My midwife really is confused. The only reason she diagnosed it as a BO is because my levels were still rising which usually is what happens with a BO but this still didn't make sense to me because I thought a BO was just an empty sac.
You're absolutely correct. The main diagnostic criteria for a BO is that no embryo be visible (and the gestational and/or yolk sac has to be at a certain measurement, depending on the type of scan being used). If an embryo is visible, it's simply not a BO.
She said with a missed miscarriage my levels would have started to decline as soon as baby stopped growing. I should mention that I have not had any bleeding except a couple times after a bowel movement that went away as soon as it came and once after my first ultrasound. Nothing since. No cramping either.
I don't know if it's true that levels will start declining as soon as baby stops growing. If I were you, I would research that to confirm if it's accurate.
I don't think the lack of bleeding or cramps means anything, one way or the other. I had no bleeding with my BO, but light bleeding with my two healthy pregnancies (DD and my current pregnancy, which is healthy so far). Also, women who have had a MMC can go several weeks without having any bleeding or any sign that anything is wrong.
My first ultrasound was an abdominal one done last week when I should have been about 6 1/2 to 7 weeks. All the tech saw was a gestational sac and a yolk sac but no fetal pole. She tried with a transvaginal ultrasound but still couldn't find a fetal pole so the fact that they found a baby this time seems like something happened within that week.
I honestly don't know why anyone tries to do an abdominal ultrasound at 6/5-7 weeks, ESPECIALLY in a patient with a retroverted uterus. And I agree. If there was no baby then that they could see, and a baby now, then that would suggest to me that either: (1) something happened that week, or possibly (2) they somehow missed the baby in the first scan. At any rate, neither option would give me a lot of confident in their diagnosis right now that your pregnancy isn't viable.
I also have a tilted uterus and it was done on an abdominal ultrasound.
Ahh, again, crazy. I know I said it in my first post, but at 11 WEEKS with my daughter, they wouldn't see a HB using an abdominal ultrasound. 11 WEEKS!!! And she was perfectly viable and healthy!!!! Personally, I would NOT trust that ultrasound. My doctor's office doesn't even attempt abdominal ultrasounds until around 10-11 weeks and even then they admit it's sometimes on the early side to see things. Considering you think you're about 8 weeks, they wouldn't even have done that to you at my office. I really wouldn't trust it.
I would probably consider finding a new doctor's office, if I were you. Failing that, I would demand another ultrasound in a week or two and INSIST that they do it transvaginally, especially since you have a retroverted uterus.
At this point, I would be cautious, but I would CERTAINLY not be giving up on this pregnancy yet. Not until you've had a thorough follow-up TV ultrasound.
When you had your BO did they see anything in the sac or was it an empty sac?
With mine, I had a transvaginal ultrasound at 9 weeks. They saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac; NO baby. We did a follow-up transvaginal ultrasound at 10 weeks; same thing. At that point, I chose to induce the miscarriage. There was no question in my case that it was not viable.
In your case, I would definitely not give up until you've had a TV ultrasound.