Anyone had gallbladder removed? UPDATED pain back after GB

i had mine removed in July, while 17 weeks pregnant with twins due to pancreatitis , they told me could miscarry but due to the pancreaitis if i didn't it would kill me.

i didnt have any sheet or info, ive eaten what i wanted, i never took any pain killers post surgery, i ate whatever i wanted straight away, was home and lifting my toddler 12 hours after surgery. i was sore but nothing major, i had a c section 5 weeks ago though and the following morning i was picking my 2 year old up, once out of hospital normal activity resumed as in lifting, hoovering, carrying boxes of books into basement lol! so im maybe not normal lol!

But no problems, so happy it was done, ive never been in so much pain, had it for years, obviously couldnt have pain killers when pregnant so that really hurt. but done and over now, and happy me its out!

Hope your feeling better ladies, a friend had hers done a week before me and she couldnt do anything, she couldnt even carry her hand bag!!! she is still complaining of problems now, so i guess it affects everyone differently.
I got mine taken out in June of 2010. The attacks I had were unbearable. I still have instances where what I eat goes through me but I'd rather deal with that than the pains that felt like my abdomen was being ripped open. It would radiate to the right side of my body, hurt between my shoulder blades, and run down my right arm. I had a gallstone about the size of a golf ball when all was said and done. I have five scars on my stomach/belly button from my surgery.
I cant believe it, i had a terrible night :( never thought id experience that pain again after having my gall bladder removed, but i woke at 5am in agony, just like before pain in my stomach, ribs, between shoulder blades and down right arm, became feverish and sick, it terrified me, why am i having these pains again? also my stomach felt full like i wanted to burp but couldnt, so if it was trapped wind, why would my shoulders and arm be in agony, anyone else experienced any problems after having the gall bladder removed?
I cant believe it, i had a terrible night :( never thought id experience that pain again after having my gall bladder removed, but i woke at 5am in agony, just like before pain in my stomach, ribs, between shoulder blades and down right arm, became feverish and sick, it terrified me, why am i having these pains again? also my stomach felt full like i wanted to burp but couldnt, so if it was trapped wind, why would my shoulders and arm be in agony, anyone else experienced any problems after having the gall bladder removed?

I still do every now and again depending on what I eat the night before.
I would go back to the doctor and get checked out. My doctor said that in rare circumstances, you can experience pain like an attack after having your gb removed. He told me if i ever felt that way, to get checked out. The fever is worrisome also.:hugs:
The Nurse at the hospital rang me to see how i have been after my operation, so i told her about the attack, she is going to discuss it with my surgeon there and ring me back next week, she said it is possible the gallstone could still be there or another one has appeared, and he may want to call me back for scans etc, i never knew you can get gallstones after having the gallbladder removed but apparently you can :(
ive had my gallbladder out and not heard about anything about B12? mine was removed feb 2005.
but stay away from fatty foods such as kebabs and currys. everyone is different, so you can follow the list or 'learn' for yourself what you can/cant eat. the worst that will happen is the shits lol :)
I had an attack a week after having my gallbladder out! My cons said sometimes during surgery a gall stone can escape into the bile duct, Ive been okay for many months now, Im just hoping it is an isolated incident..I did have a blood test to check the function of my liver which I will hear about soon. I have heard there are rare cases that stones can develop in the bile duct and there is also another condition which can cause the muscle spasms, its got a weird name cant remember it. Hope you dont get it again! x
had a scan done, due to see surgeon next month to find out if any stones were left behind, dreading if there are, not sure what they can do but defo do not want to be cut open again. Anyone know their procedure to deal with stones without surgery?
Hi Chaps
I hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread. I'm TTC#2 and just been diagnosed with a Gall Bladder infection. I have pain in my right side, just below my belly button, in my back and down my arm. I'm normally dairy intolerant but can't take any dairy at all at the moment. The doc originally gave me Omeprazole for Gastritis and now has given me ant-biotics. I've read quite a few scarey things about it and am worried about it developing into pancreatitis. When shoudl I be worried?

Hi Chaps
I hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread. I'm TTC#2 and just been diagnosed with a Gall Bladder infection. I have pain in my right side, just below my belly button, in my back and down my arm. I'm normally dairy intolerant but can't take any dairy at all at the moment. The doc originally gave me Omeprazole for Gastritis and now has given me ant-biotics. I've read quite a few scarey things about it and am worried about it developing into pancreatitis. When shoudl I be worried?


