Hey MrsG_1980 - At first being around kids isn't that bad but I think its when the parents start talking about them that gets me(like how they are at school, silly anecdotes about them thats when it hurts the most you know).
You have to celebrate crimbo, does anyone know you TTC? I'm not prepping myself for a december testing (well I don't plan to think of it as a magical experience anymore), I daren't. last year we got too hyped up and it turned out I was at my most fertile time then so there was no way it could have been BFP
Damita - :wave: how are you finding the clomid, I think this 2nd round I'm on is making me moody. I'm taking it 7.30 in the morning this time, last round it was 8.30 at night so I wanted to see if\how my body reacts at a different time. I would love to go back to the 8.30 time but now I think if I did that then I won't be committed and might mess up the meds in my system (silly talk I know, but still I have to give it a whirl).
Lizzy444 - did the injections hurt, needles freak me out. Did you get any side effects? hope it works for you next cycle
DH and I started trying August 23rd . Time moves differently when you TTC don't you reckon, it doesn't feel that long ago at all!
SpicyWolf - It's good you're on progesterone, how much more is your LP now?
I don't know how to feel around new mothers these days, I'm just glad I only have to bump into them when out shopping. I'd hate to sit at work with the person next to me going "ooo baby did this yesterday it was so cute"
LizMcD - just think of something nastier when your doing the injections, I find it tends to do the trick
RM_Wife - hey, what are your cycle lengths like generally, do you have good ones?
FaithHopeLuv - you have a lot of will power to not be an early tester! sorry for not knowing but whats Hypothyroidism (as I'm typing I'm now seeing the word Thyroid on my screen so I hope I'm half way there with an assumption). I'm pleased you're able to lose weight and wow on your 6 day increase on your LP!
Justwantababy - funny you say about the twin thing cause I'd love to have them too! Obviously the Gyn said there's a higher chance and at the time it was a bit daunting but hell, after TTC for over 14 months we all need to be repaid for the all the grief and heartache so I think it's excellent idea.
I hope your friend will see things from your perspective in the future, do you know if she was ttc for long? I'm dreading when people ask me if we were TTC, I'd probably end up saying "you might want to grab a chair and get really comfy because it's going to be one long story I'm afraid"