anyone suffer/suffered with depression?



Hi everyone, new to this site so bare with me :)

Just wondering if anyone here has suffered with or is currently suffering from depression? I'm 21 & have a 2 & a half year old boy & been battling with depression for the past year. Recently been on citalopram & was offered sleeping tablets but feel a little uneasy taking them with having a toddler, anyone else feel the same? Any other ways to snap out of it without medication? Its not extreme depression (never felt suicidal) just i feel extremely snappy, tired, no patience, often worthless :( looking for people to talk to who have been through it or going through it just for support :) x
Not much help,but im currently feeling exactly the same at the moment, got a nearly 3 year old a 7 month old and sometimes feel like i just cannot cope.

Doctor prescribed me antidepressants when my youngest was 4 weeks old but the feeling passed and i never took them and i was fine, was just baby blues thewn, but now i feel really down again, just wana snap out of it, i know what you mean by feeling snappy and tired, i often cant bring myself to get out of bed.

hope someone can be of more help, everyones really helpful on here.
I'm exactlyy the same :( i got prescribed citalopram & the sleeping tablets began with a Z unsure what they were called :/ but i didnt like the thought of a tablet changing a chemical in my brain :/ dunno why i just dont like the idea of it. I even had to leave work cos of it & work was kind of my little break away :( i worked 4 hours 5 days a week & i loved the fact i was providing for jayden with my own money & being outta work doesnt help cos i have more time to think bout stuffm

Do u find that your fammily/friends just think you're miserable or over reacting? Majority of my friends say i'm just being a miserable cow, my family understand how i feel but say i should get over it. Suppose they're right but easier said then done :( x
I'm a bit different because my depression has been extremely severe in the past (suicide... psychosis...) and I've had to stay in hospital and stuff. But I find medication a godsend. It's totally changed my life for the better. Honestly I don't think I'd still be alive now if it wasn't for medication. So I'm pro meds all the way!

The way I think of it is that I have something physically wrong with me, an imbalance of chemicals in my brain. If meds make that imbalance better, then it seems a good idea to take them. Like if you had a physical illness you wouldn't not take the meds for it would you?

Sleeping tablets is a tricky one though, I'd be worried about not being able to wake up if my children needed me in the night. As it is, I'm on a medication (Olanzapine) that makes me sleepy and my partner gets up mostly in the night because I just don't wake up. It's not a great arrangement, I wish I could help him more :-( but if I stop taking my Olanzapine I crash pretty quickly (I tried it!)
Tbh i thought it was just a phase i didnt actually want to believe i had depression. Alot of the people i know just thought 'oh she's a young, single parent she cant cope thats why shes depressed' but that couldnt be further away from the truth! My son is the only thing that keeps me going .. & i agree with sleeping tablets thats what i was worried about, not being able to get up in the night if he needed me x
i cant remember what i was perscribed but i never took them and cant find them now.

my family members think its just a phase that will pass, and sometimes i feel like i could do with a bit more support,i think that they think cause i am young and have 2 young kids with 2 different dads & am now single that im just not coping and thats proberly true, like you said our kids keep us going & we just need too look for them for motivation. x
i cant remember what i was perscribed but i never took them and cant find them now.

my family members think its just a phase that will pass, and sometimes i feel like i could do with a bit more support,i think that they think cause i am young and have 2 young kids with 2 different dads & am now single that im just not coping and thats proberly true, like you said our kids keep us going & we just need too look for them for motivation. x

I know exactly how youu feel hun mmy family are the same. They think its easy to snap outta it dont they & it really isnt that easy! If you ever need anyone to talk to feel free to pm me x

I'm exactlyy the same :( i got prescribed citalopram & the sleeping tablets began with a Z unsure what they were called :/ but i didnt like the thought of a tablet changing a chemical in my brain :/ dunno why i just dont like the idea of it. I even had to leave work cos of it & work was kind of my little break away :( i worked 4 hours 5 days a week & i loved the fact i was providing for jayden with my own money & being outta work doesnt help cos i have more time to think bout stuffm

Do u find that your fammily/friends just think you're miserable or over reacting? Majority of my friends say i'm just being a miserable cow, my family understand how i feel but say i should get over it. Suppose they're right but easier said then done :( x

I started a thread about depression and anxiety before. It is really hard for people who don't have depression to understand depression. They think it's just you having a pity party, when in fact it is very real. I was on citalopram and I can assure you that is doen't change anything in your brain. It blocks seratonin- or however you spell it- which can block out the bad feelings/irratability. It does however take up to 12 weeks to start working in your system and may make you tired at first. As long as you aren't preg or breastfeeding it should be just fine. Being a happier more well rounded mother can only be good for your shild, right? You could always avoid meds by going down the therapy route but I found it embarassing and expensive. As long as your doctor has prescribed it, I would give it a shot and just keep an eye on yourself. Make sure the feelings don't get worse and call your doctor if they do or don't go away. GL!
I have PTSD and depression - of which I am suffering from now. I have a dr appt march 5th to get back on meds or something - tired of feeling this way - I know all the feelings - and offer you my support. Feel free to shoot me a message.

I also have tried some other alternative methods too - some which worked better for me than others
Hey ladies! Hopeit's not too late to chime in. I suffer from severe anxiety, which in turn causes depression. I was taking Effexor, and then I got pregnant, and was weened off of it by my GP. I went into a major downward spiral. I could never get off my couch. I cried all the time. It became a huge struggle just to complete everyday tasks like brush my teeth and shower. Then my husband left for 3 months for work (and is still gone for another 6 weeks). To top it off, we live in a foreign country on the other side of the planet from friends and family, and this is my fourth pregnancy after 3 losses. SCARY.

