Anyone have experience of reduced foetal movements?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
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Sorry if this isn't the best place, I really wasn't sure where to put it.

My sister is 35 + 5 and feels she has had reduced movement since last weekend. On Saturday she went to FMU where they did a trace and asked her to come back Monday for a scan. She went back Monday (yesterday) and had firstly a scan where they said they checked for breathing movement, fluid and placenta and they were all fine. The baby did not move at all throughout the scan so after a trace, which was ok, they did another scan. Baby still did not move at all during the scan.

So she was admitted last night and she has had steroid injections just in case she needs to be induced.

My poor sister didn't get any sleep at all last night and waited until 4pm this afternoon for another scan. On this scan the baby moved 3 times in total, 2 of which she felt.

I'm just so worried for her. The midwife on the ward was quite patronising and told her to just stop worrying because the baby had moved so all was ok.

Previous to this the baby had been moving frequently and strongly.
They are keeping her in tonight again, repeating the scan tomorrow and they say if they see movement on that she will be discharged.

It just seems so wrong, I mean she really does have reduced movement?!

Even when the midwife tried to get baby moving by poking and prodding baby still didn't move.

I've just left her now, while I was there I told her to write down all of the movements she's had that she can remember and it's just 8 single movements since 11pm last night.

Does anyone have any experience or advise for when I see her tomorrow please? She's so worried and feels like she's not being taken seriously.

Tia x
I went into hospital twice for reduced fetal movements near the end of my pregnancy but both times LO was moving about and the trace was good. I'm not sure I would've been happy to be discharged with reduced movements that were ongoing. Not sure if your sister has seen a consultant but I would be pushing for a review by a consultant if I was her. It may be something and nothing but I wouldn't take the chance.
I'm really sorry if I have upset anyone, I know this is a very sensitive subject. If there is somewhere more appropriate to post this please let me know and I'll ask to get it moved
I went in with rfm too. First time she was moving and I couldn't feel her. The next few times I was monitored for my high blood pressure and I had to lie there until the babys heart rate and movements met the consultants criteria. Once they told me to have a drink to start her moving...another time she was flipping round and they told me not to drink anything for a bit so she could settle down and they could get an accurate reading.

Sorry for waffling..however I think your sister should push for more intervention. My daughter turned out to be okay but they were right on my case when she wasn't moving like normal.
Hope that made sense im on my phone xx
I think that's absolutely ridiculous that they are patronising her and not taking her babys reduced movements seriously! Glad they have given her steriods but hope they scan her some more and take the best action from there, reduced movements aren't something to take lightly! x
Ridiculous the way they are treating her. She needs to kick up a fuss or you do hun.
Hope everythings okay!
Thanks all:flower:

I literally feel sick with worry, it's hard because I don't want to scare her but it looks like she's going to have to start making a fuss.

She was meant to have the trace at 7 tonight and they've still not done it and she hasnt felt baby move since the scan today.

They've said that she'll have another scan tomorrow and take it from there but the thing is, the baby is moving so little that she wouldn't even know if it stopped completely iykwim?

My poor sister is in a state but they seem to think it's fine because there were 3 movements on the scan today.

Have just told her now to nag them to do the trace:nope:
Thats shocking. Tell your sister that she has to kick up a fuss!
Tell her not to worry what they think of her..I am the same I dont like to be seen as annoying but sometimes its the only way to go.
ill be checking back to see how your sister gets on. Try not to worry, its hard but she os lucky to have a caring sister like you x
This is awful. She CAN refuse discharge hun, they cant make you go home if you dont to and in her case that is absolutely what I would do. I would ask to speak to the lead consultant and demand more intervention.
She's not replying to my txts at the mo, I'm just hoping they did do the trace and that she's getting some sleep and that's why she's not replying.

Thanks again and will update when I know more
I would ask to speak to the lead consultant and demand more intervention.

Ah thanks, it's good to know the 'title' of the person who she should demand to speak to. I'll tell her this when she replies :flower:
I hope she has had a great trace and is now sleeping.

Also if you are in England or Wales she can get PALS to help support her in getting the right care.

And this would be worth reading up on, if you are in the UK There is a link on that page to the guidelines. If I had known the guidelines around PPROM it could of saved my babies life, so take a read and let your sister know if there is anything relevant in there.

:hugs: for you all x
I would ask to speak to the lead consultant and demand more intervention.

Ah thanks, it's good to know the 'title' of the person who she should demand to speak to. I'll tell her this when she replies :flower:

You are very welcome, if there is anything I can do then give me a shout.

Also tell your sister she wont ever be 'too assertive' and even if she was, she will never regret that x
Yes tasha we're in the uk, I'll have a read of that now, thankyou xx
Just spoke to her now, she is on the trace at the moment and they said the doctor will see her at some point this morning.

Since she has been pregnant she has suffered from gallstones which she normally manages by not eating at night and not eating anything fatty but she had a bad attack last night :( so they said that's why they didn't do the trace last night??

I've told her about PALS and asking to speak to the lead consultant so I hope she does ask them. It's so hard because although she's worried, she is sort of trusting them and not pushing them, when I feel like marching in there and demanding they do something! It's the same hospital I had lo in with a traumatic induction and an 8 day stay afterwards, mainly due to them being crap and slow etc. I'm so torn between thinking well they're the professionals etc and just thinking they're crap :(

Gonna go and see her after work today and I've asked her to keep in touch and let me know everything.
I agree with Tasa, she will never regret being assertive.

I understand why she trusts them, ultimately they are professionals and have trained for years. But she is the one carrying her baby and knows that something has dramatically changed in regards to the babys movements.

I hope they intervene more and try to find out the cause. I bet you are frantic with worry :hugs:
SANDS say it is the one thing they hear time and time again; they didnt listen to me. So they are working on getting medical professionals to understand that no one knows their body or baby better than the mum. It clearly isnt working though.

I always say we have gut instincts for a reason, and hers is saying there is something wrong, she must listen to that over them.

I've sent you a few pm's with advice but if there is anything else I can do, please dont hesitate to message me.
THanks again to all:flower:

And tasha:hugs:

So the latest is that she has now been discharged, without having a scan today just a trace. They have asked her to go back on Tuesday for another scan.

I got in touch with PALS who got in touch with the ward. The ward matron has been trying to call my sister but she's not answering I think because she's asleep hopefully. She wants to try and reassure her and she tried to reassure me too. I just don't feel that they have done everything they can to ensure the baby is not in danger. They have said for her to go back in if she is worried at all but she is already worried:nope:

I'm in a difficult situation with my sister too, trying to be sensitive but trying to push her to push them.

Thanks again all and I will update if there is any news

I agree with everything Tasha has said..and the bit where SANDS most heard comment is 'they didn't listen to me' made me well up.
My daughter stopped moving at 27 weeks. I went to the hospital and she had passed. She did become less active before she totally stopped moving. I wish they would have told me to go in, but I've read it's not supposed to be a "sign" of a problem until 28 weeks. I would go in with any reduction in movement at ANY stage.

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