I'm in Crewkerne![]()
Oh no that's not good maybe I should have gone for Yeovil!!
We had our first scan yesterday and it was the most magical thing I have ever seen. So unbelievable and emotional. I must say that I was impressed with the anti natal clinic at Musgrove - I went in early and they were so quick and efficient, I was literally in and then out! So unlike how you expect hospitals to be!
So how have you been? Any morning sickness?
Your scan is so clear it's amazing x
Oh no that's not good maybe I should have gone for Yeovil!!
We had our first scan yesterday and it was the most magical thing I have ever seen. So unbelievable and emotional. I must say that I was impressed with the anti natal clinic at Musgrove - I went in early and they were so quick and efficient, I was literally in and then out! So unlike how you expect hospitals to be!
So how have you been? Any morning sickness?
Your scan is so clear it's amazing x
Everyone says about the clear scan we just hope its clear enough at 20 weeks so we know what it is ;-)
I had horrible nausea all day and even waking through the night with it. I went right off all foods and the only drink I could manage was water!! My nose smelled absolutely everything ten fold and I had to drive myself everywhere cause I kept getting car sick! Lol. Thankfully it started to ease at about 9.5 weeks but its only last week I've managed to start eating whatever and whenever again!! How about you? Xxx
Hi all
Yeovil were pretty much the same we were early and we were seen early
So far I have been pretty lucky in this pregnancy which worries me slightly. I am exhausted most of the time but I work a 50 hr week so that's to be expected.
I've been sick a few times and at the beginning I felt soo sick but that has all cleared now. My bump has really grown this week and am all ready struggling with maternity clothes.
Ha ha!! I am also addicted to unhealthy food and am sure its starting to pile onto my bum!! My belly is definitely there. At about 14 weeks i had to update my wardrobe to accommodate my bump. Some people told me i looked different when i was in early pregnancy - not sure how but was just different. My boobs are killing at the moment but thankfully the low down pressure has mostly subsided!! Just major tired still though.
I've put on a stone as well. In the 1st trimester I was eating every two hours but it seems to be better now.
Baby has been very active this last two days finally feeling it move which is just amazing. We are hopefully going to find out what we are having on Tuesday but I am already feeling it's a boy.