I was like this in the beginning sweetie. Same as you, I was with a guy for ages, things were going great, getting on better than ever etc. I got pregnant and he basically treated me as if it was something I had done to just
upset him?? I understand how difficult it is for men when they don't want a child ( they can be really against it if they also are badly off financially as they can't provide for a child) but a woman has to make a decision that involves her body and give her peace in her mind. A woman goes through a huge amount of turmoil about unplanned pregnancy. I just wish he had, at the very least, just been my
friend through it all and supported me in just a little way (call often, be at the birth, touch base every now and again, give a bit of financial support without asking etc). But no, these men blank us out and treat us like dirt, like we have suddenly become pariahs to them. Its the cruelest, most hurtful thing to do to someone and shame on them all for being such disgusting human beings.
What I will say to you is that the best thing you can do now is totally and absolutely forget him. Let him know that he is welcome to be a Father etc, leave the door open for him, tell him you won't ever change the e-mail or telephone number, so he can get in touch at anytime. Don't have a go at him (even if you feel like screaming at him, don't) just silently and sweetly let him go. I learnt my lesson the hard way and I hounded and harassed my ex and pleaded with him and all it did was make the wound deeper and hurt me for longer and pushed him miles away for good. There will be a day, trust me, where you will be happy. It might not seem like it for a while but you will get there. You can't make someone like him change his mind, if his mind doesn't want to be changed, sorry. There is only a bright future for you. A future with just you and baby (lovely! it gets better and better with the little one) or a future where you meet a lovely man who will love your baby as his own and your LO will have a Daddy, just not in the conventional way.
You are not the one who has to live with himself day in day out knowing he has abandoned his own child, he does. Leave him to his own selfishness, let him make a move to reconcile etc.
Enjoy this time as much as you can, truly, its a great experience in life being a Mummy and sweetie, don't fret, everyone in life has something (usually) that upsets them or makes them sad. For every single mum looking sadly at a Daddy with a baby, there is a woman looking at you holding your child with sadness because she can't have one, or there is someone looking at a young couple with sadness because they have just gone through a break-up. Its not something you should get upset over, try not to.
We are all here to listen, so come and have a vent/ chat when you need to.
Big Hugs xx