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Anyone with anxiety?



I was just wondering if anyone suffers with anxiety? and if you're on medication for it has it helped?? Its getting the better of me and i feel like im never going to feel any better. It is wrecking my life and although I said i'd never take any medication for it... i think its my only option. I worry about absolutely everything, Im walking around like a zombie all day thinking of stupid 'what ifs' What if I go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus, What if something happens to me and the LOs are left on their own, What if I send my LOs to school and something bad happens to them ( im home schooling at the minute as Im terrified of taking them to school incase something bad happens while they're at school ) I feel like im going mad :cry:
Any advice would be appreciated.. I really cant cope anymore :nope: xx
Totally feel for you hun. I've suffered with anxiety briefly in the past. DH suffers with it terribly and everything you have just written sounds so familiar to me as he has the exact same worries. The main addition is he has regular chest pains induced by anxiety, where he is convinced he is having a heart attack. We even had to call an ambulance once, it was so bad.

He is on a low dose of beta-blocker and it does seem to have taken the edge off things for him, but he still gets really anxious about things like money, LO etc. We're moving house next month and it's been horrible for us all because of his constant and sometimes irrational worrying. I just try to be as supportive as I can and keep a brave face on things. He's told me so many times that he's glad I'm straight enough to tell him when he's being daft (ie. being run over by a bus).

See your doctor - explain how you feel. They may prescribe pills, counselling or even a mix of both, but you can get help. Do you have a close friend or partner who can be a listening ear and explain things calmly and rationally when your thoughts are chaotic and irrational? Maybe that kind of support could help?

Good luck and :hugs:

ETA: If you ever need a friend, feel free to PM me. x
Hey hun. (Sorry this is brief as I'm on my phone).:hugs: I know exactly how you feel, I have the 'what if' thoughts as well. I'm on sertraline for my anxiety and it really does help, but recently I tried to reduce my dosage and my anxiety is really bad again, I don't want to leave the house atm and cry and panic.on the way to work! :nope: Sorry I'm not much help because I don't know.how to stop it either :( its definately worth talking to ypu doctor though to see if there's anything to help. My advice would be to just do stuff, ignore the what ifs and push through the fear, don't give up and don't let ot beat you! Feel free to PM me anytime x
I have anxiety surrounding driving to places on my own that I've never been to. I shake and can't eat or sleep. I have a GPS which gives you turn by turn directions and I still get anxious for DAYS before! I usually avoid going places I don't know at all costs but on Monday I have to take PJ to the Orthopedist which is 40 minutes away in an unknown place. It's for PJ so I'm pushing through the fear, eventhough I'm pooping bricks at the moment. :argh:

I take an anti-depressant for my depression.
I take sertraline for anxiety and depression and it really helps me. Best wishes to you. Hugs Xx
Go and see your GP and ask for a referral to IAPT. It is a CBT service free of charge.

You can also request medication whilst you wait for your referral to go through. Not sure what the waiting times are as they are different in each team. (Ours is 1-2 days for assessment, 2 weeks for therapy).

PM me if you want to chat or you want some info about IAPT.

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