Anyone not have any signs of labor...


Mummy of 2 Girls
Feb 3, 2013
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...But then all of a sudden went into labor and delivered?

I am only one day past my due date and have read a couple of times where women have had no braxton hicks or any signs labor was about to start, then all of a sudden they go into labor and have their babies.
I really don't want to be induced and want to labor at home for as long as I can before having to go into hospital. I have not experienced one single braxton hicks pain, except for an occasional 'period pain feeling' that disappears just as quickly as it started. It's making me nervous that I will get to two weeks over and have to be induced.
Anyway just looking for stories from those who have been in my shoes! :flower:
I had no signs whatsoever. Then 4am one morning I was woken up by a mild contraction with waters breaking... Then dd was born that lunchtime!
With my first I don't think I had any signs, then I had a sweep at 41+1 and I bounced on the ball constantly after and then we dtd and then I woke up at 1am with contractions. For the sweep to have worked, I must have been gearing up to go into labour but nothing.

With my second I had pre-labour signs for weeks that picked up a few days before.
I had no signs whatsoever. Then 4am one morning I was woken up by a mild contraction with waters breaking... Then dd was born that lunchtime!

Wow! :) This is how i hope my labor starts! Our hospital don't do 'sweeps' to my knowledge just straight to induction. I can only wish!
I went very over due with my DD I was booked in for induction as my cervix just wasn't favourable for a sweep or anything like that.

On the night before I was due to go in for induction I was just prepping my bag making sure I had everything I needed, then I sat down to relax and at 5pm that evening I started with contractions so induction was cancelled :)

Honestly, not everyone has a big build up to labour. I sure didn't and it was just sprung on me:) definitely don't lose hope yet it could happen any time! ;)
I had no signs at all, apart from being very very very emotional the day before for no reason. Which could not even be a sign at all! Woke up the next day and my waters were leaking.
I had no signs at all. Woke up, thought if was just feeling a few twinges, didn't really think they were more than Braxton's until the mw arrived and said I was at 8cm! Show about 2 / 3 hours later and waters went just as her head came out! I was 3 days over and thought she was never going to arrive! Good luck, your baby will come when he/she is ready, probably just as you've sat down for Christmas dinner!! Hehe x
Babytime- you still have 11 days to go I'm sure you will be fine :) but i was ready for bubs to make an appearance at 38 weeks as most of my cousins have gone early, but no here i am 2 days over and getting more and more stressed. Just frustrating
My daughter was born on her due date and my docs had me all set up to expect her before 39 weeks. Bumming! Not a single contraction in sight
I didn't really have any signs. I had some BH, monitors showed some contractions here and there but nothing that I could actually say- ouch or here comes labor.
I had a sweep on Sunday morning at 40+2 (low fluid and less movement). Nada all day long and at 00:20 I woke up to horrific contractions.
I was so sure I was going to need another sweep but babe had other plans!
Thanks everyone for sharing your stories with me- i really need the positive thoughts!
Every day I wake up I am getting more and more angry (at no one in particular just mad) and am tempted to punch my stupid Dr in his stupid face on Tuesday unless he can give me a date they will induce me on if I haven't gone in before then! GARGH!
Don't forget your due date isn't "this-is-the-date-baby-will-definitely-come-by" date... They could come 2 weeks either side of that date, so I recommend just chilling out, getting angry isn't going to help anyone. Babies come when they're ready.
Thanks, trust me when I say I am trying to keep calm. I know it does me and no one else any good to be frustrated at this, and I know realistically babies can come before or after their due date. I just figured that with having done IVF to get pregnant that the dates would be accurate because we know WHEN the egg was fertilized rather than 'about when'. I was wrong! lol.
Oh well. Still trying to keep active- washed windows and fly screens yesterday, as well as cooked and did several loads of washing- changed bed sheets blah blah blah. Today I have already vacuumed and dusted the entire house and will start cooking lunch soon, so just trying to keep moving on my feet in hopes this will help :)
No signs here. Annoying as Amelia was here by now (she was 3 days early) so that's all I keep thinking of. And I also always here your 2nd baby is *usually* earlier so I was hoping he would make an early apperance... but not in my case! I am getting fed up now but what can ya do. They will come when they want.
I was offered a sweep the other day but I turned it down. Do you think it was the right thing to do?
I had absolutely no signs, just all the sudden, pop and gush of my waters with my first and second baby. Good luck!
HelenJane- I don't know if turning a sweep down was the right thing to do- it's nice not having a lot of intrusion down there but at the same time they really don't do sweeps here and I don't have any personal experience with them.
You still have a couple of days to go so perhaps it will just happen for you by then, and at least you know if you need to you can go back and get the sweep done :) Good Luck.
I only had a sweep done because of low amniotic fluid and decreased movements. It was the right decision in my case. (Placenta was starting to show signs of degrafation)
I'd like to try to avoid it next time if possible!
I had no signs whatsoever with my daughter. Just woke up at 1am 12 days after my due date, with period-type pains that got stronger. Baby finally arrived at 10.33pm that night.

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