My obgyn was concerned that I was such a mess, so he sent me tot he psychiatrist, who referred me to a psychotherapist. He is having me read this book called "Feeling Good." It puts a lot of the way we think into perspective. I recommend it to any of you ladies. It's about retraining your mind to recognize your thought process and change it before it gets out of hand.

I believe that depression and anxiety is a chemical imbalance as a previous poster mentioned. I don't think it just "goes away" unless it's a temporary reaction to a sad event, unwanted change, or another big life event. Sometimes medication is necessary to use but I also believe it puts a band-aid on it, and once you stop taking it, you suffer a relapse.

Find yourself a good therapist to help you work through some of your anxiety and if you need to take medication, then so be it if it makes you feel better. You are NOT alone. It's so common, just a lot of people don't talk about because they're embarrassed, or they
don't want people to think they're weak. It's not weakness, if anything we're all probably too smart for our own food, which causes us to over analyze which in turn keeps us awake at night!

And the medication was Zolpidem. It's the generic for Ambien. It doesn't really work for me, but I have a high tolerance. I would be cautious with it only because if you're sensitive it would be hard for you to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of a little one. Also? You do a lot of things you don't remember after taking it, like change your bank card pin number and then don't remember changing it OR what you may have changed it to. Yeah. I did that.

Anyways, sorry so long! Just wanted to let you know that what you're experiencing is NORMAL, and that do whatever feels right in order to feel better.
And sorry about the typos! I suffer from sausage fingers on my iPad!
I suffer from mild depression....I can trace it back to something that happened in my relationship around 2 years ago. Ever since then i've had a constant low mood, sometimes to the point where I cant be around other people, and i've lost interest in literally everything going on in my life, family, work etc. I went to the docs about it and he was going to prescribe me anti-depressants but as soon as he found out I knew what had triggered it he wanted to send me off for counselling first. I really wasnt keen on this as i've talked all I can about it and just have to accept that it's changed me. It's a tough road but a lot of people go through it and there is help available.

Wishing you all the best OP :) xx
Hi I am currently battling severe depression, my son is 18 months old and the docs think my depression started a few months after he was born, I also suffer from anxiety and OCD. It took me a long time to go to the doctors as I kept telling myself I wasnt depressed it was all in my head anyway on boxing day last year I attempted to take an overdose my partner caught me before it went to far thats when I knew something was up and forced myself to go to the doctors, I was signed off work and put on fluoxetine which made me drowsy unable to focus on things and very agressive. Social work got involved and because I attempted an overdose said I was a risk to my son so made his dad his main carer which I was devestated about. It all went so downhill from there a few weeks ago I found txts on my parners phone from another woman (sexual messages) so he tried to get his phone we had an arguement and I flew into a rage and bit him on the shoulder. I
went through to the kitchen an slit my wrists several times till there was blood everywhere I had had enough just wanted to end my misery pretty selfish I know!! He phoned an ambulance and the police, they treated my arm and the police took me away in there car to a friends house. The social work came round the next again day and told me im not even allowed to be on my own at all with my son I have to be supervised and watched when im with him by his dad (my partner) I know they are only protecting my son and doing there job but it still really hurts me. The doctor put me on a higher dose of citalopram so waiting for them to work. Not rea
lly much advice for you but keep strong you will beat it, its a horrible thing to have and I wouldnt wish it upon anyone, im not sure how much support/help your getting as I ve not read all the posts but I sure hope your getting more support than me xxx
I'm so sad that you ladies all feel so low. :cry: I hope you're all feeling well today :hugs:

I had a full emotional / mental breakdown after my mum died when I was 22.

I was shortly after diagnosed with PTSD, GAD, depression, OCD to name a few......:wacko: I was having outbursts at work and crying constantly, being unresponsive at home to friends and family as I just didn't see the point in communicating.

I was refered to a CPN, a bereavement phsycholgist and a support worker. Amazing people! :thumbup: I spent about 18 months working alongside these people - dealing with my sadness, anger, feelings of loss of control etc. and using CBT it really did help me deal with my feelings.

At one point I was presctibed Citalopram - I don't believe medication is always the answer - I find in most cases it just numbs the emotions - it doesn't deal with the problems.

I'd suggest you ladies maybe speak to your doctors and ask about CBT - it really did work wonders for me. It's not a cure all - I can no longer deal with any type of stress or sad / traumatic events but I really can cope miles better than I could before. :thumbup: :hugs:
I just had a quick proof read as i can hear my LO stiring upstairs. But its great to have found a thread like this. Iv had depression for many years and seem to be up & down but lately im just in a BIG dip and dont seem to be able to get back out ofit. Would be great to chat to other mums so i dont feel such a crap mum/person.

I was diagnosed with clinical depression at a young age and i dip back into it now and again. I firmly believe that depression will not go away even with medicine. Although this may help for a little while, i think in the long run it's best to find other ways to relieve it a little. Have you tried natural remedies? Also do you eat well? As not eating the right foods can also trigger depression. I'll just put a list on here.

Flaxseed Oil
Horse therapy
Writing a diary or writing down how you feel/ Poems
Relaxation therapy (Closing your eyes and imagining you are in a beautiful, calm place)
Listening to relaxation music.
Art Therapy

Anyone, feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to. ^^

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