Darn Halfrican, I was hoping you were one of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" people

but glad all looks normal. Did you even end up ovulating? Did they check you ovaries to see what's going on there? Yikes, that knee injury sounds brutal if you're still dealing with it! I hope you can get in some PT and sort it out. That isn't easy to have an activity you enjoy so much suddenly unavailable to you. Happy birthday little one!
Dobs he does look like a proper feral farm kid (like mine, lol). Maybe one day you can get to the outskirts of the cities and have a little land with A's ponies

FX you brother finds a place that will be a suitable fit.
Regarding A and school....I would avoid any unnecessary meds, personally. I'm with you, it's freaking after school care. It's not like he's disrupting a lesson or something like that. Ugh I get so frustrated on your behalf with the way these instructors rather not up their skill level or try different things, they'd rather just sedate children to make their jobs easier. Not a fan. I wish you had more options.
Shae what does hubby's timeline look like?? When does he officially start his first year? Because it sounds like you may not even have a kid until that first year is up, or close to it, so that could work out well. Also if my hubby (who makes less than what yours will be making) and I can make that income work with me staying home and 3+ kids, I have no doubt y'all will figure it out! And yes, lots of curriculum out there. I can tell you (or anyone else interested) my favorites when you're at that stage, which is some years yet, if this thread is still going! This upcoming year I'm going to be investigating some online history classes for ds1. I feel like his math is pretty solid, he excels in English/writing (on testing he scored in the 86th percentile there), science....well anything is a science lesson if you teach it right...but we are so, so weak in history. I've tried couple different courses now and nothing sticks with him. Also History was my weakest subject in school so I have trouble teaching it. The tricky part is going to be finding an unbiased online class, as I know there is a lot of room for bias in history teachings. I just want straight facts.
Jules what a great update!! Yikes about the bp though; have you been recommended to take baby aspirin? I'm seeing that a lot in my due date group, that ob's are recommending it now, especially with any BP issues in your history, although I think it's typically a little further on. I'd ask you OB about it though as evidently it can reduce the risk of PreE. But yay for healthy baby!!! What a relief!
afm...do y'all remember I was in the hospital earlier this year sick? Well I think I had a minor relapse this past week -.- All the same symptoms. Did some digging online and found a medical report that stated relapses/gastro issues can come and go for up to TWO YEARS. Fantastic. This is actually my second relapse :/ fortunately they've both only lasted a few days which is better than the weeks of initial infection, but man, that's unfortunate. On the plus side it does come with decrease appetite and some weight loss which has helped me mitigate my weight gain that was getting out of control since I was basically living off bread products (when I usually eat hardly any). I'm keeping up on my prenatals and trying to get *something* in, but it's been a struggle. The illness comes with a complete lack of appetite (whereas right before I was constantly ravenous and if I didn't eat, I'd feel sick). Anyway I thought I had really been packing on pounds (because in the ~3 weeks of carbo loading, I had put on 5lbs) but am happy to see I've only put on 1 more pound since I last weighed myself a couple weeks ago.
Anyway I have a regular appointment later this month, then it's a looooong wait until the anatomy scan right after Christmas. I'm hoping I start feeling movements sooner rather than later for some reassurance. I can tell my uterus is definitely growing, so that's good, but nothing feels as reassuring as movement! I'm also hoping I'll get lucky and feel him early this time because he is crammed wayyyyyy tf up there in my uterus. So much so that even at my last apointment at 12 weeks they could hardly see him with the vaginal probe, had to move to abdominal (same as at 8 weeks).