Anyone had success with change in diet?


Jul 20, 2015
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Hubby and I have been trying for about 2 1/2 years (unexplained infertility.) I have tried acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Vitex, and had one IUI, which was unsuccessful. The next few months I am going to cut alcohol completely, and try eating gluten free as much as I can. Normally, we drink quite a bit, so I'm hoping giving it up completely will do the trick. Does anyone have a success story with diet change and BFP? Thanks for your input!!
I'm also interested to see what others think? I've been trying for a year now and nothing so I'm also going to cut right down on drinking, maybe once a month around AF time and also trying to go almost gluten free. I did gluten free for 3 weeks straight last month and felt great but then a vacation ruined that. Good time to start in the new year!
Diest change and weightloss helped me greatly. I have turned my signature off out of respect, but I have a 5 &3 year old and am 11 weeks with #3. My first took 8 years to conceive, my second we had unprotected sex for over a year, then in 2015 I lost 35kg and went low carb and got pregnant 2 cycles in a row easily (one was a chemical pregnancy).

After changing how I ate, and the weight loss, I had more frequent periods, better fertility signs like EWCM etc. Of course I can't say for sure, but I feel like it all helped.
This is a great post. I too have decided to make a change. We don't drink alcohol at all, but I am overweight as you may be able to tell by my signature. I'm hoping it works. :flower:
Thank you all for your input. I haven't gone a full cycle without drinking at all except for the month we did the IUI. I'm hoping that this may help, although I really haven't read many success stories attributed to cutting out alcohol. It makes it difficult to stick with it, but I won't know unless I try!
I have a similar background and it's *possible* that diet change had something to do with my conceiving last cycle (not a happy ending here, but that's another story). My doctor is really into Paleo and the idea that inflammation is the root of infertility. He would probably have me eating bacon morning noon and night as a solution to my problems :p For a little over a month I restricted carbs, basically cutting out sugar, ate a lot more fat and meat products, limited alcohol and dairy. I lost about 5 lbs. Now, I also went on a vacation AND I had/have 3 frozen embryos (as of the previous cycle) in the bank so lack of stress is also at play here.

I definitely think it's worth cutting the wheat and sugar. I mean look at everything else we've tried, right? I'm going to go back to this...once the bowl of candy in my office is gone.
I have PCOS and have had multiple miscarriages... along with unexplained infertility. So over the 4 (now 5) times I have managed to conceive (naturally and through IVF) over the last 4ish years, the one time I've managed to get and hold a pregnancy was when I changed my diet. I can't guarantee that it made the difference, it could just be coincidental.

I cut out white carbs and dropped as much sugar as I could, because fluctuating insulin can apparently cause issues with conception and prompt miscarriage if you have PCOS.
I think cutting alcohol would definitely be worth it as I feel like cutting the sugar in my diet is what led to my unexpected pregnancy with my son. Due to the low sugar, low carb diet I was on (and try to stick with now), I dropped 20lbs and became pregnant by surprise! After years of tracking and stressing and 2 miscarriages, I was shocked that a couple months of diet change may have done the trick!

And MumDreamz.... I was 209lbs when I got pregnant with my son! So every body is different and you may be surprised what a small 5-10lb weight loss can even do! So don't give up hope!
We have been trying for many years now and we are giving the natural treatment route a go while we wait to come up on the wait list for IVF at the end of this year. So even if we do not get pregnant during this natural process, at least we will be the healthiest we can be when IVF comes

We went last Wednesday to a 1.5hrs appointment with a natural medicine doctor who specializes in fertility and comes highly recommended by my GP. Also an acquaintance of ours has been successful in having a baby under her care.

