Anyone else's kid cough over drinks? Long/anxious, sorry

Funnily enough, my DD2 does this and I've thought occasionally about whether it's normal, then on Wednesday we were at DD's dancing group and they hand out water at the end, 4 of the children took a cup, took a gulp of water and spluttered away like it was choreographed :haha:. They were all roughly 18 months - 3.5ish.
Hahah, this really made me laugh. Wish I had witnessed that. :rofl: I really think it must be normal as there seem to be plenty of us with perfectly healthy children who all do it. I think maybe they just don't value being careful like we do.
Ok. So I need your help again ladies.

How do you NOT worry about this? By that, I mean what are your reasons for not thinking it's a big deal?

I realise I am the problem, and I am way too obsessed with it, but I need some tips ...?
I work with children and there’s so many of them that do it! It’s like a cough chorus at snack times... I just put down to toddlers being toddlers, just one of the many strange things they do :haha:
I think you need to keep asking yourself is it causing any serious problem? And is it getting worse. If the answer to both of those questions is no then it's not an issue.
Thank you both. You are right of course. I frequently remind myself that it is so much better than it was and doesn't even happen every day now. I know it will stop forever eventually, but just have really bad days with it sometimes. All related to having problems with my mental health, I suppose.
Ok. So I need your help again ladies.

How do you NOT worry about this? By that, I mean what are your reasons for not thinking it's a big deal?

I realise I am the problem, and I am way too obsessed with it, but I need some tips ...?

Honestly I don't really know how I don't worry about it, it's just something that I don't even really notice. Like if she were to burp or fart or sneeze I wouldn't think anything of it. She doesn't experience any lasting or negative responses to the coughing so there's nothing worth worrying about.
Hey from the op and others since I can relate to my 8 year old coughing when drinking and having a strong gag reflex. He does okay if that reassures you. Only thing he has is a probable easily outgrown easily treated sports asthma/nightime asthma his symptoms which led to this was coughing. Not the coughing when drinking coughing at other times which suggested sports/nightime asthma. He's fit as a fiddle in all other respects if that helps
Ok. So I need your help again ladies.

How do you NOT worry about this? By that, I mean what are your reasons for not thinking it's a big deal?

I realise I am the problem, and I am way too obsessed with it, but I need some tips ...?

Honestly I don't really know how I don't worry about it, it's just something that I don't even really notice. Like if she were to burp or fart or sneeze I wouldn't think anything of it. She doesn't experience any lasting or negative responses to the coughing so there's nothing worth worrying about.

I wish I could be like that. But I'm such a control freak. There was one point I was even keeping a daily tally of how many times she did it. :dohh: It was never more than 2. So silly, I know. And I'm sure it stopped after my baby was born, but I'm managing to convince myself now that I was just so wrapped up with a newborn that I stopped concentrating on it so much. It seemed to start up again though at the beginning of March when she got ill. She got ill for a second time shortly after that, and now is ill yet again! I need her to stop being ill so that I can see if it goes away. :/
Hey from the op and others since I can relate to my 8 year old coughing when drinking and having a strong gag reflex. He does okay if that reassures you. Only thing he has is a probable easily outgrown easily treated sports asthma/nightime asthma his symptoms which led to this was coughing. Not the coughing when drinking coughing at other times which suggested sports/nightime asthma. He's fit as a fiddle in all other respects if that helps

I've wondered if it's her gag reflex rather than water going down the wrong way as it's not really that awful choking, breathless, eye-watering cough you get when you've inhaled a bit of water. My mum reckons it's her gag reflex and says I always had a sensitive one as a child. I also had mild asthma that I outgrew.

How often does your son cough on his drinks? Despite this being a horrible subject for me, I do also find it really interesting lol.
I read your first post and haven’t read any others. I just wanted to say that you are NOT pathetic, and not over reacting. It’s ok to over analyse and obsess about your child’s issues, we all do it! You sound like a great mum, you really do, give yourself a break. And just to add, no-one on here will ever judge you, we’re here to help.
Thought I would update this in case anyone happens to Google! The issues have gone away again thankfully. I think ultimately she has grown out of it for good, but may have some problems occasionally if she already has a cough, or a blocked nose or whatever. At least next time I will be prepared for it! :)
That's great news that the issues have gone away now. You must be so relieved! :)
Final update for anyone who finds this in the future ...

