sizzles - it's at times like this (TTC) when I'd gladly shut myself off from the world so that way I'll never know if people are pregnant - maybe it would do more good psychologically
yeah right!
a1b2c3 - sorry to hear your periods are out of whack, so are you currently on your first round of clomid?
Justwantababy - I bet when all LTTC are pregnant they'll never stop moaning, I don't think I will! haha
wonderstars - when are you having your hycosy? I so wish they could have checked my tubes when I had my appointment but it would have too much discomfort with the blood blister, doh!
Jamitha - 200mg wow thats a lot. Is that your 3rd round, how come you're on such a high dosage?
sarahlou1985 - I know what you mean honey, said something similar to hubby myself the other week and he looked sad that I was even thnking that, I'd just love to know if we're compatible or not. is OH taking anything to help increase quality sperm?