I have chronic pancreatitis and had no problems during this pregnancy, I had a few acute attacks of it during my first pregnancy. If you have severe pain, are unable to empty your bladder, unable to keep down food, constant sickness then you NEED to go to A&E. Have you had your amylase levels checked ?. An infection won't necessarily do anything more than cause pain & discomfort and it is rare for gallbladder problems to turn into pancreatitis :flower:.
I forgot to add you can get Vit B12 injections from your GP. They hurt like hell though, i still grimace getting them done :haha:.
I suffered with pain through out my first pregnancy and had it removed when LO was 12 weeks by key hole ( this was 10 years ago) a week later I colapsed in pain after being rushed to hospital was told that when the gall bladder was removed by key hole some of the tiny stones had pop out and gone into my bile duct which was causing the pain and also gave me jaundice. These were then removed, but since then never had a problem and benn able to eat what I want
Hi ladies,
I had bilary colic attacks from 32 weeks pregnant. After LO was born I had a scan and they confirmed gallstones. I had my Gallbladder removed in October 2011. I recovered pretty well and can eat everything (although raw onions give me really bad indigestion).
However, 4 days after the op I was back in hospital because I had another attack of the same pain. Months later I had an MRI and got the results in Feb... They think I have retained stones in the bilary tract (near my pancreas). I am still getting the occasional attacks so am having to have an endoscopy that takes an internal ultrasound image to try to confirm that the stones are still there.

Arrggg... horrid.
Hi ladies,
I had bilary colic attacks from 32 weeks pregnant. After LO was born I had a scan and they confirmed gallstones. I had my Gallbladder removed in October 2011. I recovered pretty well and can eat everything (although raw onions give me really bad indigestion).
However, 4 days after the op I was back in hospital because I had another attack of the same pain. Months later I had an MRI and got the results in Feb... They think I have retained stones in the bilary tract (near my pancreas). I am still getting the occasional attacks so am having to have an endoscopy that takes an internal ultrasound image to try to confirm that the stones are still there.

Arrggg... horrid.

ERCP's arent too bad, honestly. I've had 2 :flower:
Hi Chaps
I hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread. I'm TTC#2 and just been diagnosed with a Gall Bladder infection. I have pain in my right side, just below my belly button, in my back and down my arm. I'm normally dairy intolerant but can't take any dairy at all at the moment. The doc originally gave me Omeprazole for Gastritis and now has given me ant-biotics. I've read quite a few scarey things about it and am worried about it developing into pancreatitis. When shoudl I be worried?


I have chronic pancreatitis and had no problems during this pregnancy, I had a few acute attacks of it during my first pregnancy. If you have severe pain, are unable to empty your bladder, unable to keep down food, constant sickness then you NEED to go to A&E. Have you had your amylase levels checked ?. An infection won't necessarily do anything more than cause pain & discomfort and it is rare for gallbladder problems to turn into pancreatitis :flower:.

Thanks Fergie. That's good info to have. My doc is rubbish and didn't tell me anything. Just said I should expect to have some improvement in a few days. I'm a bit worried because I'm used to IBS type pain and this is something different. My back is so sore, in different places. Round the kidneys too. I didn't have that test you asked about..If I don't get any better after a few days I'll go back to my gp. I can still eat, even though it hurts after and I haven't been sick at least.

Did you not have the option of getting your galll-baldder removed? It must be pretty awful having chronic panctreatitis?

Miss H - I'm sorry that you've hace such a bad time of it. Hopefully the endoscopy will shed some light on things.

Wilbz - Glad that you are better now. I've read lots of stories of people having attacks a week or so after surgery due to stones that escaped. ..

The gallbladder wasnt the issue with my acute pancreatitis. It was caused by a post op infection that was mistreated in hospital. Surprisingly enough my gallbladder is alright !, but it's coming out this year just to be on the safe side.

I would go back and ask for the blood test for your amylase levels. If you're in pain after you eat that is another symptom. Don't worry though, it is manageable and if caught early enough it's highly unlikely to go down the chronic pancreatitis road.

Eat low fat, don't eat anything fried, no red meat, plenty veg and avoid citrus fruits & drinks and avoid dairy .. some hard cheeses are okay but you're better eating goats cheese if you need a cheese fix :D.

Hope you get some relief soon ( a hot water bottle on the sore bits work wonders :D)
The gallbladder wasnt the issue with my acute pancreatitis. It was caused by a post op infection that was mistreated in hospital. Surprisingly enough my gallbladder is alright !, but it's coming out this year just to be on the safe side.

I would go back and ask for the blood test for your amylase levels. If you're in pain after you eat that is another symptom. Don't worry though, it is manageable and if caught early enough it's highly unlikely to go down the chronic pancreatitis road.

Eat low fat, don't eat anything fried, no red meat, plenty veg and avoid citrus fruits & drinks and avoid dairy .. some hard cheeses are okay but you're better eating goats cheese if you need a cheese fix :D.