My almost-5-year-old has been drinking water pretty much exclusively out of open cups now for weeks with no problems. Finally! Before, she just had her straw cup for water and an open cup for milk as she was highly likely to choke on water from an open cup, even during her 'good' stages where she wasn't choking on her straw at all.

I don't know why it's taken so long to get here, but she's definitely grown out of it and I am well and truly putting this obsession to bed now. We get the occasional cough - maybe once or twice a month - but nothing compared to how she used to be.

I am so relieved! I always had this stupid worry that she'd be raising a straw cup of champagne on her 18th birthday lol, but in the end, as with most things, all she needed was time. :) Yay!
My daughter was like this (we had breastfeeding problems too but not to the same extent and were checked for a Tongue tie and told "No", ) and I have no idea what age it stopped but it did stop.

It might be worth examining what it is that you are worried about because from what you've written you are worried that something is wrong but you have also mentioned all the ways in which it doesn't cause her any what is this wrong thing that you imagine? What is the problem it may cause? You may never have let your brain go there because when we feel anxiety rise we often try to block it out because it feels like it's going to end up in such a horrifying thought that we wont be able to cope. But until you know what it is that you fear you can't argue against it.

I actually sent you a pm about this very issue a long time ago after you mentioned it briefly on another thread and you did reply. :D I think at that point your daughter was about 5 and it wasn't really happening anymore.

As it says above, she has now stopped. :wohoo: So I'm no longer worried about it (which feels wonderful), but in response, although it wasn't causing her any health problems, I think what bothered me the most was the fact that none of the other children I saw really seemed to do it, so I felt there must be something different about mine that might cause her embarrassment in the future.

I'm not sure I initially mentioned in my first post that, while she was doing much better with toddler-style cups, and the choking was fairly minimal, water in an open cup was still a complete no-no.

I was really worried because she was already almost 4 at that point and she couldn't use a normal cup. I was scared she would have to go to school and sit there choking on her drink at lunch while everyone else managed it fine.

It feels so silly now that she has finally got the hang of it, but I'm still aware that it's pretty unusual for an otherwise typical child to only be able to manage water out of an open cup at close to 5 years old.

I doubt I'll ever know why it happened, but it doesn't matter anymore. :)

You are right about the anxiety stuff though. Thankfully, these days, I am handling it much better. :) :) :)
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I never really post directly about my kids on here - for the most part these days we don't really have any issues that I am hugely worried about. However, there's this one thing that I've put off asking you ladies on here about for the best part of three years, because it is a little odd and I'm terrified that nobody will be able to confirm that it is normal or that it has happened to them.

Obviously, as many on here know, I do suffer with quite severe anxiety so I'm probably overreacting/overthinking somewhat but this has become a huge issue for me and recently it's really affecting my mood. Pathetic, I know, but please don't judge. I really need to get it off my chest.

Basically, my kid coughs on drinks and always has done. She will be 4 in July and it started when she was a tiny, breastfeeding baby. To cut a long story short, she struggled to cope with my very enthusiastic milk flow and coughed on milk a lot. She had several nursing strikes and that's when I started to become obsessed, thinking the choking must be causing the refusal to feed. We found out, at 4 months, that she had a posterior tongue tie. We got it cut. Slowly, she grew into my milk and the coughing stopped. She's still breastfeeding.

At 6 months, I made the mistake of giving her a sippy cup with a spout and a non-spill valve for water. I'm sure these are fine for some kids, but not for mine. I think with hindsight, probably because she had to suck so hard to get anything out, that she consistently ended up with a huge mouthful of water which she inevitably choked on. Cue more anxiety from me about her swallowing ability. We didn't think to try her with a free-flow cup. Instead, we moved her on to a valved straw cup, which she did much better with, but still wound up coughing on quite a few times a day.

