Anyone else going through treatment of thyroid issues?
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in November, then Graves Disease in December.
I was on PTU from December to February but it wasnt working as quickly as my Dr. and I wanted it to, so I got switched over to methamizole. I know based on research and speaking with my OBGYN and Endo that the Methamizole isnt preferred when your TTC but it has helped my levels jump up to where they should be, so its definitely working better for me. I am now waiting to go back for another 4 week blood work to see how they are changing - if they are still.
Anyway, we have been TTC for 19 months now, I believe that my thyroid is mainly to blame for us not getting pregnant yet. I hope that this is the answer to my prayers and that things will happen as soon as things stay normalized for me as far as my T3/T4/TSH.
I am looking for anyone who can give me their success story with thyroid issues and just some positive information on this. I get down from time to time because this is something that is truly out of my control, my future lies in the hands of my doctors and how they treat me going forward.
Stories? Advice? Words of wisdom?
Thanks ladies!!
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in November, then Graves Disease in December.
I was on PTU from December to February but it wasnt working as quickly as my Dr. and I wanted it to, so I got switched over to methamizole. I know based on research and speaking with my OBGYN and Endo that the Methamizole isnt preferred when your TTC but it has helped my levels jump up to where they should be, so its definitely working better for me. I am now waiting to go back for another 4 week blood work to see how they are changing - if they are still.
Anyway, we have been TTC for 19 months now, I believe that my thyroid is mainly to blame for us not getting pregnant yet. I hope that this is the answer to my prayers and that things will happen as soon as things stay normalized for me as far as my T3/T4/TSH.
I am looking for anyone who can give me their success story with thyroid issues and just some positive information on this. I get down from time to time because this is something that is truly out of my control, my future lies in the hands of my doctors and how they treat me going forward.
Stories? Advice? Words of wisdom?
Thanks ladies!!