@HalfricanMa YAY ANSWERS!! That is still super weird, especially never having a bleed, but heck yes to ovulation!! This will be the most bizarre scenario if you end up pregnant in two weeks lol But either way yay!! Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Personally with the answers and all that I'd forgo the ultrasound but that's up to you of course! Fasting's not so bad. I actually have gone 3 days before for health reasons and it sucked doing it but I felt absolutely amazing afterward. Hubby does period fasts, usually 5-7 days but the longest was 12 O_O He has much better willpower than I do lol. Also what a lovely surprise from hubby!!! yay!
@Jules8 what the heck, why would someone cut you off without explanation? How strange. That's too bad. Glad you found support at church. I'm the same, I have always had/prefer a small friend circle mostly because I just can't keep up with maintaining that many friendships. OMG, car accidents are so jarring!! I'm glad you're ok but goodness that's scary. Sorry about the ultrasound

That is always scary when you get diagnosed with anything abnormal, but I have found things usually go fine. There's a woman in my due date group that got that same diagnoses and had the same problem as you, not much info, and in fact the dr that found it had to refer her to another ob who knew more about it because they didn't. From personal risk where everything turned out fine -- the negative sides are obvious, it obviously adds to the nerves to be considered high risk. On the plus side, you do get more scans and lots of pics of baby, and it's nice to really watch them grown.

remember the most likely scenario is all will be totally fine!!
AFM....I got a call yesterday from my friend, the one that I mentioned the other day had the weird one word "congratulations" response (well, him and his wife but I'm closer to him, we've been friends for a very long time). Our call was cut short because he had a work call he had to take, but he did congratulate me over the phone and explained he'd been crazy busy with work and out of town a ton and living out of a hotel basically 5-6 days a week for weeks now. So it was nice to get an explanation, and we're trying to work out how/when we can get the families together soon. So that was a nice surprise!
Also I had my "12 week" ultrasound yesterday! Baby was technically 11+5 but measured spot on at 12. He was also about 2 days ahead at 8 weeks so not sure if my date is wrong or he's just measuring a touch ahead, but either way it's consistent anyway! He looked perfect. OB also varified they did do a CBC when I had my bloods done (I didn't know for sure because the script just said something vague like "prenatal workup") and my numbers are pristine. That was such a huge relief after all my scares earlier this year (I had low platelets, anemia, low potassium, low sodium, and other red flags). She said "it's amazing what the human body can do". No kidding! I mean that was only 5 months ago. I'm so, so happy and relieved. She's going to re-check levels at 28 weeks because I have a history of gestational thrombocytopenia (low platelets last time I was pregnant) but hopefully all will be well again then. I hate lab work, it makes me so nervous! But for now we're good so I'm happy. Anyway she said baby looks great; it was technically a "mini anatomy scan" and they checked everything, and all was good with baby. I have my full scan rigth after Christmas, and if all goes well that will be the last I see of baby until he arrives!
I finally, FINALLY feel like this is happening! Ahhh holy crap another baby! I am so happy it's another boy honestly. I was walking around target yesterday and getting overwhelmed by girl stuff lol. Dang they come with a lot of accessories! I mean all the flashy clothes, purses, hair stuff....I'm sure it's all very cute and fun but I'll be honest, I'm glad I can give mine a shovel and let them dig outside to keep them entertained

And when I need my girlie fix, I'm super lucky to have a cutie of a neice to dote on. And oh my is she girlie!! She loves purses and sparkles and HEELS (yes she's a shoe girl already) and she's only 2!
Ok will post the u/s pics in a sec....