Anyone offer any advice on how to help/deal with a child with Dyslexia??


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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I have just had a meeting with the special needs teacher in my sons class to talk about his dyslexia, how he is getting on at school etc.

My son to me has really come on in his learning with his letters, he knows & gets most of the letters of the alphabet right & there sounds. He gets a word bag that comes home everynight that we do & the words are


He gets them right 99% of the time, a few he gets muddled with but i think alot of the time he is guessing them & getting them right?! He doesnt look at the letters & try to spell them out. This teacher also thinks that he is doing it in a photographic way

If you gave him new letters & went back to the above ones a few weeks later i don't think he would know them......

She is not a proper teacher who deals with dyslexia. She is a "special needs" teacher so covers a wide variety of things & has had training in this area...

She thinks his dyslexia is quite bad. He is not reading or writing at all except his name. He cant seem to get the letters & sounds out to associate with reading.

She also says another problem is his speech which i agree with. He is very limited when he speaks, sometimes he doesnt make sense in what he says. You can see that he gets frustrated because he knows what he wants to say he just cant get it out. Sometimes i dont even undertstand what he is trying to say to me

He has problems with undertstanding & follow intructions if they tell him to do something copy something he does something different.

He is also starting to get abit silly in class, which of course he will, he can see that he cant do things alot of his class/friends are doing it must be a horrible feeling He often comes out with that he hates school, which im not surprised at when he struggles so much

His teacher as said he is so eager & willing at school & you can see that he really trys his hardest etc...

This though is why we have had so many behaviour issues with him as he is getting so frustarted with not being able to do things/express himself.

My OH is dyslexic struggled through school at the age of 14 he had the learning of a 6 year old. He cant even now read or write really. He can do enough to get by & writes how things sound to him but to me & you it would not make sense. He knows how hard it must be for him & undertands. At school he just use to copy his friends work

Its so horrible to hear how muc your child seems to be struggling & know as well but there isnt anything that you can really do for them, but go over things all the time, the same things (although it gets very frustrating)

He is 7 this year (Aug) & its horrible to know that he wont be reading/writing by then that as he goes up the school the gap between him & his friends is going to widen & he is going to fall really behind which is going to make him feel like sh*t.

He still cant even grasp 1-10. He can count dont get me wrong but if you have flash cards of 1-10 & ask him to pick out a number he cant often do it, or its guess work as he doesnt recognise the numbers. Counting with him & asking him to count out 6 (or something) he is so slow at doing it.

If you put put 7 sweets & ask him to count then add another 2 & ask him how many there are now he has to count from the start he cant just go from 7 & says 8,9.

He can write letters but he cant get them to flow & start making words like Cat or can there just letters written jumbled over the page.

This "special needs" teacher has said about getting a educational psychologist in to assess him. She has said she can do little tests with him to find out what/where he is struggling but it is going to take time... She said that he can get funding & accsess to things possibly but there are so many kids out there with dyslexia & different forms of it that they cant help all the kids....

She is going to see what is out there/available to me, as i would like him properly assessed & if needs be sent to a dyslexic school/clinic where there are proper teachers & he is also in a smaller class. If his dyslexia is that bad then it is only going to get worse as he gets older & he is going to fall behind

She said that alot of the schools are private but if needs be & this is what we need to do to try to bring him up with his learning then this is the route we are going to need to go down.

I said (for the 2nd time) about those sheets of coloured purplex to see if that helps him with his reading trying to read as i know that words can just jumble & jump out of the page for people with dyslexia i know if does for OH....

I just dont know what else to do, i feel so useless. I dont want my child to struggle through school to feel worthless. He is really going to struggle with his learning & i know we have many rocky times ahead where he is going to get very angry & say he cant do things. He has to work so hard & concontrate at school & then he is coming home & having to work hard as well to do the same stuff

We need/try to make it fun of him. I wish that he was into something but he isnt. He isnt into the TV or toys he never has been. He loves football/golf but sending him to a club is no good as he messes around as he doesnt undertand what he is being told to do. We tried last year & he just didnt understand the coach saying to him about dribbling round the cones & then shooting it into the goal. He just went off in his own world doing what he wanted to do.......

I would love to see/know how he perseves the world & how he see's things. I feel like im doing all the things i can at home with him, just repatitive learning until things seem to sink in but it is such a slow & fustrating process...

Anyone have any advice or know what im going through & how do you cope/deal with it

This dyslexia comes from OHs side of the famiy, all his family are dyslexic although my OH prob the worst with not being able to read/write properly....

The probability as well is that this baby is going to have the same learning difficulties
Awww Hun, my heart really goes out to you, you sound like a brilliant mum, I know its hard and you feel powerless.

My names Christie btw :) I'm 18 almost 19 and I've struggled my whole life with dyslexia. Ive helped myself to overcome a lot of the difficulties but obviously I will never overcome everything and I will never be as advanced as people my age.

Personal message me your questions as I'm sure your have a lot, I don't mind if you have hundreds I'll be happy to help :)

Of course the answers I give will be from my own experience and may not help your son as I may have a more server or not as server case of dyslexia. Ovbiously I'm no expert but I have lived with it and hope I can help :)
I myself was dyslexic as a child however I over came it as my Mum got me extra tuition as a young child. I think if she didn't I would have fallen completely behind and never have enjoyed school as much as I did and probably never had gone to uni or become a teacher. Dyslexic children just learn in a different way. It is just like how some people understand better by reading a book while others would want to see pictures. I think if you are willing to pay for private school then I would get him a tutor. A good tutor will be able to help him learn reading and writing and give him 1 on 1 help. It really is worth the money. Also a lot of dyslexic children are very creative. I teach textiles and art and can completely back up that statement. I realised when I started high school just how creative I was so why not try and get him to do a few creative things in your spare time? Things like painting, arts and crafts ect. Creativety is a way for you to get your thoughts down however you want and for someone who has trouble writting it is brilliant. It could also boost his confidence as I see children all the time get so down when they are not acadamic but to be honest it is not all about that!
I hope that helps!
It is true. They jsut learn differently and therefore need different ways to learn. Basically it is like a a drain pipe thats blocked and he must learn in that way that he can bypass the blocked pipe (it is possible because the brain changes all the time)

Maybe he has dyscalculia as well or he is just a late learner. Schools these days don't offer wa awhole lot of different approaches to learning and therefore some seem to struggle because it is not the learning type they would require.

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