Anyone else needing to get health problems controlled before TTC?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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Hey girls was just wondering anyone else out there waiting to try, for a health reason like Diabetes?

Its driving me mad! but I know there is no point in risking ttc when blood sugars arent as good as they should be.

Doing alright so far. So hard sometimes cause you just wanna try right now! but like I said want to have as little complications as possible.

Anyone else in the same boat? x:flower:
Yes, or at least I should be. I developed GD late in my pregnancy with DS (four years ago). I was told if I could drop down to a healthier BMI I would reduce my chances of getting it a second time around. So much easier said than done, though. Especially when TTC sounds like it is a long, long ways away...
Yes...lupus/probable Sjogren's syndrome here. I have anti-Ro antibodies, which can be really damaging to a developing baby's heart (meaning they'd need a permanent pacemaker), and can cause LO to be born with neonatal lupus which can cause them to be quite ill and have scarred skin. So I want to try and get it all under control as much as possible and get fully prepared before TTC, so I can minimise any efffects on my future LOs. Hoping to be able to TTC after Christmas this year, but that's subject to the doctor's say-so.

I hope you manage to get your diabetes reined in soon so you can TTC :flower:
Hiya hun, I am a type 1 diabetic of many years and just recently had number two girly 11 weeks first pregnancy my hba1c was 8.5mmols which wasn't good as they like it to be below 7.5 at my clinic.
But I had a good pregnancy with little complications, I managed to keep my hba1c to 6.5 throughout the 9 months.
The only complication we had was after the birth when her blood sugars dropped and she had to spend a week in hospital to get them to sustain themselves.

This time my blood sugar levels were 7.4 when I got pregnant and stayed at 5.5 throughout...hard work this time, lots of hypos and especially trying to look after a toddler but diabetes wise it was all good, no problems after the birth, two c-sections and no problems healing either :)

Its worth getting it under control before to give your baby the best start possible, its lots of hard work but its so worth the long 9 months and hospital visits....theres a thread on the gestational complications section called "anyone diabetic befor pregnant" might be worth a look as it has lots of diabetic mums that are full of useful advice whenever you need it :flower:

If theres anything you want to ask then feel free :) xx
My co-worker has been diabetic since she was young, had a full term pregnancy and to my knowledge, it was fine. Sorry I couldn't be much help!

I am actually getting tested this Friday for any thyroid problems, hopefully nothing comes back positive! Although it would explain a lot of the symptoms I've been having :(
Yes, or at least I should be. I developed GD late in my pregnancy with DS (four years ago). I was told if I could drop down to a healthier BMI I would reduce my chances of getting it a second time around. So much easier said than done, though. Especially when TTC sounds like it is a long, long ways away...

That must be so hard sorry to hear about this. GD sounds like its a pain! Go fight win hun! you can do it and even if worse came to worse and you developed it again (fingers crossed you dont) least you know how to handle it this time round even tho I know its a total pain! :hugs:
Yes...lupus/probable Sjogren's syndrome here. I have anti-Ro antibodies, which can be really damaging to a developing baby's heart (meaning they'd need a permanent pacemaker), and can cause LO to be born with neonatal lupus which can cause them to be quite ill and have scarred skin. So I want to try and get it all under control as much as possible and get fully prepared before TTC, so I can minimise any efffects on my future LOs. Hoping to be able to TTC after Christmas this year, but that's subject to the doctor's say-so.

I hope you manage to get your diabetes reined in soon so you can TTC :flower:

Oh my goodness! Im so sorry to hear this! Im glad I posted this thread as most of the time if you dont have or know someone with problems you no 0 about it. I thought having Diabetes was tricky whilest being pregnant. but it seems like a very minor problem compared to what you are going through. Thank you for sharing with me I really hope everything works out for you. What sorta sacrafices or what do you need to do to get it under control? sending all my love and support your way :) x x x x<3:hugs:
Hiya hun, I am a type 1 diabetic of many years and just recently had number two girly 11 weeks first pregnancy my hba1c was 8.5mmols which wasn't good as they like it to be below 7.5 at my clinic.
But I had a good pregnancy with little complications, I managed to keep my hba1c to 6.5 throughout the 9 months.
The only complication we had was after the birth when her blood sugars dropped and she had to spend a week in hospital to get them to sustain themselves.