The first step is our detoxing for a month (both of us) and pump us up with nutrients and specific vitamins that will have us be in optimal conditions to conceive. So goes as follows:

For my husband:
MediHerb P-2 Detox: 1/2 scoop daily
Vitamin C:1 tablet in the morning daily
Eagle Tresos Activated B: 1 tablet in the morning daily

For me:
MediHerb P-2 Detox:1 scoop daily
Folic Acid: 1 tablet in the morning daily
Eagle Tresos Natal: 1 tablet in the morning daily (this one does not contain vitamin A which some studies say supplements containing it can increase the chances of miscarriage)

More things for me:
I also have to start charting by basal temperature from the last day of my next period for a couple of months
Can only have one coffee a day
No alcohol during detox - if I want to drink after, to limit it to one drink occasionally and only in the timezone from my period to ovulation. Never drink from ovulation to the period. My husband is also to stop drinking during the detox and to limit his alcohol consumption after detox to one drink a day max.

Some things for both of us:
Have 5 smoothies a week containing folate rich veg (kale, spinach)... apparently weirdly mangoes are also rich in folate
Aim for 30-50 gr of one or a mix of the following nuts per day (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts)

I am meeting with her again two weeks after my last appointment. By then she would have received all our results to date from our doctors related with trying to conceive and fertility. During this session we will fine tune a custom made treatment depending on what she sees. This will include herbal tea treatments to help with optimal hormone levels at different times of my cycle and herbs to help with DH optimal health of swimmers. Apparently it is not only the count of swimmers that it is important, but also the shape?

She sent me a few attachment with tips to eliminating toxins in the house, folate rich foods and the recipe for a smoothie... if you want I can post it too.

She will also have me tested for gluten intolerance (which I know I am sensitive to wheat at this stage and have eliminated the consumption of but I have never been tested for any of it) and also test my thyroid.

Other things that I already do and she approved of are:
The only sugar in my diet is a teaspoon with my coffee in the morning and a square of dark chocolate a day. I don't have any other refined sugars. If I am having porridge for example and want it sweet, I add a bit of honey or raisins to it.
I eat a lot of good fats, coming from avocado, olive oil and seafood
We don't eat processed foods at home and eat plenty of servings of fresh fruit and veg
She recommends to minimize the intake of gluten whether you are sensitive to it or not if you are trying to conceive.

The next follow up appointment is in a couple of months time after she gives you the specific treatment

I can keep sharing my journey if it interests you :) There may be something there that could be helpful and worth giving a go...

I am sure anything you do towards being healthier and improve your chances to conceive is the right thing to do... all the best of luck!!
Two weeks now of Detox, change in diet, more exercise and no alcohol. Coping pretty well so far and sticking with it to a T.
When I feel like drinking I put sparkling water in a glass with some ice, a squirt of lemon juice and fresh mint... and pretend I am having a gin and tonic... :laugh2:

Went to the medical herbalist a couple of days ago for an update as she had received all my test results... the thyroid is fine apparently... she has given me more vitamin E to take and a mix of herbal tinctures to have twice a week which taste disgustingly bitter :sick: Apparently the tincture mix is from specific herbs to help with the health and condition of the uterus walls, lower the inflammation from endometriosis, helping with the quality of the eggs and open up the tubes... I have to do this for a month and then go back to see her to see if I have to re-do any of my previous tests or do some other ones.

The witch came today and I have hardly any pain when usually I would be almost rolling on the floor by this stage... so definitely it is doing something to help with the endometriosis symptoms and inflammation!!... :dance: If anything I am happy with that being only two weeks into this... We will see how it goes :)

Ladies that have gone gluten free... have you found anything good to have instead of gluten free pasta? I just don't like the texture at all. I am trying with Konjac noodles at the moment with does the trick but wondered if there is a better option....

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana — Reducing carbohydrates and boosting protein intake can significantly improve a woman's chance of conception and birth after in vitro fertilization (IVF), according to a new study.

The effect is "at the egg level," said lead investigator Jeffrey Russell, MD, from the Delaware Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Newark. He presented the findings here at American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 61st Annual Clinical Meeting.

Carbohydrate-loaded diets create a hostile oocyte environment even before conception or implantation, he explained.

"Eggs and embryos are not going to do well in a high-glucose environment." By lowering carbs and increasing protein, "you're bathing your egg in good, healthy, nutritious supplements," he said.

Eggs and embryos are not going to do well in a high-glucose environment.
Dr. Russell said this study was prompted by the poor quality of embryos he was seeing in young, healthy women who came through his IVF program. "We couldn't figure out why. They weren't overweight, they weren't diabetic," he said.

