Anyone having regular growth scans due to risk of IUGR?

I also dont have any advice, but wishing for the best for you and LO.
BB-was your LO diagnosed IUGR? I'm guessing you already had the baby as I just read this now because I didn't get the alert until Marie posted.

I'm a little confused. Is the advice you are needing about an IUGR issue, or a labor and delivery issue? IUGR babies usually don't make it to term unless the issue is missed throughout your pregnancy. You made it to 40+1 so that's great news!

I hope everything worked out for you, and I'm sure your doctors are just doing what's in the best interest of mother and baby!

Vicky-I know you really have your hands full right now, but please update us when you can about how Dee's surgery went. I've been praying for you all!
Hi Ladies,
It's been a few weeks since I last posted here. So here goes...

Hunter was born at 29 1/2 weeks weighing 1 lb 9 oz. So far he is doing great. Because I was able to get 2 separate doses of steriods before he was born, he is not on a ventilator. But he is on CPPAP which is just to help push air down into the lungs so the lungs don't get too tired since he's small. It will be a while before he comes home, but as long as he has lots of good days in the NICU he will be home with us in no time.

So here is a quick update on how Hunter was born...2 weeks after I got my first dose of steroids, the doctors started seeing more absent diastolic flow and decided it was best just to put me in the hospital for daily fetal heart monitoring and dopplers. I was admitted on a Monday and got my second dose of steriods that week. By Friday, during one of my regular fetal heart monitorings, we noticed that on occasion his heartbeat would take a dip every now and then from 150BPM to 120's BPM which was something they did not see before. So then I was put on continuous fetal heart monitoring for almost 2 days until they determined it was best to deliver via C-section. And that was a week ago.

Crayz, Vixxen, and Marie131 - I read in your previous posts about chromosomal issues. Mine was diagnosed when I had a CVS done in my 13th week. They determined the placenta had Mosaic Trisomy 16 but the amnio came out clear. But at my 20 week scans, he was behind in growth and they found a birth defect in his genitalia which can be corrected with surgery. But now that he is out and I can see him, he is beautiful. We are still waiting for the genetic testings and I am nervous as all hell what they'll find or say.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone on this forum and will keep you updated on Hunter's progress.
Congrats! I love the name Hunter. I hope it won't be long until he is home with you-in the meantime, I am sure he is in good hands. NICU staff are truly amazing people.
Aw congrats on baby hunter!
My lg was born at 28+6 weighing 1lb 8oz and had a 2 months stay in the nicu but she's a very healthy 17m old now, still small due to her iugr but very advanced in everything else. Way ahead of her nicu friends who were twice as big and older gestations!
Good luck and hope he continues to do well and hope his nicu journey is boring and without drama, just smooth and easy!
Congratulations, NM!! I'm so glad to hear your LO is doing so well in the nicu. I can bet you are nervous waiting for the genetic results, I know I will be worried sick when it is our turn to go through that. Keep us updated w/ your progress. I find hearling these good stories really encouraging.

I am starting to get a cold :( Right before I am supposed to deliver (probably next week?). Ugh. They won't let me in the nicu if I am sick, will they?
Congrats NM! I hope the NICU is an easy ride for you, and I will send good thoughts your way. Soon your LO will be strong and healthy enough to go home with you!

Marie, they will let you in, but you'll have to wear a mask. Yeardley had nurses in the NICU who were sick, they just wore the masks and ran somewhere to cough or sneeze. Plus you wash your hands before you even walk in the door and there are sinks and hand sanitizer everywhere!
Congrats on baby Hunter NM! Lovely name :)

Ive got my final growth scan next Mon, fingers crossed everything is as good as it has been all along. All being well Ill be signed off consultant care and able to deliver in the new MW led unit thats just opened and is supposed to be fab- cant wait!
So update on me. No more growth scans booked because baby is growing fine.

My section is booked for 23 days time (I like saying it in days lol) when ill be 38+6weeks so hoping for a nice plump baby by then!

I can't get over how well this pregnancy has went compared to my last, that one must have must be one of those things. Can't believe I'm almost full term too.
Great update, Kelly!

Hoping for good growth for you, TishTosh.

So, looks like I'm having a baby on Monday :happydance: My induction is booked, unless something happens and I need to deliver early. I am soooo freaked out! They are taking cord blood to do chromosome analysis, which scares the absolute crap out of me. Hopefully baby will be healthy, we know she'll be small, but hopefully she will be fine.
Good luck Marie!

I hope everything goes smoothly, and that baby is a healthy little peanut!
Wow Monday isnt very long at all! Good luck will be thinking of you :)
So exciting, Marie! I will be praying for you and baby that all goes great :)
Hope Marie is doing well, and all you ladies on here too of course!