This time my blood sugar levels were 7.4 when I got pregnant and stayed at 5.5 throughout...hard work this time, lots of hypos and especially trying to look after a toddler but diabetes wise it was all good, no problems after the birth, two c-sections and no problems healing either :)

Its worth getting it under control before to give your baby the best start possible, its lots of hard work but its so worth the long 9 months and hospital visits....theres a thread on the gestational complications section called "anyone diabetic befor pregnant" might be worth a look as it has lots of diabetic mums that are full of useful advice whenever you need it :flower:

If theres anything you want to ask then feel free :) xx

First of all Congrats on your we girl :) aw I had the same problem with my son at first but it was only about 2 days not a week. The last time I got pregnant I had only been diagnosed with Type 1 for 2 months which was pretty mental it all happened very fast. But I cant even really call what my Hb1c was all I know is I was very good during it like 5.4 which was very tight! well thats what they kept saying to me anyway lol what a journey that was! Hoping this time I can make things a little easier for myself!
Im the same! My blood sugar at the minute well HB1c is about 8.3! so im trying to get it down just started the Buddie course. carb counting finding it quite difficult tbh because im not that good with numbers. Started that last Friday have another two fridays left before im completed. So hopefully this will help get everything sorted and im also wondering if this will make the pregnancy side of things easier too? Also my son is away to be 2 in November so I was scared about having a toddler whilest pregnant too cause I remember I rested as much as possible last time because I felt so fragile so whats that side of things like is it harder? Thank you so much im so glad that there is people out there who are always there to help thank you hun much appreciated :) x:hugs:
My co-worker has been diabetic since she was young, had a full term pregnancy and to my knowledge, it was fine. Sorry I couldn't be much help!

I am actually getting tested this Friday for any thyroid problems, hopefully nothing comes back positive! Although it would explain a lot of the symptoms I've been having :(

Thanks hun:) your acknowledgment was enough :) Oh no! I really hope its negative im so sorry hun sending prayers and love your way let me know how you get on! fingers crossed its not but if it did come back Postive we are all here to support you. and im sure iv seen hundreds of women on this site that have the same problem and they will help you through it <3 :hugs: :hugs: x x x x
Hiya hun, I am a type 1 diabetic of many years and just recently had number two girly 11 weeks first pregnancy my hba1c was 8.5mmols which wasn't good as they like it to be below 7.5 at my clinic.
But I had a good pregnancy with little complications, I managed to keep my hba1c to 6.5 throughout the 9 months.
The only complication we had was after the birth when her blood sugars dropped and she had to spend a week in hospital to get them to sustain themselves.

This time my blood sugar levels were 7.4 when I got pregnant and stayed at 5.5 throughout...hard work this time, lots of hypos and especially trying to look after a toddler but diabetes wise it was all good, no problems after the birth, two c-sections and no problems healing either :)

Its worth getting it under control before to give your baby the best start possible, its lots of hard work but its so worth the long 9 months and hospital visits....theres a thread on the gestational complications section called "anyone diabetic befor pregnant" might be worth a look as it has lots of diabetic mums that are full of useful advice whenever you need it :flower:

If theres anything you want to ask then feel free :) xx

First of all Congrats on your we girl :) aw I had the same problem with my son at first but it was only about 2 days not a week. The last time I got pregnant I had only been diagnosed with Type 1 for 2 months which was pretty mental it all happened very fast. But I cant even really call what my Hb1c was all I know is I was very good during it like 5.4 which was very tight! well thats what they kept saying to me anyway lol what a journey that was! Hoping this time I can make things a little easier for myself!
Im the same! My blood sugar at the minute well HB1c is about 8.3! so im trying to get it down just started the Buddie course. carb counting finding it quite difficult tbh because im not that good with numbers. Started that last Friday have another two fridays left before im completed. So hopefully this will help get everything sorted and im also wondering if this will make the pregnancy side of things easier too? Also my son is away to be 2 in November so I was scared about having a toddler whilest pregnant too cause I remember I rested as much as possible last time because I felt so fragile so whats that side of things like is it harder? Thank you so much im so glad that there is people out there who are always there to help thank you hun much appreciated :) x:hugs:

Thank You :)

It was more tiring with a toddler being pregnant, the first tri was hard with all the hypos and getting used to them again, then when you start to relax the whole insulin resistance kicks in....although it was much easier for me to handle this time as I had my insulin pump for 3 months before I got pregnant which helped tons and made life much easier...might be worth discussing with your diabetic team to see if they would consider you for one? Unless you don't already have one of course.

If you miss a meal or eat too much it doesn't matter...its great!!! Nice to have a choice when you eat :thumbup:

It shouldn't take you long to get your bloods down if they are at 8.3 now....My last one in feb was 5.6...i'm dreading my next one in october, soon as Rosalie arrived I was like right I can eat whatever now theres only me to think about :haha: Its a long 9 months when your pregnant and diabetic lol

Back to normal now but it took me ages to get used to not being pregnant again...Insulin & Diet side of things. Breast feeding was a nightmare this time, I was having lows of 1.7 every time I fed her so I decided to stop. It was sending me a little ditsy to say the least!!
I didn't feel safe looking after my toddler and baby whilst having lows of that extent.

We want to maybe start trying again in feb/mar time maybe later may so I need to keep it as level as possible.
I had to have lots of eye treament this time too but thankfully it paid off and there are no major eye changes after this second pregnancy xx

Good Luck :hugs:
Hi, I'm also a type 1 diabetic wanting to try for my third child. My DH has said no because he says I could die (and then of course he'd be left with two children to raise) - my second pregnancy was a disaster and it has taken me three years to find out why it was so bad as the first was difficult, but not in the same way (I was hospitalised for low sugars in the third trimester and spent times in the ER in the first and second trimester for very severe lows as well as for asthma in the second trimester and I was hypoglycaemic at least 6 times a day during that first trimester nearly crashing the car and getting lost driving a few times)

I have promised my DH that I do not want to fall pregnant til I get the diabetes sorted out so that I can prevent what happened last time. Both my girls are healthy - the first spent 1 night in NICU and the second spent 4 days there for low sugars.

Here is what I have done so far:

1. Find a new doctor!
2. Have been switched from Protophane (which is what has caused me so many problems) to Levemir - I do not think I have had such stable blood sugar levels at night since I switched to this.
3. Started carb counting - still working to fix the ratios for this, but its not too far off now - mornings are still a bit of a struggle and I am finding this a steep learning curve, but its definitely better.
4. Hoping to lose all the weight I have put on by fighting a huge number of hypos - I was living on enormous numbers of carbs because of the doses of insulin that had been set incorrectly - I am now on a semi-low carb diet, feeling much better health wise and can hopefully lose some weight now. I am also on only about half the total amount of insulin I was on only 6 weeks ago and that has helped a lot.
5. Go for my last appointment tomorrow so that the pump application can be sent in and then I hold my breath and pray and pray because it is hard to get this through - I believe they have got some through now on the medical aid I am on, but it has taken a year and a half to two years to win some of these medical aid battles - I am 34 years old, my youngest is 2.5, I NEED this pump before DH will agree to pregnancy and I NEED it SOON!
Then of course I will have to learn to use it.

My hba1c in May this year was 9.3, by the beginning of this month it was down to 8.3 and I am hopeful to get it down to 7 in the next 3 months and hopefully below that in the months to come, but I know it won't all happen at once.

Things that still need checking:
1. My thyroid hormone - that I am on the correct dose
2. The asthma medication - I get bad asthma when pregnant and need to make sure it can be treated, the rest of the time it is manageable with very little treatment.
3. My husband needs some sort of fertility vitamin for men - need to do some research as to what is available and then actually get him to take it.

