Anyone had laparoscopy for endo or have unexplained in/subfertility?? Any help is gr8


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
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Hi, this is not about me but about my sister in law who has unexplained infertility/subfertility. She is 29 now, never has smoked or drank alcohol or done drugs, and is a small person, bmi of about 20. Very healthy!

She was married at 19 and started trying straight away, and after two years of no results she got tested to see if she was ovulating which she wasn't. (her DH above average sperm count).Took a whole tablet of Clomid and got 4 eggs. Pregnant naturally and one egg took.

Second time round she was ovulating and nothing was happening. Got HSG dye (clear tubes) and got pregnant straight after, but lost it at 5 weeks. (chemical).

Third time she did clomid again for a year on and off and got nothing. Then did IUI and 1/2 a tab clomid, got 2 eggs and one took, and she has a second baby.

4th time (now) NOTHING is working. She has done round after round of IUI, clomid, and also Clomid combined with 2 rounds of IUI, and had 2nd HSG dye scan which was completely clear. Things seem to be getting worse not better.

The only other option is IVF, or get laparoscopy to check for endometriosis. She has no symptoms of endo apart from 24-26 day cycles, and dodgy bowels around period time. She is getting a lap done sometime this year to see if it is endo, but is at her wits end and angry with her body, and every one (including me and her other SIL) seems to be all getting pregnant!! =/

She doesn't really know any one with fertility problems and doens't use the internet, and I feel so helpless as I get pregnant every time on cycle one so I cant really give her any advice!!

Does anyone out there have any similar experiences with this kinda thing, or had a laparoscopy done etc????

Thanks ladies :)
I just had one done yesterday. I had no sings or symptoms of endometriosis other than a 24-26 day cycle but the doctor removed some endo and also a polyp from my uterus. He told me the polyp has been acting as an IUD and probably what has been keeping me from getting preggo. Hope that helps! If your sister needs someone to chat with or some advice, I'd be more than happy to help. Blessings!
I'm awaiting my lap. I did not wish to do iui or ivf I knew that there was nothing internally that caused any issues before proceeding.
Hopefully she gets answers
Hi ladies, I would suggest a Lap, that is the only way she will know what is going on and if anything it will put her mind at ease or sort out the problem. I had mine done last week, after 13 months of trying for #2, turns out there was pretty bad Endo and they also did ovarian drilling too. I have everything crossed, and hope we have success over the next couple of months :)

Hope your Sis-in-law gets is all sorted
I would suggest a Lap as well. I had my Lap/hysteroscopy and D&C today. My Dr did not expect to find anything as I have no symptoms of endo and my cycle length is 28 to 33 days every month but they found and removed stage 3 endo. my uterus is normal and tubes are clear. I had no idea I would have anything wrong. Maybe it explains why I have never had a BFP since we had our son in 2003. We have done 5 cycles clomid then we moved onto injectibles, 3 iui's and numerous unmedicated cycles. We are currently using supplements which I have found to help as I now get fertile symptoms like ewcm - which I have never had before ever. Here is a list of what we are doing;
fertilaid for men and women - since Nov 2011
fertilitea since Nov 2011
Co enzyme q10 1200mg/day since Dec 2011
DHEA 75mg/day since Dec 2011
Vitamin D 1000mg/day longterm
B6 - 100mg/day since Jan 2012
Wheatgrass 1500mg/day since Jan 2012
Maca 1500mg/day since Feb 2012
Vit C and probiotics - 1x/day long term
bee pollen 400mg(1ampule) 1st this in the morning since Jan 2012

I used to ovulate on cd 18-24 but now ovulate on cd 15-18 - so good results.
Hi Mas, how is everything going since your op? Where are you in your cycle?

I had mine a month ago, and just about to get AF I think. Doc wants me to go back onto Clomid (25mg). Were you told to go back on this after the procedure?

I am interested to read about the supplements you are taking, which one do you think has promoted the EWCM the most? As this is one of my big problems...
I had my lap 3wks ago its quick simple an you heal fast I had stage 4 endo removed and my symptoms where extremley heavy an painful periods long cycles bowls constantly constricted and compacted where it had grown on my bowls

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