Anyone else not using "tools"?



Just curious if anyone else is trying to conceive without "tools" (opks, temping, etc, etc)...

I'm just trying it the old fashioned way. No tools for me, and I totally don't understand what people are talking about when they talk about their cervix moving and their cm. haha

It worked the first time I got pregnant, but that ended in a miscarriage. Here's hoping it will work again.

Just curious if anyone else is going this route or if I'm the only one?
Yep I don't use anything bar me OH haha Just don't wanna go down that road, I remember dates and know when AF is due etc., but don't want our time to be about Having too....instead of wanting too :)
Yep I don't use anything bar me OH haha Just don't wanna go down that road, I remember dates and know when AF is due etc., but don't want our time to be about Having too....instead of wanting too :)

I like the way you look at it. I do keep track of my cycles on a calendar as well, but that's it. My Mom will comment every now and then that they didn't have any of these "fancy tools" when she got pregnant with my sister and I. She keeps saying that they couldn't test at home, but had to go see the doctor to find out if they were pregnant or not. Craziness! haha
I'm 35 and I figure the tools I use will make it happen quicker so I can have a healthy baby... (Over 35 years increases problems with conception)
i am giving up the tools for next month :)
i must admit, when i got pg we werent using any preseed,opk,instead cup,charting etc, we didnt even have sex much at all !! sadley mc in march this yr and since then ive used alsorts ,but i will soon accept what my monitor tells me and stop the rest :)
Hmm yes and no lol. I don't chart properly but i do keep an eye on cycle days, mucus and cervix so i know roughly when its best to bed. I don't used opk's. I find i get really really obesessive over things if i chart every tiny thing so i keep an eye out so to speak. This month i've not actually written any of it down, so i have nothing to obsess over as i won't be able to remember anything iyswim lol.
Hi this is only my 2nd cycle since coming off the pil, i dont chart or anything as i dont want to become to obsessed with making us :sex: just because uts time. Maybe this will change in the future but for now just want us to enjoy TTC
This is our 2nd cycle & we're not using anything all i do is keep track of my cycle x I dont use opks or charting its far too confusing for me x we bd when we want to & bcus we want to but it does play on my mind alot wondering whether this is the time i get pregnant x

If we're still trying in 6 months then maybe i'll start using opks but for now we'll just carry on bd'ing as much as possible :happydance:
Just keep a track of when :witch: is due and thus guestimate ovulation time.

Trying to :sex: every other day but not worrying too much if we miss a day or 2. Also slightly increased frequency mid cycle this month.

If theres no BFP come New Year then we'll probably stock up on "tools" whilst we're in the UK - at least then I'll be able to read the instructions.

Main priority at the moment is to keep things fun and to try and stop me obbsessing - not working that much as I'm reading everything I can find!
I don't use "tools" but am finding myself counting days, which I am finding that I don't enjoy, but can't help myself!

I am trying to make the whole process as stress free as possible!
We are not using tools yet either, however I am totally obsessing about whether I am even ovulating. This is cycle 5 for us (4 really as OH was working away last month)
I think if I charted temps, then I could relax a bit if I knew for sure I was ovulating, and if I was not, at least I could go to the docs and get something done about it!

Best of luck

We're not using anything, I have no idea about my cycles or when to expect AF or anything - been feeling a bit crampy the last few days so she might be about to show, which would be the first time since about August (although I'm not even 100% sure on that!)

We usually bd every day or every other day anyway so just going to keep doing that and hope nature does the rest - although if nothing has happened in the next six months or so I'll probably revise that plan and start POAS!
I think if I charted temps, then I could relax a bit if I knew for sure I was ovulating
I felt like this during our first month of trying. It took me getting pregnant to decide that I didn't need to worry about it. Obviously, if we got pregnant once, I'm ovulating, so I quit worrying about it. I can see how you'd be thinking this though.
I am trying to make the whole process as stress free as possible!

We've only been trying for one cycle after my miscarriage and it's tough to keep things "stress free". I know that there are many people who try for months, or even years. I guess you just have to be emotionally prepared for :witch: every month and go from there. We'll all get our :bfp: soon. I know it!
We didn't use anything for the first 6 months that we were trying (except a calendar to record AF). This is the first month that I have started using OPKs to try and firgure out when I'm ovulating. My cycle has been so all over the place that just looking on a calendar was tough to figure out. I think not using anything was more stressfull for me than it is now with the OPK because I'm not constantly wondering, "did we miss it?"

Good luck to you all!
I haven't been using any tools either!altho this month we r going to try pre-seed,see if that makes a difference.If we dont get our bfp after 6 months we would probably start charting etc,hopefully it wont come to that tho!


I think I will try using the OPK things as my periods are not regular and far apart so I can maybe tell the GP what I have found already so he dosen't have to do even more useless test and delay things by running the same tests. I'm on CD42 and I have felt cramps for the last couple of days but still no witch. What's going on?
Hey Jessa, We're not using tools i only know when AF is due really. Except last month i mc at 4+4 on the 26th Sept(our first month trying), so i dont know where my cycle is and ive had a much more relaxed month with not knowing and thinking oh we need to be doing it now etc! I am not sure when AF is due to visit but i hope she stays away! Anyone thats been in a similar situation i'd love to hear whats happening with them!

Thanks xox
I dont understand all that temping etc either, sounds like hard work :rofl:, however if Ive no joy this month, I will try and learn :dohh: !! I used preseed the last 3 nights but thats it xx

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