Hi all, just a brief passing moan I hope. Seen a few threads recently on baby club along lines of " what can ŷour baby do at x age?" ......followed by dozens of mummies quite rightly showing off their lo skills, however I can't help feel a little
I can't be the only one whose lo isn't doing half the things the other ones are.....
Chunk is 7months now and a real character but he isn't rolling (almost there but not quite), nowhere near sitting up (folds in half!), babbles but no discernible words like dada etc and can't lift his chest off floor well let alone be crawling!!! I'm super proud of my little man and the things he can do just can't help feel little down tha h seems behind ....
Naughty mummy for caring what he can/can do! Xxx
I can't be the only one whose lo isn't doing half the things the other ones are.....
Chunk is 7months now and a real character but he isn't rolling (almost there but not quite), nowhere near sitting up (folds in half!), babbles but no discernible words like dada etc and can't lift his chest off floor well let alone be crawling!!! I'm super proud of my little man and the things he can do just can't help feel little down tha h seems behind ....
Naughty mummy for caring what he can/can do! Xxx