Anyone smoke??


Mum and step mum
Nov 29, 2007
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The only purpose of this is cos I'm curious having just seen someone walk past my house with a baby and a fag on the go.

I was just wondering how many mum's here smoke and how many gave up for baby. Its just curiosity.

I am an ex-smoker. I gave up last June when started TTC.
I smoke from 96-99, gave up when i was 6 wks preg wiv Mollie, then started again in 01.
The quit In Jan 07 when i was preg wiv Taylor, even after she died i never even wanted 1 and i aint had 1 in nearly 2 yrs.

Fear of gettin lynched, but my pet hate is ladies who smoke thru out being pregnant but when baby is born, the say Oh i smoke outside so baby dont breathe it in, but they smoked when pregnant n dint care.

V x x x
I don't and never have (but I'm allergic to the stuff). Have a lot of family that does, and they have children but never seen them hold the baby and smoke!
I smoke from 96-99, gave up when i was 6 wks preg wiv Mollie, then started again in 01.
The quit In Jan 07 when i was preg wiv Taylor, even after she died i never even wanted 1 and i aint had 1 in nearly 2 yrs.

Fear of gettin lynched, but my pet hate is ladies who smoke thru out being pregnant but when baby is born, the say Oh i smoke outside so baby dont breathe it in, but they smoke when pregnany n dint care.

V x x x

Some women don't try to reduce or quit smoking your right.

Some women do ...anyone who has managed to quit & managed to cut down :thumpup: then when baby is born yes smoking outside of the home is better. Doing so regardless of pregnancy benefits the child and if they were not able to quit in pregnancy then smoking outside is a positive thing not a hate surely. May not be 100% perfect in pregnancy but definately if they were not able to fully quit they should after pregnancy smoke outside of the home.

Well done quitting - just remember not everyone is so successful and shouldn't be based on because you could.
I smoke from 96-99, gave up when i was 6 wks preg wiv Mollie, then started again in 01.
The quit In Jan 07 when i was preg wiv Taylor, even after she died i never even wanted 1 and i aint had 1 in nearly 2 yrs.

Fear of gettin lynched, but my pet hate is ladies who smoke thru out being pregnant but when baby is born, the say Oh i smoke outside so baby dont breathe it in, but they smoke when pregnany n dint care.

V x x x

Some women don't try to reduce or quit smoking your right.

Some women do ...anyone who has managed to quit & managed to cut down :thumpup: then when baby is born yes smoking outside of the home is better. Doing so regardless of pregnancy benefits the child and if they were not able to quit in pregnancy then smoking outside is a positive thing not a hate surely. May not be 100% perfect in pregnancy but definately if they were not able to fully quit they should after pregnancy smoke outside of the home.

Well done quitting - just remember not everyone is so successful and shouldn't be based on because you could.

I agree with Wobbs. I was lucky and gave up easily but I completely understand how some people can't and cutting down has got to be better than nothing
I dont think i worded that properly sorry:blush:

All the ladies and Daddies who cut down or quit, well done to them:happydance:.

It is just ppl who carry on regardless and dont seem to put their babies health 1st.

V x x
I started smoking at 13 :blush: Ouit in April 97 when I found out I was pregnant then started again in Mar 98 2 months after Dan was born.
Quit again in Nov. 98, because it was cold and I didnt like standing outside in the cold !!! Lol Started again in April 99 because Hubby and I went through a bad patch and split for a while, so I needed something to calm the nerves.
Then in Dec. 02 I decided to quit forever, partly because Dan had asked me to because he didnt like the smell and partly because I was getting married in June. 03 and didnt want my dress to smell:blush:
I have never looked back I had my last smoke on new years eve 02 and that was it. :happydance:
Was smoking almost 2 packs of Marlboro red 100's per day when I got pregnant with dd#1 13 years ago. Quit immediately when I found out I was pregnant. Then started again May 2005... smoked almost 1 pack a day of Marlboro light 100's up until I found out I was pregnant with this LO then quit immediately again. Probably won't start again...
there isnt an option for me...i smoked, and gave up long before TTC, best thing i ever did, its been 5 years and 5 months 2moro!
Used to smoke . Now i wouldnt dream of it expeacially now with children, i just dont want them seeing me do it and think its ok (this is why i started as i thought it couldnt be that bad as my mum did it .. started when i was 13)
So yea i dont smoke now :)
I stopped smoking while pregnant and only recently do I smoke when im out drinking and doing the party never has my son been exposed to the smoke once i come home i shower and change then pick him up ..

On the other hand i have a friend who dosent care and smokes with her 8 month old son in her arms
Never smoked. I'm asthmatic, it makes me really ill to breathe smoke of others. The Smoking in Public act was the best law to be passed in a long time :happydance:
My aunt is still smoking and shes 4 months pregnant, but she has count down alot, she was one of those chain smokers. Now shes on 3-4 a day.

I've never even tried it! So chuffed to say that as so many of my friends sneaked their parents fags when I was younger.

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