anyone know anything about dogs in season??


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
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Looks llike my 6month old pup is coming into season... same age as her mum.......:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:
dont let any males get to her she could be in season for 1 week or 1month.. normally its once the blood stops she will stand to mate however my friends husky stood while bleeding and has just had a litter of 6pups 2weeks ago.

thats all i no lol oh and it can be very messy or sometimes you wont even no there in season if there very clean
thanks for that - she hasnt has too much loss at all and has been very clean - (which quite selfishly i am pleased about as we are due to move soon)

We are still giving her - her 2 walks a day a few people have said she should be kept in !! altho as she is still v young i belive that woudl send her loopy !!

when walked she is walked to heal - and atm she is not having off lead - to be safe

does that sound ok ??
normally people dont walk or they will walk very late at night as to hope there is no other dogs around.. Even if your bitch walks to heal on lead a dog could still come running up and if he knows what his doing can be "in there" in a matter of seconds.. And once there locked there is no amount of pulling/tugging/kicking ect that can get them apart untill his willy goes soft since the end swells up so it cannot be removed untill after he has done his full job and if you did managed to pull apart whilst like this both bitch and dog could end up very hurt and needing a vet asap.

So i would walk her very late at night time after 9pm/first thing before 6am or just make sure you play with her alot in the garden running after a ball playing tugga ect

and lol your lucky my bitch is sooo messy :sick:
awww thanks for the info hun xxx will be sure to be very very carefull..
Mine has just come out of season so know how you feel :)
Luckily i can tell by her behaviour (she gets disobedient,sulky & nasty towards my neutered male) roughly when she is due in as she gets really ignorant a week before. To be honest i will then stop walking her until a week after her season has finished, so about 4 weeks in total.
She also walks good as gold to heal but you can never be sure when a stray/offlead dog will come running at you, my mate has an un-neutered male & can tell when my girl is in season as he tries getting into my house :) Male dogs have a very very good sense of smell when it comes to females being in season :)
I do want her spayed but its having the money as due to her size its over £250.

Mine has just come out of season so know how you feel :)
Luckily i can tell by her behaviour (she gets disobedient,sulky & nasty towards my neutered male) roughly when she is due in as she gets really ignorant a week before. To be honest i will then stop walking her until a week after her season has finished, so about 4 weeks in total.
She also walks good as gold to heal but you can never be sure when a stray/offlead dog will come running at you, my mate has an un-neutered male & can tell when my girl is in season as he tries getting into my house :) Male dogs have a very very good sense of smell when it comes to females being in season :)
I do want her spayed but its having the money as due to her size its over £250.


thanks for the info .... yeah she is being a bit of a pain tbh... iccle bugger ..

and seems to be annoying my other dog loads !!!

we havent decided if she will be grtting spayed as yet ..
I don't neuter my girls until around 2 to let them mature so I go through 2 or 3 seasons before they get neutered. I don't walk them during the time they're in season (bleeding and the 2 weeks after when they don't bleed - they can still be fertile!) instead I tire them out with ball games, training and lots of mental games.

It goes without saying that they are never left unattended in the garden.

I learnt the hard way not to walk my girls, drove my shepherd miles once and a male still turned up outside my house screaming its head off :wacko:

I would deff get her neutered when you are able/want to. It obviously stops any chance of an unwanted pregnancy, prevents ovarian cancers and other nasties and is better for the bitch as she can get stressed when in season.

It's also considerate for owners of males too because whether they're neutered or not, if they catch scent of your girl they will go nuts. They will travel miles, putting themselves in danger by crossing roads and road users. Your bitch can cause fights between a group of males and they will fight to the death.

However if you bitch does get caught for any reason you can have an emergency spay or the mismate jab (works in 99% of cases). I know people have strong opinions on this but it's not cruel, there are thousands of unwanted dogs in rescues and hundreds are being pts every day. Your bitch is very young too and only a pup herself, she's not done growing/maturing and complications could arise very easily when she is in whelp (pups dying in the womb/rotting, emergency c-section which could cost thousands etc).

Hope I've helped and not come across as too preachy. I can waffle on about this all day.
No not preachy at all its all good info, i genuinly appreciate all the advice
besides that they can get mammary tumors if not spayed, and can turn into whats called a pyometra later in life. Which basically means the uterus because infected during a heat- and well, explodes and can kill them. Dogs naturally have litters all the time- if they were in the wild, they'd mate every chance they got- but, since we've altered that to stop the population- i guess it just can't handle that! So, if they're not being bred, they need to be fixed.
A bitch can get pyometra in her first season xx it can strike during any season and it's not nice at all :(
exactly thats why you need to spay her. It's just more common later on.
exactly thats why you need to spay her. It's just more common later on.
Thank u for your advice but like I said we do not know if we will have her spayed yet and if we do it certainly won't be for a few years.
that comment was meant in reply to sequeena really. But the longer you wait to spay- the more health problems you'll have down the line. Just make sure you know that! A pyometra needs an emergency surgery or they can die from it. And they get all kinds of cancer.

And make sure you look into the laws in your area as well. Because where i am, it's actually ILLEGAL to have an unspayed female outside at ALL if she's in heat! So if your neighbors know- make sure you're friends with them first, and look into laws and health issues. :)

good luck
im going mad atm, my female is in season n my male won;t stop whineing, constantly!! we've got two seprate dogs cages for them to sleep next to each other (carnt take her out of his site of he will go mad yelping, and acting like he's going to have a fit!!)

shes been in season 2 weeks today now and shes had them pants you can buy from pets at home on. shes always come off after 2 weeks beofre (past 3 seasons) so im hopeing this will be the same.

we are hopeing to get him "done" before the baby comes so it gives him time to adjust and the care he'll need and then planning on letting the female have a litter of pups then getting her done a bit later on once all pups have gone to new home and her body's got back to normal
im going mad atm, my female is in season n my male won;t stop whineing, constantly!! we've got two seprate dogs cages for them to sleep next to each other (carnt take her out of his site of he will go mad yelping, and acting like he's going to have a fit!!)

shes been in season 2 weeks today now and shes had them pants you can buy from pets at home on. shes always come off after 2 weeks beofre (past 3 seasons) so im hopeing this will be the same.

It's when the bleeding stops you need to be most careful as that's when the majority of bitches stand. The hormones are still in control for another two weeks so always make sure no intact male can get to her.

Is you male neutered? If not I'd get him (or her or both) neutered as I imagine it's quite stressful for him xx

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