Anyone else having a s**t day? Join me for a rant! Lol!


mummy to 2 boys xx
Dec 31, 2009
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Where do i start? Fed up fed up fed up! I cant help it went with my b friend first midwife appointment today she is 9 weeks and didnt want to go on her own! I had a m/ c on the 1st jan and i would of been goin for my 12 week scan this week! :( i cant help but think about it and feel really down today and just shit basically! Sorry for the language! Im really happy for my friend but i cant help but have a hint of jealousy and think why me! I just want to cry but my body wont let me! Anyone else havin a rubbish day? I love this site even though none of us have met we can all have a rant and get our feelings out in the open without feeling like fools! Lol! X x
I have been excercing my ar$e off and eating healthier than healthier and put on a pound - goddam it!
i can imagine how you feel, you did so well though going to the mw with your friend well done. Its only natural how your feeling, we all understand.

Hb1 that has happened to me many times and its totally pants! All i can say is with all the exercising you ma have converted some fat into muscle which is way heavier.!!!
aww hunni you did so well going with your friend well the hurt is so fresh, i went to my sisters 12 weeks sac on the 20th, that month i really thought i was pg then the morning of the scan af arrived full throttle 3 days early!! xx thinking of you chick xx
I know im just thinking posotive that hopefully it will be my time soon! Gonna do my best to catch the eggy this cycle! Valentines day is when i should be ov! Woo hoo lol! X x
lauralou25 - Sorry to hear that. It's good to talk (or rant!) though.

I'm having a really rubbish time at the moment too, not so much too do with MC or TTC, as this weekend OH and I were mugged on our doorstep. Everything taken, cash, phones, camera :(

Really shaken us both, also making us re-evaluate whether London would the best place for bringing up babies...

I was just starting to get over the trauma of the MC and being really positive for 2010 and tying again, then bang this happens.

Arghhh, rant over. Positive mental attitude!

lauralou25 - Sorry to hear that. It's good to talk (or rant!) though.

I'm having a really rubbish time at the moment too, not so much too do with MC or TTC, as this weekend OH and I were mugged on our doorstep. Everything taken, cash, phones, camera :(

Really shaken us both, also making us re-evaluate whether London would the best place for bringing up babies...

I was just starting to get over the trauma of the MC and being really positive for 2010 and tying again, then bang this happens.

Arghhh, rant over. Positive mental attitude!


OMG that's dreadful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope karma does exist!!
Oh maybabydoll thats so bad! Hope your all ok! I used to live in london but moved last year and its the best thing i did! Its just stressful times one thing after another! Its good to have a rant im always havin one! Lol! I think bad luck follows me about or i done something wrong in a past life cos nothing ever seems to go my way! Oh well gotta keep goin if we all want our bfp! X
Thanks ladies - I am seriously considering moving out of the big smoke, but my friends and work is here... I think I'm just worried about moving out to the sticks and missing my London lifestyle.

@lauralou25 If you don't mind me asking, what part of London were you in? And did you move out before or after your baby arrived (I noticed in your profile, you're mum of one, right?)
I have been excercing my ar$e off and eating healthier than healthier and put on a pound - goddam it!

Hopefully it's muscle...or a beanie!
That's what I tell myself when I put on weight like that :thumbup:
:flower:oh yes maybabydoll! Karma's coming round to see that something really great happens for you and your partner

lauralou - yup, good place to rant! I just had MC and D&C two weeks ago:cry: and less than a week ago (2nd day back at work) I backed into a parked car:hissy:lot's of damage to my car and the other one. Thank God no one hurt but ... boy I'm looking for 2010 to turn around!

one foot in front of the other and keep on:sex: It's actually good work if you can get it:winkwink:

good news is that I had a dr. appointment as follow up after D&C and Dr. said that by look and feel of things I am prob. OV'ing right now. she said we should probably wait to TTC until after first :witch: I nodded but inside my head was saying, " no way sister, if I'm OV'ing I'm getting my groove on...NOW" :yipee:
I lived loads of places lol! I grew up in east finchley which is a nice area i guess and then when i had my son i moved to barnet which i loved cos thats where most of my family live and then when he was three i moved up here i live just passed stevenage now! Its not too babe as i drive so it takes about half hour to get back down to see all my family and friends! I missed london at first but ive got used to it now! Where about do you live? X
Just had a reminder pop up on my phone should start the ov process from today until monday or tuesday woo hoo lol theses something to be posotive about looks like ille be busy this weekend ha ha!
@groovygrl oh man, sorry to hear about the car. 2010 can only get better! :) x x x

@lauralou25 funnily enough we're in Hampstead Garden Suburb so really close to East Finchley, when we moved here it felt really nice/safe compared to the rest of London. But now I'm thinking of thinking of moving further out too... To be honest, we were already thinking about it, but with the attack its brought it to the front of our minds.

I do believe good can come out of bad, and experience can make you stronger. x x x
Where about are you thinkin of moving? I guess everywhere has its good and bad points? X

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