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Anyone pregnant with endometriosis?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
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Hellooo.. I'm just wondering if any ladies here have endometriosis and if it's effected your pregnancy at all? I have had endometriosis for 5 years with 1 laperoscopy op. I was scheduled to have another in 1 week but I got a bfp a few days ago and will have to reschedule it. Haha. We also had an early miscarriage in October, so I've got my fingers crossed this one goes better. X x
I had a laproscopy a number of years ago and was diagnosed with endo....

4 miscarriages later and I am 11 weeks pregnant almost....

Not sure how much it effects it xx

GL with everything x
I was diagnosed with endo. Had a lap in 2008. I became pregnant in 2009 and had absolutely no issues with my pregnancy. Ever since having my son my endo symptoms haven't been as bad as they were. Good luck ladies :hugs: xx
I'm sorry for your losses, it's such an awful thing to go through. Did you have mild cramps when you first found out you were pregnant? I can't stop my mind from thinking that every little twinge is the start of a miscarriage. Lol I wish my brain would give me a break!
I was diagnosed with endo. Had a lap in 2008. I name pregnant in 2009 and had absolutely no issues with my pregnancy. Ever since having my son my endo symptoms haven't been as bad as they were. Good luck ladies :hugs: xx

Aw that's fab! I want a story like this some day :) x
Yes I did have lots of mild cramping jn the early stages. But when I had y losses they were a different sort. Very sore bad twinges of pain. Mild cramp are very normal I think.

I'm guessing and have learned that as brutal as traumatic a miscarriage is, what will be will be.

Hi :) I had a lap in October last year and was diagnosed with endo. We had been trying for baby number 2 for 11 months and we conceived 7 weeks aftee my lap :) So far so good symptom wise but I'm classed as high risk because of it so having consultant led care. Yay for you not having to have another lap! X
Great news that you got pregnant straight away! :) how far along are you? I only got my bfp 3 days ago, I'll ring my doctors tomorrow to get blood tests done to see my hcg levels. Im so anxious though because I had a miscarriage last October. Wish I could just stop thinking into it so much lol. It's soo hard. What were your early symptoms when you found out u were pregnant?
Aw yeh I had a chemical last year so I'm still really nervous.. I'll be 8 weeks on Tuesday although that's not very accurate because my cycles were always all over the place! So I've got a scan in two weeks to double check :) I had some cramping, lower backache and felt mega tired! Exactly the same when I was pregnant with my son a few years ago xx
Ooo exciting! I'm sure it'll all be fine for you :) it's such a awful nerve racking time isn't it. Fingers crossed we'll be alright. I've been getting some mild cramping but read on different sites that women with endo can have cramping throughout, so I'm trying not to worry as much.
Hi want2bamummy. I'm the same as bananabump ( hi bananabump :) ), I have had 3 laps & now going to be consulant lead throughout pregnancy. Plus side to this is we'll get to see our jelly tot on the screen alot more.
Congratulations by the way xxx
I have endo too but not sure how severe, I get massive pain from it every month but I know that's no indication of severity! It didn't affect my first pregnancy much to be honest, I had a lot of bleeding and spotting up til about 8 weeks and the stretching pains through the scarring was really, really bad at times but other than that it was perfectly normal :)
Thank you ladies for your replies. I've got the docs on Wednesday so will have my bloods done then. Just such a worried mess at the moment. I just wish I knew what the outcome is going to be because that way I know then and can either relax or expect pain etc.. Lol. Andddd breathe
i have severe endo and have struggled with it for 10 + years, ive had alsorts of treatment for it including 4 laps and was due to go in again for my right ovary and tube to be removed as its all managled together and stuck to my bowel...but guess what i got my bfp the morning of my surgery! endo has definatley affected my fertility ive had previous losses and had alot of fertility treatment but some of it had to be stopped because it made my endo worse....its been a long old road for us but finally i feel like were getting somewhere, i was 12 weeks yesterday and have another scan on friday and fingers crossed we can start sharing our news :thumbup:
Aww I'm so sorry for your previous losses and suffering so much with endo! You must have been so shocked to find a bfp the day of your surgery. Fingers crossed it all works out for you. I'm getting bloods done tomorrow to confirm pregnancy, just hoping my levels have risen with the 2nd bloods.. Soo anxious. I can't relax at all. I just keep thinking I'm going to miscarry again. With you hAving such severe endo what symptoms have you had this pregnancy? I've read cramping is normal but I can't help but think I'm going to miscarry with any cramp that appears. Lol.. Xx

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