Anyone else?


A girl can dream....
Apr 11, 2011
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I started smoking again after I lost Hadlee. I knew I shouldnt have but while we were on our way home from the u/s that confirmed she had died, I asked my OH to stop at the store, and he knew exactly why. I needed a cigarette :dohh: I used it as my crutch while feeling stressed and depressed... but NOW... I am going to try and quit again! I am doing it for my future baby. As of next week I am cutting down and by the new year I want to be done! Never to go back to this awful habit ever again :thumbup:
Howdy Kiki! :flower:

I didn't just wanna read and run ...but I'm clueless with this topic... I'm not a smoker, never have been so I honestly don't know but I hear it's horribly hard to quit... Good for you in trying to cut back for you and the health of your future lil one :winkwink: :hugs:
Good luck, I know you can do it :hugs:

One thing I have heard that is helpful is to put the money you would have spent on cigarettes each day/week into a jar and use it to buy yourself something really special when enough has built up - don't be tempted to use it for other things, just treat yourself because by quitting you will have earned that thing.
Aww I never smoked but my OH does and he says he wants to try to quit BUT I know it is hard....I know I need to do some things before I start again...Like lose weight BUT it is hard just like any habit...when you are use to doing it all the time it is hard to just Stop doing it....Hope the Best for you :)
I was a long time smoker before I got pregnant (I'm 21, had been smoking since about 10)
The day we left the hospital, I already started smoking again. I suppose it was the only way I could really remember to calm my nerves. Husband wasn't against it, but has since been on me about quitting again.
It is very hard though, I hate quitting, but managed to tear up an entire pack of Newports the second I saw two lines on an HPT. :LOL: But since there, it truly has been a struggle. I can understand a bit where you are coming from when you say it feels like your crutch, I feel very similar. But GL with the quitting!
I was a smoker and stopped many times, but always started again and always when I was stressed. It is really tough. I finally quit for good when I found out I was pregnant with DD, who was a surprise, I had enough tobacco sitting there for one cigarette (I used to smoke rollies) after I had done the test but I just couldn't bring myself to smoke once I knew there was a baby in there. You will find the strength to do it for your baby, it makes it so much easier to do it when you know it's for them, not you. I hope you manage to quit before you get pregnant again, knowing you have that reason will keep you going.

I also tried patches and all sorts previously but I think (and have since read) that gloing cold turkey gives the best results and those who stop this way have the best rates of staying stopped for good. I'm so glad I finally did it and am so glad to be free of needing it. You know what it's like - "I'll just have a ciggy, then do blah, blah and blah". Or "2 hours to go till I get my break and can have one"... it rules your life and eats your money. I would second the money in a jar thing, and spend it on something nice for yourself, it's a great motivator and you see how much you spend on something not nice for yourself when you're still smoking. The first 2 weeks were the worst, craving wise and the rest is just habit, I'm sure you know that as you stopped before. I was like a mad-woman at work then, I couldn't tell anyone I was pregnant as it was early days and I was also waiting for my work visa to come through that my employers had sponsored me for, I had stopped smoking so cleaned the whole place from top to bottom to keep myself busy... one of my co-workers came through to the restaurant one afternoon to find me scrubbing the grooves of the table out with a brush, she looked at me like I was crackers, which I was!

Anyway, I'm rambling, just to say good on you and you can do it! You'll be so glad to be free of it when you do.

Now just to convince OH, he only smokes outside but I'd still love it if he stopped and DD is on his case constantly, she is old enough to know it causes cancer and all that and she's so worried he's going to die. It is so hard to do at a stressful time I know though, but when isn't?

Good luck hon, you'll find a way. xxx
I was a long time smoker before I got pregnant (I'm 21, had been smoking since about 10)
The day we left the hospital, I already started smoking again. I suppose it was the only way I could really remember to calm my nerves. Husband wasn't against it, but has since been on me about quitting again.
It is very hard though, I hate quitting, but managed to tear up an entire pack of Newports the second I saw two lines on an HPT. :LOL: But since there, it truly has been a struggle. I can understand a bit where you are coming from when you say it feels like your crutch, I feel very similar. But GL with the quitting!