After she turned 2, we got her a Munchkin Miracle 360, which is like a regular cup but with a big rubber valve on the top to stop it spilling. By this point, she was able to take several consecutive swallows per try without coughing and would only cough at the end of the drink if she coughed at all. This happened a maximum of about twice a day. Sometimes not at all in a whole day. So a huge improvement, but still not great when you go out for lunch and see other people's kids chugging away without a care in the world while you sit on the edge of your seat hoping your child isn't going to do it again.

It took until she was almost 3 for her to drink from an open cup without trying to 'hoover' the liquid into her mouth and choke herself. She CAN now do it and actually does really well for the most part - in fact, moving on to only open cups and a flask with a big open spout like the neck of a water bottle has been the best thing for her. After her sister was born, nearly 10 months ago, I pretty much stopped worrying about it as it became so infrequent, and I thought it was over. Recently, however, she was ill and coughing all the time so that I couldn't tell what was a regular cough and what was a drinking cough and it's brought it all up again for me, especially since her baby sister very rarely does this and thus I began wondering what is/was wrong with my 3 year old. I couldn't even begin to describe how obsessed I am with it - mainly because I'm kind of ashamed of how much this seemingly little issue affects me.

I should add that it doesn't bother her in the slightest. It's not that awful type of red face and streaming eyes, gasping cough you get when something goes down the wrong pipe. Her eyes occasionally water a little bit, but mostly it's just a sort of splutter, or a couple of decent coughs and she's fine again. Which is really confusing. She HAS had a coughing fit a few times where you can tell it's truly gone the wrong way, but these incidences are rare. I'm not worried about aspiration or anything - she has never had a chest infection or pneumonia or even an ongoing cough really other than the one she had recently. I'm not even that worried these days that she has a problem with swallowing as she CAN swallow, multiple times in a row. What baffles me is that if she coughs, it's right at the end of the drink ...?

She has no problems with development in any area.
She has no problems with food.
She had no problems with speech, other than the fact that she never shuts up. :) She has been speaking 'better', for want of a less indulgent word, than most other children her age since she was 2.

So what the fuck is going on? I've rung our local speech and language helpline a couple of times and spoken to a few speech therapists (they deal with feeding and swallowing issues, not just speech) and none have been overly concerned as she has no symptoms or conditions that point to dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). Most recently, it was suggested that it sounds like she is trying to drink too much too fast without giving herself a chance to breathe so she ends up breathing in at the wrong time and inhaling the last little bit of water. I'd agree this is the most likely explanation, but it still bothers me and asking her to slow down, counting three swallows and then prompting her to stop, etc. is having little effect as she just doesn't care.

I know she seems to be growing out of it and I do feel ridiculous, but I'm having a real down day about it and just can't take it any more.

Can anyone relate? Anyone else's older child do this? Anyone have a kid who did this in the past who has now grown out of it? Please someone tell me it's normal ...

I don’t know if it’s normal, but my DD2 does this and has since she was born. She had issues with my fast let down and with bottles. She’s 15 months old now and still chokes on water sometimes when she drinks out of a cup or straw, more than once daily. She’s talks fine and developmentally everything seems fine. Sometimes she seems to choke on her own spit. Could be a minor reflux issue.

Her doc said he’s not worried! I have extreme health-related anxiety so I totally 100% absolutely understand you lol
I don’t know if it’s normal, but my DD2 does this and has since she was born. She had issues with my fast let down and with bottles. She’s 15 months old now and still chokes on water sometimes when she drinks out of a cup or straw, more than once daily. She’s talks fine and developmentally everything seems fine. Sometimes she seems to choke on her own spit. Could be a minor reflux issue.

Her doc said he’s not worried! I have extreme health-related anxiety so I totally 100% absolutely understand you lol

Ah, I'm sorry you're dealing with it too. It sucks.

If it's any consolation, as mentioned earlier, my daughter has now completely stopped and is drinking from adult cups with no problems, but it's only been these last couple of months and she is almost 5 lol.

She also used to go through spells of seemingly choking on her own spit. This usually coincided with lots of burping and coughing, so probably some random reflux for whatever reason.

Speech and development has always been awesome here - it's just been one of those things for us!

I'm sure your baby will stop in time, even if it does take until she is 5 haha. Don't worry if it does - I don't know of any healthy/typical adults who can't drink water without coughing. :)

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