Anyone want to join in quitting smoking


35+ TTC#1???
Dec 6, 2010
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So as from today I am a non smoker. I am excited to be free from my filthy habit but a teeny tiny bit fearful too. Hubby quit 2 weeks ago so the house has been smoke free since then as I decided that I would smoke outside to make it a bit easier on him. I also HATE smoking outside so I knew it was step one in helping me to quit.

I am doing this for several reasons:

Getting pregnant being the first and foremost. I know it was not helping. I finally opened my eyes to how hooked I was when a few weeks ago my period was late and I kinda got my hopes up a little and the first thought that entered my head was "oh shit I wont be able to smoke!!!!". Holy crap. I have wanted to get pregnant and have my own baby for as long as I can remember and that is my first thought. I knew then the cigs had to go.

Next reason is health. I want to get healthy and not stink of stale cig smoke.

Money then is obv a major factor. I am not prepared to pay €9.10 for a packet of cigarettes anymore. It is crazy money.

Anyway I just thought someone else might be doing this too and we could support each other!!!!
Congrats to you! I'm not a smoker but my father is...for the last 50 years. He's having surgery this Friday for an abdominal aortic aneurysm caused by smoking. I applaud your desire and motivation to quit. It is the best thing you can do for yourself and your future babies!

Today going forward I am going to quit diet coke and sugar...for me those are my addictions. I've done it before at the beginning of the year for about 10 days...but I fell back into the habit. I know it's not the same as smoking, but these chemicals are killing our bodies!
Jennjenn, First of all I want to say how sorry I am to hear about your dad. Has he quit now or is he still smoking. It is such a hard thing to see someone you love going through something like that. All smokers claim "It will never happen to me" or "I'd never let it get that far". Its all Bullcrap. Smoking is an addiction that you feel helpless over and once you take back control and see it for what it is then you can be free. I have just finished Allen Carr's book so I am kinda trying to reinforce his teachings.... sorry lol.

It doesnt matter if you are addicted to sugar, Diet Coke or cigs an addiction is an addiction and if you feel deprived of something then it makes it hard to quit. I have a bit of a caffenine addiction too but I try to limit myself to 1-2 cups of coffee a day and I have stopped buy Pepsi Max (mmmmm my cola of choice) so I understand exactly where you are coming from.

You said something there about those chemicals are killing our bodies. How true you are. They are chemical/poisions that we have no need of. They only so harm and have no benefits to taking them.
No he hasn't quit I don't expect he ever will.

The first week is the hardest, but if we can make it through one day at a time that is an accomplishment!
im 17 yrs off cigs. quit junior year of university. (after several prior attempts). what worked for me was having something to prove. there was a guy i liked and i wanted to prove i could do it.. he knew NOTHING about it. your mind plays tricks on you and it helps to have a solid reason that is always no (if that makes sense).. like perhaps the pregnancy, when you brain comes up with a million reasons why you can have just this one.. nope, gonna get pregnant, can be a pretty good answer to your brain. also if i really really really wanted one, id have someone blow smoke in my face. rather than actually taking a drag. unfortunatly the habit is the hardest part, not the actual physical addiction, all the things you are used to doing with a cig in your hand prompt cravings. it helps that my life is so different now than it was but.. when i think of textbooks i still think of cigs. personally i dont think the patch etc works. everyone i knwo who does that is still using the patch months or years later. rip that bandaid off fast, rather than slow and drawn out. fingers crossed, you can do it =)
Well I am over a week now off the cigs and I have to say it hasn't been that hard. No slip ups or even thought of putting one in my mouth. I have had the odd craving for one but not so bad that I got upset or felt I really really needed one.

I am very chuffed at myself for quitting and feel so much healthier and happier!!!!!
How are you getting on JennJenn??? Still on the wagon?
Nolly no comment!!! It has been so draining for me. My dad had surgery last Friday and we had a couple of set backs...then he complained the whole time about the bed and his back hurting. I just wanted to cry all the time because there was nothing I could do to help. I spent early mornings before work and my lunch hour with him all this week. And just when I tried to take an evening off, my brother or sister would come up with an excuse why they couldn't come...granted they both live 40 minutes from the hospital and I live I was back at the hospital trying to get him to eat and do his breathing exercises. To top it all off my 5 year old came down with the flu so we had to spend $400 on RX so we all are protected from giving it to my dad.

Luckily my dad is now at my sister's house. He will be staying with her for 2-3 weeks. We'd all like for him to make it permanent, but I am not sure he is ready for that just yet.

I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!! Keep up the good work and send me some of your good vibes! I have a big deadline at work, so I won't be on much for the next two weeks! But I try to check every night before I go to bed!
WTG Nolly!! :happydance: :happydance: Keep up the good work!! My mom quit cold turkey when I was about 7. It was her 30th bday, she'd smoked a pack a day since she was 14, and my younger sister and I had both recently been diagnosed as allergic to it and had asthma from it... when she realized it was killing us, that was her motivation for quitting. She's always said that the little tricks that helped her were to think of something that tasted nasty with a cigarette - like brushing her teeth, or drinking a glass of orange juice, or chewing a piece of strong cinnamon-flavored gum - and every time she had a craving, she did one of those things to kill the craving. From that day on, she was never without a pack of cinnamon gum in her purse! Now she works for a dentist, and every time she learns of a friend trying to kick the habit, she offers them her employee discount on getting their teeth bleached after they quit... she wants to do whatever she can to encourage others to quit.

It's great that you and your DH are quitting together - it always helps to have someone you're accountable to. You two won't regret it. Good luck, and keep it up! :thumbup::hugs::thumbup:

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