Hope you get some relief soon ( a hot water bottle on the sore bits work wonders :D)

Thanks Fergie. I've got those heat pads on the sore bits. I'm wondering whether the lower back pain could be cycle/pregnancy related as it's now very low down. I'll definately follow your diet tips. The pain isn't too bad to be honest, and my appetite is fine so I'll give it a few days to see what the anti-biotics do. It just feels like something is very swollen in there because it's really uncomfortable in certain positions, like when I lean over to the right and squash back.
It must be very annoying that your surgery caused your pancreatitis. Are you still suffering lots with it?
Thanks soo much for the info.
The gallbladder wasnt the issue with my acute pancreatitis. It was caused by a post op infection that was mistreated in hospital. Surprisingly enough my gallbladder is alright !, but it's coming out this year just to be on the safe side.

I would go back and ask for the blood test for your amylase levels. If you're in pain after you eat that is another symptom. Don't worry though, it is manageable and if caught early enough it's highly unlikely to go down the chronic pancreatitis road.

Eat low fat, don't eat anything fried, no red meat, plenty veg and avoid citrus fruits & drinks and avoid dairy .. some hard cheeses are okay but you're better eating goats cheese if you need a cheese fix :D.

Hope you get some relief soon ( a hot water bottle on the sore bits work wonders :D)

Thanks Fergie. I've got those heat pads on the sore bits. I'm wondering whether the lower back pain could be cycle/pregnancy related as it's now very low down. I'll definately follow your diet tips. The pain isn't too bad to be honest, and my appetite is fine so I'll give it a few days to see what the anti-biotics do. It just feels like something is very swollen in there because it's really uncomfortable in certain positions, like when I lean over to the right and squash back.
It must be very annoying that your surgery caused your pancreatitis. Are you still suffering lots with it?
Thanks soo much for the info.

Sadly i am, i have constant pain and am permanently knackered .. now that could just be that fact i have a stroppy 6month old !! :haha:. I don't let it get me down. If i did i'd never do anything :flower:. I have a fabulous consultant who lets me decide my treatment and signs off anything i want or need :D .. even down to coming off my pain meds whilst i was pregnant. I know that this will kill me in the long term, but then again i could continue being one of the lucky ones who are still able to live a "normal" life :thumbup:.
The gallbladder wasnt the issue with my acute pancreatitis. It was caused by a post op infection that was mistreated in hospital. Surprisingly enough my gallbladder is alright !, but it's coming out this year just to be on the safe side.

I would go back and ask for the blood test for your amylase levels. If you're in pain after you eat that is another symptom. Don't worry though, it is manageable and if caught early enough it's highly unlikely to go down the chronic pancreatitis road.

Eat low fat, don't eat anything fried, no red meat, plenty veg and avoid citrus fruits & drinks and avoid dairy .. some hard cheeses are okay but you're better eating goats cheese if you need a cheese fix :D.

Hope you get some relief soon ( a hot water bottle on the sore bits work wonders :D)

Thanks Fergie. I've got those heat pads on the sore bits. I'm wondering whether the lower back pain could be cycle/pregnancy related as it's now very low down. I'll definately follow your diet tips. The pain isn't too bad to be honest, and my appetite is fine so I'll give it a few days to see what the anti-biotics do. It just feels like something is very swollen in there because it's really uncomfortable in certain positions, like when I lean over to the right and squash back.
It must be very annoying that your surgery caused your pancreatitis. Are you still suffering lots with it?
Thanks soo much for the info.

Sadly i am, i have constant pain and am permanently knackered .. now that could just be that fact i have a stroppy 6month old !! :haha:. I don't let it get me down. If i did i'd never do anything :flower:. I have a fabulous consultant who lets me decide my treatment and signs off anything i want or need :D .. even down to coming off my pain meds whilst i was pregnant. I know that this will kill me in the long term, but then again i could continue being one of the lucky ones who are still able to live a "normal" life :thumbup:.

Hi Fergie
So sorry to hear about your condition Fergie. You've done soo well having babies and managing your pain. I like your positivity too:) How many kids do you have?

I'm feeling a bit better today. Woke up feeling a bit sick but no pain so far yet. The sickness could be the penicilllin too. Temperature seems to be coming down too, so I'm hoping the pain was due to the infection which is on it's way out.

I'm sticking to the dietry tips you gave me....I've noticed that recently I have become more intolerant to dairy that I previously was...not even being able to eat chocolate or cheese, which I could I think your advice was spot on.
My DH is being great. Looking after our LO and doing alll the chasing around while I've been poorly. I don't know what I'd do without him! We're going throught a major strop phase and it's such a chore just changing nappies:-S

Anyhoo, I hope you keep well. Spring is on it's way:-D
Fingers crossed that I'll get a BFP soon as I'm cracking on a bit :p

Take care.x

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