I am hoping that DH is realising how hard I am trying and that he will know I really really care about the rest of them and do not want to put them at risk with a rough pregnancy, but at the same time I really do want a third child.
Aw thanks Kelly Rae yeah I feel for you. the same thing happend to me last time the hypos were really severe during pregnancy. Then after DS was born they continued due to bf and they were so bad sometimes my hearing would go funny and I couldnt walk which is no state to be in when your looking after lo. Im hoping that this carb counting thing will help me out give my diabetic team a more accurate number of blood sugars. I love my Diabetic team they are all so wonderful I feel so lucky to have them. I did the same thing as my consultant said to me I could be slack with my Diabetes but I took it to a whole other level. Only had it for two months then got pregnant so never really gave room for experimenting so once I had my son it was like testing the hot water. I remember eating a sweet and realising I never died and it just spiraled out of control from there. I will never let myself go off track like that again! and thanks for your help <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, I'm also a type 1 diabetic wanting to try for my third child. My DH has said no because he says I could die (and then of course he'd be left with two children to raise) - my second pregnancy was a disaster and it has taken me three years to find out why it was so bad as the first was difficult, but not in the same way (I was hospitalised for low sugars in the third trimester and spent times in the ER in the first and second trimester for very severe lows as well as for asthma in the second trimester and I was hypoglycaemic at least 6 times a day during that first trimester nearly crashing the car and getting lost driving a few times)

I have promised my DH that I do not want to fall pregnant til I get the diabetes sorted out so that I can prevent what happened last time. Both my girls are healthy - the first spent 1 night in NICU and the second spent 4 days there for low sugars.

Here is what I have done so far:

1. Find a new doctor!
2. Have been switched from Protophane (which is what has caused me so many problems) to Levemir - I do not think I have had such stable blood sugar levels at night since I switched to this.
3. Started carb counting - still working to fix the ratios for this, but its not too far off now - mornings are still a bit of a struggle and I am finding this a steep learning curve, but its definitely better.
4. Hoping to lose all the weight I have put on by fighting a huge number of hypos - I was living on enormous numbers of carbs because of the doses of insulin that had been set incorrectly - I am now on a semi-low carb diet, feeling much better health wise and can hopefully lose some weight now. I am also on only about half the total amount of insulin I was on only 6 weeks ago and that has helped a lot.
5. Go for my last appointment tomorrow so that the pump application can be sent in and then I hold my breath and pray and pray because it is hard to get this through - I believe they have got some through now on the medical aid I am on, but it has taken a year and a half to two years to win some of these medical aid battles - I am 34 years old, my youngest is 2.5, I NEED this pump before DH will agree to pregnancy and I NEED it SOON!
Then of course I will have to learn to use it.

My hba1c in May this year was 9.3, by the beginning of this month it was down to 8.3 and I am hopeful to get it down to 7 in the next 3 months and hopefully below that in the months to come, but I know it won't all happen at once.

Things that still need checking:
1. My thyroid hormone - that I am on the correct dose
2. The asthma medication - I get bad asthma when pregnant and need to make sure it can be treated, the rest of the time it is manageable with very little treatment.
3. My husband needs some sort of fertility vitamin for men - need to do some research as to what is available and then actually get him to take it.

I am hoping that DH is realising how hard I am trying and that he will know I really really care about the rest of them and do not want to put them at risk with a rough pregnancy, but at the same time I really do want a third child.