I'm sorry for your loss honey. My Spanish isn't brilliant but I worked out enough from your ticker. xxx
I don't smoke but I certainly enjoyed a good few glasses of wine after my loss. I'm back to looking after myself now and am not interesting in even just one glass of wine, but for a few weeks I think for me it was a case of 'well, I might as well have a drink since I couldn't before and I can now'.

I'm sure you'll get back to a healthier lifestyle when you've got the right reason :winkwink:
I used the E cigarette to quit, i choose the one with NO nicotine so i did go through bad withdrawal. I was sick in my bed for 2 weeks and thought I had a cold, I didn't realize it was with drawl. The E cigarette really works and you can choose the low level ,medium level on zero nicotine level. I just went right to zero, I just wanted to go through the withdrawal and be done with it. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I started smoking again when my mc was confirmed in August 2009, but was able to quit 'the hard stuff' (e.g. regular cigarettes) January to March of this year, and had the occasional roll-up when having a glass of wine, until positive pregnancy test. Your reaction was completely normal (in fact, when I got some 'bad' blood work news in early May, went out and bought a pack and smoked the whole thing and then threw up all night (wasn't pregnant until June)....

I used the Alan Carr book and it was really helpful, e.g. it makes you want to quit because those *******s at the tobacco companies are evil (that's what I thought whenever I lit a cigarette ....), but that said, it took a good month to get the nicotine out of my system and then a few more months to 'break' the habit, e.g. what to do at break (I'm a teacher), or when I was hungry (sugar-free sweets) or just stressed (um....still crave a cigarette, wouldn't like...)

best wishes
I started smoking again after I lost Hadlee. I knew I shouldnt have but while we were on our way home from the u/s that confirmed she had died, I asked my OH to stop at the store, and he knew exactly why. I needed a cigarette :dohh: I used it as my crutch while feeling stressed and depressed... but NOW... I am going to try and quit again! I am doing it for my future baby. As of next week I am cutting down and by the new year I want to be done! Never to go back to this awful habit ever again :thumbup:

I smoked before I got pregnant with Angel Adalynn, but as soon as that HPT showed positive, all the cigarettes in my house were gone.
I started smoking again yesterday after the funeral, like I said in previous posts, I have an anxiety disorder so I always used cigarettes to calm me down when I was on the verge of an anxiety attack, it was always much faster to light up a cigarette than take medication and wait 30 minutes for it to kick in.

I hope I don't make it an everyday habit again and I wish you luck in meeting your goal of quitting by the new year.
I started smoking again after I lost Hadlee. I knew I shouldnt have but while we were on our way home from the u/s that confirmed she had died, I asked my OH to stop at the store, and he knew exactly why. I needed a cigarette :dohh: I used it as my crutch while feeling stressed and depressed... but NOW... I am going to try and quit again! I am doing it for my future baby. As of next week I am cutting down and by the new year I want to be done! Never to go back to this awful habit ever again :thumbup:

First of all, I am so sorry for ur loss. I myself have lost my baby at five months. My water broke, my baby was left in 1cm of fluid, and then it died.
Nobody will understand the pain unless they go through it. I had the baby cremated.
Anyways, I am begging u to quit smoking, I don't know u, buT i do know if God forbid u get cancer, how it will affect ur loved ones, I lost three aunts in six months. Every single one of them were smokers, and they all passed away due to lung cancer, can u beleive that???? Losing them has created a huge loss in my life, in my mom's and their children's lives.
Please quit, I know how hard it can be. My husband was a chained smoker. I thought that there was no way in this lifetime that he could quit. iI he could quit, so can u. I finally gave him an ultimatum, I said to him: I will no bury u at age 45 and when we have kids that we are supposed to raise together......I refuse to become a single mother, Its either me or ur damn smokes. Ever time he would fail. Howver, if has now succeeded with the patches. Nobody can force u to quit something, unless u are ready to urself!
Are u not tiered of ur coughing,. the smeel of it in ur seaters, ur hair, ur breath, ur yellow teeth? Are you not tiered of spending that money on smokes, when there are so many other things that u can do with it?
You are basically paying for cigarettes, which will eventually make u sick in the end. Please think of ur family, ur partner and ur future kids, If they lose u one day, they will lose me, I know!

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