Hi ladies, I'm in Glasgow. I've had a read through where you're all at in TTC - it would be lovely to keep a chat going with local ladies going through the same things. I'm LTTTC #1. Been trying for 4 years this coming January. Finally got a BFP in May on my 6th round of Clomid, but found out at my 12week scan that my baby had died at 7+4. Waited another couple of weeks for MC, but eventually had to have an ERPC end of July. I wanted to go back on Clomid, but was told it wasn't possible to prescribe for more than 6months so I'm now on my 3rd round of Letrozole (which I'm finding is less consistant than Clomid for ovulation day and cycle length, which isn't ideal - but at least I'm ovulating!). Should start 3 rounds of IUI in June 2016 (hopefully) and if that doesn't work, 2 rounds of IVF in 2017.