The 120 women in the study, who were 36 and 37 years of age, completed a 3-day dietary log. It revealed that for some, their daily diet was 60% to 70% carbohydrates. "They were eating oatmeal for breakfast, a bagel for lunch, pasta for dinner, and no protein," Dr. Russell explained.

Patients were categorized into 1 of 2 groups: those whose average diet was more than 25% protein (n = 48), and those whose average diet was less than 25% protein (n = 72). There was no difference in average body mass index between the 2 groups (approximately 26 kg/m²).

There were significant differences in IVF response between the 2 groups. Blastocyst development was higher in the high-protein group than in the low-protein group (64% vs 33.8%; P < .002), as were clinical pregnancy rates (66.6% vs 31.9%; P < .0005) and live birth rates (58.3% vs 11.3%; P < .0005).

When protein intake was more than 25% of the diet and carbohydrate intake was less than 40%, the clinical pregnancy rate shot up to 80%, he reported.

Dr. Russell now counsels all IVF patients to cut down on carbohydrate intake and increase protein intake.

"There is no caloric restriction, but they have to get above 25% protein. This is not a weight-loss program, it's a nutritional program. This is not about losing weight to get pregnant, it's about eating healthier to get pregnant," he said.

Back to Basics

In a study presented at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) meeting last year, IVF patients who switched to a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet and then underwent another cycle increased their blastocyst formation rate from 19% to 45% and their clinical pregnancy rate from 17% to 83% (Fertil Steril. 2012;98[Suppl]:S47).

Even non-IVF patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome have improved pregnancy rates after making this lifestyle change, Dr. Russell noted.

This "draws attention to a previously understudied area of reproduction...and opens the way for understanding a host of dietary factors that may be related to improved outcomes in the assisted reproductive technologies," ASRM president-elect Richard Reindollar, MD, who is chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, told Medscape Medical News.

"These studies demonstrate how little we know about the effect of micronutrients in our diets on various aspects of reproduction. They demonstrate a field wide open for future research and beg questions such as whether, for example, it is carbohydrates in general or the inflammatory effects of gluten in grain carbohydrates that are deleterious to IVF outcomes," said Dr. Reindollar.

The study's connection between high blood glucose to IVF success is "an interesting finding that deserves to be evaluated further," said Sharon Phelan, MD, from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, who is a member of the ACOG Scientific Program Committee. She was asked by Medscape Medical News to comment on the findings.

"Although the blood glucose is not high enough to be in the diabetic range, it is enough to be toxic to the developing blastocyst," she added." Perhaps this is a call for us to get back to our 'roots,' or basic diets, again."

Dr. Russell, Dr. Reindollar, and Dr. Phelan have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 61st Annual Clinical Meeting: Abstract 96. Presented May 6, 2013.
That was an interesting read lisap... thanks for that

It does connect a lot with what my natural herbalist is trying to achieve. In the diet I am to have a serving of meat or fish a day and reinforce the protein intake with heaps of high protein vegetables (lots of green veg are very high in protein - spinach, kale, broccoli, peas, beans...), avocados and nuts. She is directing towards a high protein diet but is careful that not too much of the protein comes from animal protein.

The diet also takes out all refined and added sugars and alcohol.

So far I have only been a short period of time following this diet but I am already amazed at how different and good I feel. Just the fact that my first period on this diet it's almost pain free... with my endometriosis I usually have to pump up myself with painkillers during my period and sometimes to the point of having codeine because the pain is just too much... I am almost at the end of my period and I have only had ONE paracetamol before going to sleep one of the first nights... and not because I needed it but because I was being paranoid of waking up with too much pain to bear.

Feeling happy and hopeful :dance:
That was an interesting read lisap... thanks for that

It does connect a lot with what my natural herbalist is trying to achieve. In the diet I am to have a serving of meat or fish a day and reinforce the protein intake with heaps of high protein vegetables (lots of green veg are very high in protein - spinach, kale, broccoli, peas, beans...), avocados and nuts. She is directing towards a high protein diet but is careful that not too much of the protein comes from animal protein.