Aw im so glad you have figured out the problem and you are taking all the right measurements to get your blood sugars stable. I have the same as you I have asthma aswell as Diabetes it can be a total nightmare at times. I had really bad hypos when I was pregnant but nothing that put me into hospital. I was only admitted into hospital in my last pregnancy but this was due to keytones and higher sugars never because of lows. You find that in the hospitals they don't have as much clue about Diabetes as you think I took a hypo when I was on the ward when I was in for my sugars and they wanted me to drink the full bottled of lucozade and eat a sandwich! its meant to be a small cup of lucozade check your blood sugars 10 mins later then eat carbs! and then when it finally came to the birth of my ds induction of course! the midwifes didnt have a clue what they were doing I was hypo throughout the full labour it was knackering! labour is tiring itself without being hypo.and they kept the insulin drip pumping when I was hypo which was incredibly dangerous actually felt myself away to pass out and my bf noticed the midwife who was also quite pregnant had not turned it off and she was like I turned it off it must of switched back on when in fact she never turned it off she left it on. She finished about half an hour later thank god! the next midwife I got knew exactly what she was doing! she was amazing! I felt like that other midwife couldn't be bothered just cause she was pregnant well thats the impression I got and I know this sounds bad but if she was the one I got for the rest of my labour I think thigns could have went really bad my sons cord was wrapped around his neck but the new midwife I had was right on it and very fast and efficient! all the other midwifes part from the new one started didnt have a clue they were looking at a piece of paper and following instructions like they didn't know what they were doing I was feeling really scared at this point about the care I was in and when that women came in it was amazing everything went perfectly thank goodness for the 8pm change over lol :) x Sorry I started babbling on about my birth but it relates to the point you made about your doctors not giving you the right advice and guidance. I also have been switched to Levimere thats me just been on it for a week my blood sugars are through the roof in the morning 13, 14,15,16 but with lantus they started off fine then ended up coming in at 19 and 18 and stuff so there is only a minor improvement. good luck sending normal blood glucose readings your way :) thanks for sharing with me :) I remember you giving me advice on my last pregnancy :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<3
Yes...lupus/probable Sjogren's syndrome here. I have anti-Ro antibodies, which can be really damaging to a developing baby's heart (meaning they'd need a permanent pacemaker), and can cause LO to be born with neonatal lupus which can cause them to be quite ill and have scarred skin. So I want to try and get it all under control as much as possible and get fully prepared before TTC, so I can minimise any efffects on my future LOs. Hoping to be able to TTC after Christmas this year, but that's subject to the doctor's say-so.

I hope you manage to get your diabetes reined in soon so you can TTC :flower:

Oh my goodness! Im so sorry to hear this! Im glad I posted this thread as most of the time if you dont have or know someone with problems you no 0 about it. I thought having Diabetes was tricky whilest being pregnant. but it seems like a very minor problem compared to what you are going through. Thank you for sharing with me I really hope everything works out for you. What sorta sacrafices or what do you need to do to get it under control? sending all my love and support your way :) x x x x<3:hugs:

Aww. thank you :) I think not many people know about lupus, and no-one even seems to have heard of Sjogren's! I can't do too much to prepare, really, I just have to make sure I take my pills, eyedrops etc, stay out of the sun, and don't push myself when I'm tired. The docs were threatening me with chemo earlier in the year but I have managed to dodge that bullet for now, thank goodness, because it sounded horrific.

I'm lucky because I don't have kidney involvement, which can make you really ill. Most of the time (unless I'm flaring) I feel ok-ish, just really easily tired and my skin and joints are horrible, and my eyes look like I've been drinking, as they're always red and bloodshot. I could have it so much worse, though, and I'm always grateful that I don't - I can still work full time, although I do have to take it easy outside work!

My antibody levels may or may not decrease, and baby will need extra scans of the heart during pregnancy. If there's any sign of heart block, I will get high-dose steroids that cross the placenta (the normal steroids they give you don't do that, so they have to change them), to try and minimise the damage. I don't think there's anything I can do to prevent neonatal lupus except have my own health as well controlled as I can, but at least that will go away once my antibodies clear from the baby's system, if they do end up having it. It's the heart block that really scares me, because that's permanent and can mean they could be quite poorly.

I don't know much about the finer points of diabetes, but what I do know of it, it seems like such a precarious balancing act. I really admire anyone who can keep that under control and look after a house and a family too! I really hope you all get your BFPs as soon as you want them and that the diabetes doesn't worsen. Is it a lot harder than normal to control it during pregnancy?

As u can see on my ticker I'm coming off pain relief, I have fibromyalgia (originally thought to be lupus so I really feel for the person with lupus), I also have ehlers danlos hypermobility, endometriosis and possible adenomyosis, I also have sleep disorders. I have to finish my endo treatment before TTC which ends Oct 11 which is my TTC date. I won't risk being on pain killers when pregnant so have to get off them, I need to build my body up to make sure it can deal with being off pain killers, when I'm off pain killers my sleep disorders get worse too (can feel them getting worse now iv reduced it)

A work colleague of mine has diabetes and she was pregnant, she had trouble with her sugars through hers n baby was born with reflux which can be caused by diabetes but she had a perfect little boy.

