Hey there, I'm Tasha! I'm 21w2d. I personally thought at first I wanted a boy over a girl, since I grew up the "boy" out of my sisters. And realistically, I don't know much about girly things. Although, since I probably have a daughter on the way, I can't explain how much I love it! I think I love it more than the idea of having a boy lol, but if the lady who did my ultrasound was wrong, I'd love it all the same.
I couldn't imagine having twins! I for one am not having twins, but it must be that much more difficult managing double the baby. Sorry to hear about the arguing, it's never fun! With my last pregnancy, I was overly stressed, and had a good argument or two with my ex during that. So I know how that feels. Then with my current pregnancy, I don't have a man to deal with so I think it's fabulous
. The baby can feel when you're stressed, so try to relax, although they don't really start responding to sounds until later on. I wouldn't worry about it too much!
Feel free to PM me anytime!