The diet also takes out all refined and added sugars and alcohol.

So far I have only been a short period of time following this diet but I am already amazed at how different and good I feel. Just the fact that my first period on this diet it's almost pain free... with my endometriosis I usually have to pump up myself with painkillers during my period and sometimes to the point of having codeine because the pain is just too much... I am almost at the end of my period and I have only had ONE paracetamol before going to sleep one of the first nights... and not because I needed it but because I was being paranoid of waking up with too much pain to bear.

Feeling happy and hopeful :dance:

Thats what I am doing too, my diet right now consists of whey protein shakes , chicken, fish, eggs, nuts , green veggies , avocados.
I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago but I have regular cycles now.
35 days till my next IUI cycle , hoping this diet helps.
Thats what I am doing too, my diet right now consists of whey protein shakes , chicken, fish, eggs, nuts , green veggies , avocados.
I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago but I have regular cycles now.
35 days till my next IUI cycle , hoping this diet helps.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear that the diet is helping you with having regular cycles! Best of luck with the IUI!! I am sure making efforts to be the healthiest you can be with good eating and exercise habits will be helping are just giving it the best chance! :winkwink: I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you
Do let us know how it goes :thumbup:
I thought I would try the Keto diet, kind of like Paleo. Healthy fats lots of protein and little to no carbs. Giving up the sugar was crazy hard but after reading the studies I feel really good about my decision.
Over a month and a half with no sugar or grains and my body is 100% less puffy, I have no swelling or bloating after meals and I overal feel better.

Hoping this will eventually help when we move to IVF
I thought I would try the Keto diet, kind of like Paleo. Healthy fats lots of protein and little to no carbs. Giving up the sugar was crazy hard but after reading the studies I feel really good about my decision.
Over a month and a half with no sugar or grains and my body is 100% less puffy, I have no swelling or bloating after meals and I overal feel better.

Hoping this will eventually help when we move to IVF

God on you! It's amazing how different a change of diet can make you feel eh? And cutting off all sugars makes you feel like you have actually more energy than when you take sugar... which is kind of ironic

I have never been a sweet tooth so giving up sugar has not been difficult for me... my weakness is a glass of wine with dinner...:wine: I surely miss that! But as you said... its well worth it to give us the best chances to conceive when it comes to any other treatment.

All the best... hope you get your sticky bean :yipee:
Two weeks now of Detox, change in diet, more exercise and no alcohol. Coping pretty well so far and sticking with it to a T.
When I feel like drinking I put sparkling water in a glass with some ice, a squirt of lemon juice and fresh mint... and pretend I am having a gin and tonic... :laugh2:

Went to the medical herbalist a couple of days ago for an update as she had received all my test results... the thyroid is fine apparently... she has given me more vitamin E to take and a mix of herbal tinctures to have twice a week which taste disgustingly bitter :sick: Apparently the tincture mix is from specific herbs to help with the health and condition of the uterus walls, lower the inflammation from endometriosis, helping with the quality of the eggs and open up the tubes... I have to do this for a month and then go back to see her to see if I have to re-do any of my previous tests or do some other ones.

The witch came today and I have hardly any pain when usually I would be almost rolling on the floor by this stage... so definitely it is doing something to help with the endometriosis symptoms and inflammation!!... :dance: If anything I am happy with that being only two weeks into this... We will see how it goes :)

Ladies that have gone gluten free... have you found anything good to have instead of gluten free pasta? I just don't like the texture at all. I am trying with Konjac noodles at the moment with does the trick but wondered if there is a better option....


Forgot to mention in case it is of help to anyone or of interest... these are the different tinctures in the mix the medical herbalist game me:

Ladies Mantle

I have to take 8ml twice a day with meals... I do hope this does something and it gets easier to do coz right now it surely is not easy to swallow!! Puajjj :sick: lol
Thanks , this will be our last try before possibly moving onto IVF , so I am doing everything I can to help it work.
Well I have been on serrapeptase for a month plus this diet for only a week and my AF cramps are barely noticeable, today is CD1.

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