Anyone get annoyed at OBEM?


Proper TTC Cycle 2011 #1
Dec 17, 2008
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Particularly the woman having twins last night, the Doctor practically saying they WILL have to turn the second baby, Mum saying 'I have to have an epidural with twins don't I?' I was thinking 'give the baby a chance to turn itself' if not a breech birth wouldn't have been THAT bad surely?! She told the second Doctor to stop what he was doing as it was painful, he more or less said 'got to be done, we have to get this baby out' feet in stirrups on her back... (Mum said at the beginning 'yeah I know I should be on all fours (or similar)' the Doctor said 'no the position of the the baby' Mum was right of course!) oh and they induced her early too

I was getting quite riled! (I'm no expert, I just get annoyed with all the intervention sometimes when I'm going to try to be as natural as possible, trust in your body and mother nature)
Is it worth the risk to baby for sake of natural?
I had a natural birth with no drugs at a birthing centre and my son ended up deprived of oxygen repeatedly.
All they could do was phone ambulance to come and hope I pushed him out in the meantime, which I did.
Had I been in hospital they would have done a c-section and he would have been ok.
Instead he had near multiple organ failure and had to have cooling treatment to stop increased damage to his body.
Touch wood he seems ok but who knows what issues we may have in future...

Drs aren't out to get you, yes natural is best but natural for sake of natural isn't.
Drs just want mother and baby to have least risk possible so there is a happy ending.

I do agree though that epis and drugs aren't good.
Had I had any my son would never have lived.
Doctors know best, they know all the history of the woman we never see their maternity notes and dont know the ins and outs - taking every drug is better and getting your baby out alive rather than the risks of natural and potentially having complications - if there is a slight chance of risk - get in meds- get in doctors to have your baby alive.
You should see the American version of the's even worse. :(
Oh no I do agree to a point NickyXjayno and Pretty please, definitely so, modern medicine is wonderful and saved a lot of lives that would be previously lost - at the end of the day I want baby to be safe - but the twin DID turn itself and was coming down as intented, I just felt they didn't give her body a chance to do it's thing, automatically assumed intervention would be needed, but at the end of the day if there is risk to baby I totally agree they should intervene all the way
Point was intervention wasn't needed, yet he was saying from the start they would even though didn't know whether it would be needed, like it was a given, there was no risk at that point, why interfer if it's not needed?

God don't get me started on America vintagecat! Seems like a conveyer belt over there, get you in, drug you up, get baby out ASAP, ship you out

I'm having my first, so I'll probably be so scared and in so much pain that I'll want any drug going and do exactly as the Doctors tell me - I really really reallly hope I can do it unmedicated though
I didn't think it was THAT bad. I thought their reasoning for encouraging the epi was fairly sound under the circumstances, that there was a good chance they would have to manually turn the 2nd baby and to do that with mum in a lot of distress and pain would be very difficult, as she clearly found internals etc very painful.

Generally though, yes I do get annoyed at OBEM a lot of the time!
I get annoyed, untill the 2nd twin and the midwife last night I hadent saw one baby be placed straight on mum. I laughed at the wall display about active birth yet I haven't saw anyone encouraged to stay active.

Even when doctors know all the history they still get it wrong, if they dident I wouldent have 10 points about my labour that I'm not happy with.
Also there is a higher risk of having complications if you have all the pain meds going compared to if you do it with out meds.
I blame my hormones Clairemum2be! I just thought WHY have they got to turn the second baby, mother nature will adapt! And she turned herself, I just think it's a bit sad that we've come to doubt our bodies abilities to deliver sometimes when it's 100% capable

I don't watch every episode, but one they were considering epi and c section as 'failed to progress' I'm not surprised, she was so high on drugs she didn't know what planet was on! When they said it was too late to give an epi and didn't have any more drugs she started to progress...

Maybe I've been reading up too much on the benefits of natural! My friend has been working as a midwife for a year now, she had her first daughter in hospital, and second one recently at home naturally, and is all for HB, they don't teach as much intervention these days apparently
^ ha ha good thinking.

I put on fb other week that I'm board of it. The majority of what they dhow is pretty much the same. Inductions, forceps, epidurals, laying flat on back screaming!! The hb team is based at lgi where it's filmed (I live in Leeds) you'd think they'd show a hb or something :-(. Last nights wasn't too bad but I'm glad that baby proved the drs wrong last night, she did brilliantly. X
I haven't watched in awhile, but when I do watch I get annoyed. I do like watching it because it reminds me of why I advocate for more Midwives, homebirths, birth centers, evidence based care, respectful mom centered care, etc. But it does annoy me when the nurses are pushing epidurals, stare at the screen instead of mom, and the women are lying in bed doing nothing. Just sitting in bed while in labor seems so unnatural to me.
The producer came to the Leeds home birth group trying to convince couples to have their homebirths filmed.....unsurprisingly everyone said no.....the group also got chance to tell her why they hate the sensationalist light everything is portrayed in :lol:
Yeh I suppose their right! Plus to be honest I wouldn't want to be filmed when I'm trying to do something so personal! But I'd love to see one though but guess I'll have to stick to you tube ha ha. X
To me it just shows how little the program makers know about what makes birth safe!! They said to one member (who is a member here) that if she laboured at night they would need to 'bounce a few lights off the ceiling.....' WTF?! :shock:
It's an entertainment programme, not really meant to be educational.

I did get annoyed though. Nobody is encouraged to have a natural birth! Although the girl who had the water birth (in the homemade bikini + skirt) was amazing.
I missed that one on tv cause Freya was in hospital but saw alot of people slagging her off on fb, when she was discharged I watched it on 4od and although they were a bit odd I though she was fantastic. I loved the woman who had a brain injury as well she was so sweet and I was gutted she ended up with forceps but I called it well in advance, could see it coming a mile off bless her. Xx
Was that the lady that got knocked down by a car? That was soo sweet, I cried at that one! Never once did she make a fuss x
Was that the lady that got knocked down by a car? That was soo sweet, I cried at that one! Never once did she make a fuss x

She did have a full epidural from the beginning of labour though!

But she was lovely.
Ah! I missed the beginning!

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