Diabetes is fine as long as u eat sensibly and monitor ur sugars well xx
Not health problems as such but I need to get my weight within the healthy BMI range before TTC. Its hard, as i really want to start trying now, but know it will be better for my health and pregnancy in the long run if i shift the weight first. xx
lauraloo hope it goes well. I also want to lose some weight though am almost at my prepregnancy weight for baby number two (which was too high) so once I have the go ahead on the diabetic side I will not wait to lose more weight.

itsnowmyturn that sounds like a lot to deal with. Are there any other options besides meds to deal with pain while pregnant - I know paracetamol does not help anyone who has proper pain!

Mrs Eleflump - that sounds hard and yet you still remain so positive - that is inspiring. Hope you will be able to get your BFP soon.

Saw the doctor about the pump application - she was very thorough and I am quite bruised from all the blood tests she wanted (I have bad veins - I was telling the person drawing the blood that she had to relax as everyone needs two tries to get my vein so she shouldn't feel bad) Will get the results tomorrow. They were testing things I have never had tested in my life, but it was such a long list I can't remember them all. I see a dietician tomorrow.

For me the diabetes was much harder to control when pregnant - I am not sure if it is for everyone - people seem to get much better hba1cs when pregnant, but that is probably because we try so hard to get it right. I think we try harder and the insulin sensitivity is changing all the time so its hard. For me the hypoglycaemia that happened (and it should not have been as bad as I had to deal with) was the worst as it was dangerous.

DH has again been talking about adoption which right now I am taking as a sign that a third is an option - he's just not ready for another bad pregnancy so that is a good sign that fixing this is the way to go.
lauraloo hope it goes well. I also want to lose some weight though am almost at my prepregnancy weight for baby number two (which was too high) so once I have the go ahead on the diabetic side I will not wait to lose more weight.

itsnowmyturn that sounds like a lot to deal with. Are there any other options besides meds to deal with pain while pregnant - I know paracetamol does not help anyone who has proper pain!

I don't think there is not that doesn't put baby at risk. I'm currently on buprenophine which pumps pain relief into my body 24 hours a day. I was on 35micrograms an hour recently then I reduced it back down to 20 after being on 35 for a month, went down to 15 two weeks ago n today I'm taking it down to 10. I'm determined to get my body right, iv started exercise, I do my physio and in general trying to strengthen myself up to deal with no pain relief, I also use my tens machine to try to retrain my nerves. I'm really worried that I will be having my old endo pains again after I finish my zoladex.

I no that it sounds like a lot to deal with but I always think there are ppl out there worse off than me, I refuse to let it get me down and stop me having my life.

I hope u get ur medical issues dealt with
itsnowmyturn sounds like you have got the pain meds down quite a lot - has the pain increased significantly or are you coping? You seem to be doing a really good job.

My blood tests were mostly normal - need to have the thyroid tested again in a month as it was still a bit low but I have not been taking those meds as I should so will have to do a better job now. WCC was low but I had had a virus so they will check that again next time too. The pump application I believe is now in - at least I hope so. Saw the dietician who said considering the carb counting had been self taught I am doing a good job with it - that I shouldn't expect perfection - they just wanted my levels in a more stable range for now. She did however say that carb counting seems not to work in pregnancy - that pregnancy is just a constant adjustment of everything which worries me slightly - for those on a pump how did you know what to bolus then when pregnant?

Anyway, things are moving though it will still be a while.
I seem to be coping ok with it but I'm trying to not be niave, I still have pain relief in me, I have started getting withdrawal when I drop it so I'm trying to decide how's best to do it from now, whether to quickly take it down and have the bank holiday Monday to relax n let the withdrawal happen that day then come off completely on my holiday abroad while Il be relaxing or whether to just come completely off it on holiday and not do another step down

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