, I totally can't stand his face most of the time! He tries too hard, not hard enough, he doesn't help out enough, he helps so much he's in my way, he said something wrong, he looked at me wrong, he did everything wrong...

I think it's pretty normal. Poor fellas. :)

I could've wrote that :haha:

Brilliant i literally want to throw heavy items at his face most days. He's such a lovely bloke and means well but he's a pain in my arse and immature.
I of course for these next few months am right and definitely NOT hormonal lol!
I joke i have all the hormones EVER!

Remember every sitcom ever revolves around this problem, so I think it's pretty common :)

I go through phases with my hubby where I am head-over-heals. Other times I wish he'd go away. For a week or so ;)

The thing is I was in several serious relationships before him, a few that were 2+ years. I realize my hubby has everything I left other guys for not having. He is intelligent, talented, kind, affectionate, responsible, and he really does his best. He is great with our son too, and anyone can see he loves him to death.

Now of course sometimes he's not smart, kind, affectionate etc and sometimes he is not responsible. Sometimes he doesn't seem to do a darn thing to help out and I get so upset. But! I'm not perfect, either. I get bitter and cranky and call him out on every little thing way too often. He doesn't go out of his way to tell me I'm not doing a good job, like I find myself doing to him. That hurt my heart to write, but I have to be honest. I can be a real turd.

I try to remember how tolerant he is of me when I get crabby, and he deserves me being tolerant of him when he's not perfect.

Because again, I've been through this a few times and he is by far the best, most well-rounded partner I've ever had and I don't want anyone else, ever. Try to remember the good, even though you get madder at them than anyone else on earth sometimes lol
Haha I remember going through this stage!! Couldn't stand him and everything he did pissed me off. I think I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore at one stage! Luckily those feelings have passed for the most part, I've had horrendous SPD for the last couple of months and he has been amazing. Comes home form work makes dinner puts our daughter to bed and does all the cleaning, he doesn't sit down till 9.30 most nights while I lay on the sofa! So when I'm being a bit hormonal I do think of those things and soften a bit. I think it's a really natural phase and try and talk to your partners as much as possible. Even a text or something in the day can keep them happy if you've been acting like a psycho! I keep telling him we haven't got much longer till the baby is here and my hormones settle down again. I do feel sorry for them but at the same time pregnancy is no easy road so fairs fair I think :haha:
I wouldn't say I hate him but he can just come in from work and give me a kiss and I have the desire to start a fight because even him breathing in my direction annoys me and I can't stand him to be in the same room as me :D unless he has food >.> or I have watched a horror movie and I'm scared...

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