Had my scan this morning, all looks good. Baby estimated 6lb! She's very low down too, 3/5ths engaged atm :)
Consultant wants to see me in 4 weeks when Ill be 39 weeks to discuss a possible induction if they feel it necessary but he said I might even be early because my little boy was 9 days early so fingers crossed I have the baby before having to see cons again!
Hello ladies.
I have been skimming this thread for a little while and the fact that I might have a small baby doesn't really worry me, but it is the fact that he will be in the hospital for a little while if he is?
Yesterday, I had a growth scan because when I had my anatomy scan, my midwife didn't tell me that my fluid levels were low. I switched doctors and she went over my medical records and noticed the fluid levels in my sac. My doctor sat in the room with me while I was getting the scan and was pointing out something that has me very worried and eventhough iugr wasn't mentioned, she isn't liking the amount of fluid that is around his spine. Actually, his spine is sort of growing into my uterine wall by the looks of what she saw. I had my anatomy scan at 19w 3d and everything was measuring normally for the most part. Projected weight was 14 oz. Scan yesterday showed that his head/brain was measuring at 25w and some days where I am supposed to be at 22w 2d and his legs and arms at 20w 1d. I know that it is about a 2 week difference and don't know what it really means. It's worrying me and next week I have another scan to recheck because my fluid in the sac was really low. Can low fluid mean smaller growth? Should I really be worried by this? My first was 9lb 2.5 oz at 36w and this one was predicted by my due date, 1lb 4oz at 22w 2d.
I apologise for the long post. :flower:
Hello ladies.
I have been skimming this thread for a little while and the fact that I might have a small baby doesn't really worry me, but it is the fact that he will be in the hospital for a little while if he is?
Yesterday, I had a growth scan because when I had my anatomy scan, my midwife didn't tell me that my fluid levels were low. I switched doctors and she went over my medical records and noticed the fluid levels in my sac. My doctor sat in the room with me while I was getting the scan and was pointing out something that has me very worried and eventhough iugr wasn't mentioned, she isn't liking the amount of fluid that is around his spine. Actually, his spine is sort of growing into my uterine wall by the looks of what she saw. I had my anatomy scan at 19w 3d and everything was measuring normally for the most part. Projected weight was 14 oz. Scan yesterday showed that his head/brain was measuring at 25w and some days where I am supposed to be at 22w 2d and his legs and arms at 20w 1d. I know that it is about a 2 week difference and don't know what it really means. It's worrying me and next week I have another scan to recheck because my fluid in the sac was really low. Can low fluid mean smaller growth? Should I really be worried by this? My first was 9lb 2.5 oz at 36w and this one was predicted by my due date, 1lb 4oz at 22w 2d.
I apologise for the long post. :flower:

Cluckerduckie-I'm so sorry you're going through this. Unfortunately I'm not a doctor so I can't diagnose what's going on with your LO. I never had a problem with fluids, so I can't say if yours being low would be the reason for a small baby. It sounds like you need to write down a list of questions to ask at your next appointment, or call your doctor to ask over the phone.

I can tell you that my daughter started around 2 weeks behind at around 24 weeks, and then by the time she was born, she was almost 4 weeks behind. So she was 34 weeks, but the size of a 30 week fetus.

I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress too much just yet. Doctors aren't always right and can be off quite a bit on weight. Plus your LO still has time to catch up. Lots of ladies here had babies that measured small, only to catch later on in the pregnancy.

And the spine issue, I would definitely ask your doctor more about that. Right now it sounds like they're just making an educated guess. Maybe the baby needs to get a little bigger first before they can say for sure?

Keep us posted as to what your progress is!
Hi everyone, just wanted to update that my little Lily Grace was born in the wee hours on Thursday October 18 (sharing a birthday w/ one of her brothers!). It took 3 days for the induction to get me into labour and once I was it was only 50 minutes until she was born! It was a wonderful birth, I got to help catch her as she came out. :) She was born weighing 4lbs2oz and was 18 inches long - she was 36w3d. So far she appears healthy!! We are waiting for results of her chromosome analysis, but there is nothing obvious about her so down syndrome has been virtually ruled out and that is the only one the doctors were concerned about. She is doing really great in the NICU. She needed a few hours of CPAP when she was first born, but has been breathing fine since. She has had many poops and her bowel appears normal! She has been feeding TPM and donor milk while we wait for my milk to come in. We got to try breastfeeding today, but all Lily was interested in was a snuggle (and that was fine w/ me :)). I was discharged today and it was so hard to leave her behind, but I am looking forward to seeing my other kids whom I haven't seen in nearly a week!

I hope the rest of you are well. Vixxen, how did your LO do w/ her heart surgery?
Congrats Marie!:flower:
Dee's surgery went great lol on the 4th attempt:wacko: she had only 2 nights on the picu. Is starting to grow now and all signs are great ,hopefully i will get to take her home soon.
Aaah happy news day. Congrats Marie, wat a lovely name, glad u r all doing well.
So pleased to hear Dee's surgery went well Vixxen, have been thinking about you.
I had 31 week scan on Thursday and all seems well although I think he is the lower end of normal now and I think his growth may be starting to tail off but am 32 weeks now so not too worried and he is 3lbs 5oz.
Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Congrats Marie and Vixxen!!

So glad to hear how well babies are doing :) I am a bit nervous about delivering at 37 weeks-my babies like to bake and are usually late! My last one came early at 38 weeks and was my smallest at 6#9oz. I hope your LOs are home with you soon!

AFM, next and probably last detailed growth U/S tomorrow. Not expecting any different from the small measurements of the femurs-Thursday it was determined my fluid was on the low end at 7.2. Hoping it will be better tomorrow.

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